TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The normal daily/weekly teaching load shall be:
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. Teachers who will be affected by a change in grade assignments in the elementary school grades and by changes in subject assignment in the secondary school grades will be notified by their principals as soon as practicable and with tentative assignment given before June 1st. Such changes will be voluntary to the extent possible. Every effort will be made to avoid reassigning probationary elementary school teachers to different grade levels unless the same is necessary for the school district’s well-being or unless the teacher requests such change.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. Insofar as practical, the Board will endeavor to comply with State of Michigan standards in regard to teaching loads and assignments.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. Since pupils are entitled to be taught by teachers who are working within their areas of competence, teachers will not be assigned outside the scope of their teaching certificates or their major or minor fields of study except temporarily and for good cause.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The normal weekly teaching load in the junior and senior high schools will be thirty
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The normal weekly teaching load in the senior and junior high school will be 30 teaching periods and minimum of 5 unassigned preparation periods. The normal teaching load for secondary teachers will be a maximum of 5 separate preparations. If it is agreeable with the individual teacher involved, any teacher assigned 6 preparations shall receive 5.0% of the base salary for the additional preparation.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The teaching load at the secondary level shall not exceed twenty-five (25) teaching periods per week. The weekly teaching load in the elementary school shall not exceed thirty- two (32) hours of classroom teaching.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. Each high school teacher shall have not less than one (1) preparation period per day of not less than a full class period.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. Elementary school teachers who will be affected by a change in grade assignment and secondary teachers who will be affected by a change in subject assignment will be consulted and notified by their Principal or Superintendent as soon as possible and prior to August 1st of the contract year.
TEACHING LOADS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The normal teaching load in the senior high school will consist of an average of five (5) daily teaching periods and one (1) period of preparation, or the equivalent thereof. The normal teaching load at the middle school will consist of an average of five (5) daily teaching periods and one (1) period of preparation for core curriculum teachers. Related academics teachers at the middle school will teach five (5) periods per day on average with one (1) period of preparation. The term “preparation period” shall be construed to include the use of this period for purposes other than preparation that would be considered reasonable professional responsibilities or for purposes other than preparation when emergencies arise. The Association agrees that the purpose of non-teaching time (other than lunch periods) is to permit the teacher to have time during the school day for planning, conferences, preparations for teaching and related teaching functions and obligations concerned with the actual teaching assignment. The normal teaching load in the elementary schools for classroom and elementary teaching specialists will be approximately 26.5 hours of classroom duties weekly, or the equivalent thereof. Elementary teachers may use for preparation all the time during which their classes are receiving instruction from teaching specialists in the areas of elementary art, music, and physical education, and during the time of the 20 minute recess period when the students are under the direct supervision of hired playground aides. In addition, one-half (1/2) hour of the delayed start professional development days will be reserved for personal planning. Consistent with the above requirements, the Board shall determine the equivalence for employees in the bargaining unit who are assigned to non-classroom duties, such as librarians, guidance counselors, and itinerant personnel, etc. Travel time for all itinerant personnel shall count as contact time. The class size of an elementary teaching specialist will not exceed that of the elementary classroom teacher whose class they have for instruction (i.e., they will not have more than one teacher’s class during an instruction period). Exceptions will be made to accommodate students from self-contained special education classrooms. Department chairmen shall be appointed by the Administration and have such released time for their duties as the Administration deems necessary.