WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. 4.1 Assignment 6 4.2 Opportunity to Confer 7
5.1 Life Insurance 7 5.2 Long Term Disability Insurance 7 5.3 Health Insurance 7 5.4 Liability Insurance 8 5.5 Attendance Incentive Stipend 8 5.6 Professional Dues 8 5.7 Sabbatical Leave 8 5.8 Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993 9 5.9 Sick Leave 9 5.10 Sick Leave Bank 9 5.11 Annual Leave 11 5.12 Emergency/Personal Business Leave 12 5.13 Bereavement Leave 12 5.14 Juror or Witness Service 12 5.15 Military Leave 12 5.16 Leaves of Absence 12 5.17 Workers’ Compensation 14 5.18 Retirement Plan 14 5.19 Tuition Reimbursement 14
WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. A. The work year of the teachers shall be as follows:
1. The basic contract period for ten-month teachers who have tenure shall be 196 days, including six paid holidays, nine teacher duty days, one professional development day and 180 student attendance days. The basic contract for ten month teachers who are on an annual contract shall, in their first year of employment, be 201 days, including six paid holidays, fourteen teacher duty days, one professional development day, and 180 student attendance days. For annual contract teachers hired after the close of the first semester, if the teacher is reappointed, then that subsequent year shall be considered to be the teachers first year of employment. Specific dates shall be in accordance with the calendar except when otherwise authorized by law.
2. The first five days of an annual contract teacher’s first year of employment shall be part of “the Teacher Induction Program”. This five day program shall be developed jointly by the district and the Union. The district and the Union agree to meet from the beginning stages of planning for this meeting, and will meet as necessary to finalize the plans. The Union agrees that membership recruitment shall be limited to the lunch session provided by the Union. The sessions will include Staff Development designed to assist a teacher in having a successful first year, and may include programs from the Unions professional development program as well as other similar programs which focus on classroom set-up, rules and procedures and classroom management. There will also be a session on ethics in teaching. In designing the schedule for these five days, time will also be set aside for the teacher to spend time at his or her school. Teachers hired after the start of orientation but before the close of the first semester shall be required to fulfill an alternate orientation program developed jointly by the district and the Union
3. During pre-planning and post-planning, at least one half (1/2) of the work time shall be reserved for use by the teacher for activities and job responsibilities such as, but not limited to, class pla nning and preparation, required paperwork, parent conferences, team planning, and record keeping. The principal shall have the discretion to require attendance at faculty meetings, department meetings, grade level meetings, inservice meetings, etc., during the balance of the work time during pre-planning and post-planning. On pre- planning and post-plann...
WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. A. The normal workweek for full time bargaining unit members shall be defined as forty (40) hours a week at eight (8) hours a day. The normal workweek for the Food Services classification shall be defined as five (5) days a week to coincide with the school year.
B. At least five (5) working days prior to the start of school in any year, bargaining unit members shall receive written notice of the hours they are scheduled to work. Where reasonably possible, any subsequent changes in a bargaining unit member's hours shall be preceded by forty-eight (48) hours advance notice. On or before June 1 in any year, bargaining unit members shall receive written notice of the hours they are scheduled to work during the summer months. Where reasonably possible, any subsequent changes in a bargaining unit member's hours shall be preceded by forty-eight (48) hours advance notice.
C. Full time bargaining unit members shall be entitled to a duty-free, unpaid, thirty (30) minute lunch period. Should a bargaining unit member be required to perform work during a lunch period, the bargaining unit member shall be paid the appropriate portion of his/her hourly wage rate for all such work during the lunch period or his/her schedule will be adjusted by an amount of time equal to that worked.
D. Bargaining unit members who work in the Food Service classification for three (3) or more hours a day shall be entitled to a duty-free unpaid thirty (30) minute lunch period. The lunch period will be established by the Food Service Director or designee to coincide with the bargaining unit member's work schedule.
E. A bargaining unit member who works four (4) or more consecutive hours shall be entitled to one (1) fifteen
WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. A. The Employer will set forth work schedules and assignments which can reasonably be completed within the bargaining unit member's normal work week.
1. The first shift is any shift that regularly starts on or after 4 a.m. but before 11 a.m.
2. The second shift is any shift that regularly starts on or after 11 a.m. but before 7 p.m.
3. The third shift is any shift that regularly starts on or after 7 p.m. but before 4 a.m.
4. All bargaining unit members working an afternoon or evening shift may be rescheduled to the day shift when school is not in session. Such rescheduling to the day shift shall not reduce the total weekly hours for the bargaining unit member.
5. The regular full working day shall consist of not more than eight (8) hours per day.
6. Bargaining unit members shall receive at least seven (7) calendar days notice of any change in their normal starting and quitting time.
WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. 13.1 Full-time employees are employees who are employed by the Board for a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week. Part-time employees are employees who work less than thirty (30) hours per week.
