AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME. NFFE Officers and officials, including Stewards, shall be permitted a reasonable amount of official time to represent employees in accordance with this agreement. This official time and any specified time under this agreement can be used for any representational function, including but not limited to, handling complaints, appropriate lobbying functions during Annual Legislative Activities week, preparing reports required under 5 X.X.X 0000, coverage of the Local Union Office, and any other functions addressed in this agreement.
AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME. Union Officers and Stewards, shall be permitted reasonable times during working hours without loss of leave or pay when approved by the first line supervisor, to represent employees in accordance with this agreement. Use of official time when approved by the first line supervisor will not be limited to the confines of the activity but will allow the representative to travel in accord with the needs of the individual case. Activities for which properly designated Union representatives may appropriately use a reasonable amount of official time during duty hours without charge to leave or loss of any pay, includes but is not limited to the following: a. The Union agrees that its Officials and Stewards will use official time judiciously. b. For representing the Union in negotiations in accordance with, "Negotiations," official time will be authorized for such purposes during the time the employees would otherwise be in a duty status; c. To investigate, prepare, and present a complaint, grievance, or appeal as a Union representative of an employee; d. A Union representative will be afforded reasonable official time to be present at the time of settlement or decision of any complaint, grievance, or appeal, where the complainant has not elected a Union representative; e. Reasonable time for preparation of information reports, required under 5 U.S.C. Section 7120(c), including financial reports and trusteeship reports, shall be accorded to Union officials. The amount of time granted will be that necessary to gather data and complete reports; f. Attend formal and investigatory meetings between management officials and employees when such meetings are called by management and meet the criteria of 5 U.S.C. 7114(a)(2); g. To participate in an arbitration or other administrative hearing including EEO, Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), or Office of Workers Compensation Program (OWCP) in either a representational capacity or as a witness. This provision is not intended to replace or conflict with a representatives or a witness’ entitlement to official time under statutory venues. h. Negotiate with management officials concerning grievances, personnel policies or practices, or matters affecting working conditions of employees; i. Attend committee meetings as a designated Union representative; j. Present Union grievances to the Employer; k. Respond to Employer grievances; and l. Reasonable time shall also be granted as necessary to Union representatives and affected e...
AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME. Union officers and officials, including stewards, shall be permitted reasonable time during working hours without loss of leave or pay to represent employees in accordance with this agreement. Use of official time will not be limited to the confines of the office of the employee but will allow the representative to travel in accordance with the needs of the individual case.
AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME. Use of official time will be administered in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, including the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR’s).
AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME. Section 1. Union officers and officials including designated representatives shall be permitted reasonable time during duty hours without loss of leave or pay to represent the Unit of exclusive recognition in accordance with this agreement. Section 2. The Employer agrees to permit Union representative(s) reasonable time, if otherwise in a duty status, to fulfill the Union's responsibilities under the provisions of Article 7 of this agreement. The number of Union representatives on official time shall not exceed the number of Employer representatives. Section 3. Reasonable time for representational functions in connection with complaints, grievances, and appeals shall be that necessary for presentation thereof and that required for participation in all meetings hearings or other assembled proceedings necessitating the appearance of the grievant/appellant or representative.
AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME. Union representatives are only authorized to perform Union representational duties under this Agreement while on approved official time. Any employee who uses official time without advance written Agency authorization, or for purposes not specifically authorized by the Agency, shall be considered absent without leave (AWOL) and subject to appropriate disciplinary action. In the administration of this Article, the total amount of official time shall not exceed the equivalent of 1 hour per bargaining unit employee per fiscal year, except as otherwise required by law, government-wide rule or regulation. Except as otherwise provided for in this Article, employees shall spend at least ¾ of their paid time, measured each fiscal year, performing Agency business or attending necessary training (as required by NWS), in order to ensure that they develop and maintain the skills necessary to perform their NWS duties efficiently and effectively. Stewards shall be permitted reasonable amounts of official time. Below is a guideline for judging the amount of official time typically used to perform authorized functions on duty time: Informal resolution efforts with Management or consideration of a possible grievance prior to the filing of a grievance – Up to 2 hours Arbitration Hearing – if presenting the case before the arbitratorActual time in hearing. Formal meetings – Actual time of meeting. Xxxxxxxxxx meetings – Actual time of meeting.
AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME. A. UNION officers and officials including representatives will be permitted reasonable official time (including travel time) without loss of leave or pay to represent or negotiate on behalf of EMPLOYEES in accordance with this Agreement. Official time will be granted for administration of this Agreement and its supplements, including review of Management proposals concerning working conditions, preparation of Union proposals; representational functions, such as receiving, investigating, reviewing, preparing and presenting grievances and/or appeal actions and preparation of reports. B. Representation matters such as meetings with the EMPLOYER, negotiations and grievance handling will be scheduled during duty time. C. The EMPLOYER will record the Union representative's use of official time spent on representational activities.
AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME. Union Officers and Stewards, shall be permitted reasonable times during working hours without loss of leave or pay to represent employees in accordance with this agreement. However, absences must be approved by Management. Use of official time when approved by Management will not be limited to the confines of the activity but will allow the representative to travel in accord with the needs of the individual case. Activities for which properly designated Union representatives may appropriately use a reasonable amount of official time during duty hours without charge to leave or loss of any pay includes but is not limited to the following: a. For representing the Union in negotiations in accordance with Article 39, "Negotiations," official time will be authorized for such purposes during the time the employees would otherwise be in a duty status; b. To investigate, prepare and present a complaint, grievance or appeal as a Union representative of an employee; c. To be present at the time of settlement or decision of any complaint, grievance, or appeal, where the complainant has not designated a Union representative;
AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME a. Local union officials, including stewards, shall be permitted reasonable time during working hours without loss of leave or pay to effectively represent employees in accordance with this agreement. Use of official time will not be limited to the confines of the activity but will allow the representative to travel in accordance with the needs of the individual case. The union agrees to guard against the abuse of this time and to exercise diligence in completing its representational duties. b. The union treasurer will be allowed up to four (4) hours a month of official time for maintenance of financial records required under the Civil Service Reform Act and the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act. In addition, reasonable time will be granted for union observer(s) of a complaint, grievance or appeal. This period shall be the amount of time necessary to observe these proceedings to their conclusion. c. All negotiations and representational duties will normally be conducted on official duty time. d. Reasonable time for receiving, investigating, preparing and presenting a complaint, grievance or appeal must depend on the facts and circumstances of each case; e.g., number and nature of allegations, number and complexity of supporting specifics, the volume of supporting evidence, availability of documents and witnesses and similar considerations.
AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TIME. Section 1. The Parties agree that Union officers and designated representatives will be Section 2. The Union President will be granted not less than 40 hours of official time per pay Section 3. Reasonable time for representational functions, for all other representatives, in Section 4. Official time authorized by this Article for preparation purposes will be spent on Section 5. Reasonable time for a Union observer to be present at the proceedings of a Section 6. An officer or representative of the Union will notify his/her immediate supervisor A. general area(s) to be visited; B. approximate amount of time required; and C. when the time is to be utilized. Section 7. An officer or representative of the Union who leaves his/her work area will advise Section 8. If the Employer has reason to believe an officer or representative of the Union is Section 9. It is the responsibility of the Union to accurately account for all official time utilized A. nature of the business for which time was requested; B. the amount of official time utilized; and C. when the time was utilized. Section 10. The Union Representative and/or his/her designee at each level will be granted Section 11. Provided he/she can be released from duty, the Union President or his/her designee Section 12. The Parties agree that in all cases the amount of official time utilized for