13.2 The normal work-week for a full-time employee shall be 30-40 hours per week. Normally, employee working hours shall be equally divided over a five (5) day work-week. In the case of forty (40) hour per week employees, the work-week shall normally consist of five, eight-hour days. The Museum of Art and MCEC operate on a year- round schedule. Hours for full-time employees shall be consistent with the normal work-weeks stated above. Daily work hours at these two sites may vary from the normal work-day to fit the specific department's hours of operation. During the summer vacation period, the normal work-week for forty-hour employees shall be thirty-five (35) hours consisting of five, seven-hour days. Employees working less than forty (40) hours per week shall have their summer hours proportionately decreased. Summer hours shall be in effect the Monday following the end of the student school year and shall end on Monday, three weeks prior to students returning to school. Any employee working a reduced day during the summer vacation period shall not suffer any reduction in pay. Working days shall not include lunch periods. When an immediate administrative supervisor determines that an employee working less than forty (40) hours per week requires more time to complete a specific assignment, additional time may be requested by such administrative supervisor according to the procedures established in Section 5. Time worked over regularly scheduled hours up to forty (40) hours shall be compensated at the regular rate of pay. No group of employees in a given classification or seniority group will suffer a reduction in hours to avoid application of the layoff provisions of this Agreement.
13.3 Office workers will generally be employed for terms of forty (40) weeks (elementary schools) or fifty-two (52) weeks (central offices and some secondary school positions). Other periods of employment may be allowed to serve particular needs of individual offices. Specific needs will be reviewed annually.
13.4 Ordinarily the work year consists of 261 working days. From time to time, however, the calendar in certain years (leap year) includes one "extra" work-day. When that "extra" work-day occurs, compensatory time may be taken whenever agreed upon by the employee and the immediate a...
WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. Section 7.1 -- The building administrator will seek input from the paraprofessional in establishing the work hours and schedule including breaks and lunch periods.
WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS a. All drivers shall be guaranteed a minimum of two and one-quarter( 2 ¼ ) hours for their a.m. run, and two and one-quarter (2 ¼ ) hours for their p.m. run, and 2 hours for those who have a mid-day run.
b. All drivers report to the Transportation Department fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled departure time from the garage, of their daily regular runs. (This time is for the purposes of pre-trip inspection and bus cleaning etc.)
c. All regular runs will be paid according to the scheduled route time. If a run is delayed due to breakdown or other unforeseen circumstances, the employee shall be paid until they return and clock out. If a regular scheduled run extends seven (7) minutes beyond the scheduled route time, that driver shall be paid for fifteen minutes.
d. Vehicles are assigned to all routes, subject to change by the Business Administrator.
e. Regular drivers not driving their regularly assigned runs and not being paid for the day and wishing to work that day, shall be used first for temporary replacement drivers prior to substitutes. Drivers are required to let the supervisor or designee know of their availability, in writing, on forms provided for that purpose. Drivers shall keep a copy of the form submitted.
f. A sign up sheet shall be made available for spring, winter, and summer breaks for regular drivers who wish to drive. Regular drivers who wish to keep their regular bid route will continue on that route. Drivers shall have a choice of routes available by seniority on a rotation basis.
g. Drivers are required to drive their regular run if the run is scheduled on the school calendar, provided to the driver in the August bid meeting. If the calendar is inaccurate, the driver is not required to drive those runs, provided substitutes are available. Drivers of regular/mid-day runs scheduled during breaks wishing not to drive during the spring, summer, and/or winter breaks may be allowed to take time off without pay provided the administration has adequate substitutes/regular drivers for all runs during the break. The supervisor shall provide coverage for Drivers who wish to be off during the week when Solon Schools are not in session and the schools on their run are still in session, by offering the assignment to other drivers, based on seniority, who are on the “request to work list”.
WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS. A. In the event that an employee fails the required federal DOT physical examination, the employee will be granted a forty-five (45) day window in which to seek professional assistance to improve his/her condition, in order to be recertified by a DOT physician within the window. Extenuating circumstances may be considered to extend the forty-five (45) day window if mutually agreed upon by the Board and the Association.
WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS a. All mechanics receiving the ASE certification shall receive an additional $400 pay annually for each area of the ASE certification they possess. The Board shall reimburse mechanics for fees and mileage within two weeks of the employee’s submission of the appropriate receipts.
b. Mechanics must get their CDL.
WORKING HOURS AND CONDITIONS a. Full-time cafeteria employees are those who work six hours or more per day, 30 or more hours per week, student days plus two additional days for opening and closing of cafeterias. A regular short hour employee is someone who works less than 30 hours per week.
b. Working hours for all cafeteria employees as agreed upon at the time of hiring or assignment shall be set by the Food Service Supervisor with the approval of the Business Administrator.
c. In case of absence, all cafeteria personnel will notify their supervisor in sufficient time so that a substitute can be secured. Substitutes receive least amount of hours on a job location unless bargaining unit employees refuse.
d. All cafeteria employees shall be paid every other week. Salaries shall be fixed in accordance with the salary schedule by the business administrator upon recommendation of the Food Service Supervisor, subject to the approval of the Superintendent.
e. Each cafeteria employee receiving S.N.A. certification shall be compensated by adding to the base rate, or in a lump sum payment in the June 30th pay if newly certified, the annual amount of $300.
f. All cafeteria employees who successfully obtain the “Serve Safe Certification”, whether required, or not required for their job classification, shall be reimbursed for all costs associated with the classes and exam necessary to obtain certification.
g. Each cafeteria employee required to hold the “Serve Safe Certification”, as part of their job classification, shall receive a one-time lump sum payment of $500 upon successful completion of the certification or upon original hire into the classification.