Community Outreach Plan. Seller has initiated, or has plans to initiate, discussions and/or informational sessions with community and neighborhood groups in and around the vicinity of the Facility to inform the neighboring public and community about the Facility and to gather information regarding neighboring public and community concerns regarding the Facility. Seller shall formulate and implement a community outreach plan no later than the PUC Submittal Date and provide a copy of such plan to Company upon its finalization and before implementation. The purpose and scope of such plan shall be in Seller’s discretion, provided, however, that any such plan shall, at a minimum, include provisions to inform the neighboring community, allay concerns, and implement, where commercially reasonable and possible, requests from the community to xxxxxx support for the Facility from the neighboring community.
Community Outreach Plan. The Parties acknowledge that, prior to the Execution Date, Seller provided to Company a comprehensive community outreach and communications plan to work with and inform neighboring communities and stakeholders to gain their support for the Project (“Community Outreach and Engagement Plan”). Seller agrees to work with neighboring communities and stakeholders and to provide them timely information during all phases of the Project, including, but not limited to the following information: Project description, Project stakeholders, community concerns and Seller’s efforts to address such concerns, Project benefits, government approvals, Project schedule, and a Community Outreach and Engagement Plan. Seller’s Community Outreach and Engagement Plan is a public document and shall remain available to members of the community on Seller’s website for the Term of this Agreement and upon request. Seller shall also provide Company with links to their Project website and Community Outreach and Engagement Plan. The Parties also acknowledge that, prior to the Execution Date, Seller provided reasonable advance notice and hosted a public meeting for community and neighborhood groups in and around the vicinity of the Project site that provided the neighboring community, stakeholders, and the general public with: (i) a reasonable opportunity to learn about the proposed Project; (ii) an opportunity to engage in a dialogue about concerns, mitigation measures, and potential community benefits of the proposed Project; and (iii) information concerning the process and/or intent for the public’s input and engagement, including advising attendees that they will have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of said public meeting to submit written comments to Company and/or Seller for inclusion in Company’s submission to the PUC of its application for a satisfactory PUC Approval Order. Seller shall collect all public comments, and then provide Company copies of all comments received in their original, unedited form, along with copies of all comments with personal information redacted and ready for filing. Seller agrees that Company may submit any and all public comments (presented in its original, unedited form) as part of its PUC application for this Project. Seller acknowledges and agrees that subsequent to the PUC Submittal Date and prior to the date when the Parties’ statements of position are to be filed in the docketed PUC proceeding for this Project, Seller will solicit public com...
Community Outreach Plan. A Community Outreach Plan shall begin once the key stakeholders list has been approved by the City. The Community Outreach Plan shall include a timeline for community relations implementation, showing the following types of outreach milestones. • Due dates for draft collateral deliverables, along with completion deadlines for City reviews and due dates for revised / final collateral deliverables. • Dates public notices must be distributed and signage posted. • Timing of web page updates and any other online and print press releases. • Timing of public meetings and associated preparation activities, including provision for Preliminary / 30% and 100% design meetings with community planning groups, boards, committees and other key project stakeholders. The Community Outreach Plan shall clearly identify roles and responsibilities for outreach implementation, as well as, points of contact and lines of communication. The Community Outreach Plan shall focus on outreach to planning groups, the community, businesses, and other key stakeholders along the project alignment. The key stakeholders list with contact information shall be included as an appendix to the Community Outreach Plan.
Community Outreach Plan. A Community Outreach Plan shall begin once the key stakeholders list has been approved by the City. The Community Outreach Plan shall include a timeline for community relations implementation, showing the following types of outreach milestones. ▪ Due dates for draft collateral deliverables, along with completion deadlines for City reviews and due dates for revised / final collateral deliverables. ▪ Timing of public meetings and associated preparation activities, including provision for 60% and 100% Design meetings with community planning groups, boards, committees, and other key Project stakeholders. ▪ Clearly identify roles and responsibilities for outreach implementation, as well as points of contact and lines of communication. The plan shall focus on outreach to planning groups, the community, businesses, and other key stakeholders along the Project alignment. The key stakeholders list with contact information shall be included as an appendix in the Plan. Two (2) rounds of community meetings at 60% and 100% Design. XXX will mail a letter describing the Project scope, schedule, budget, benefits, and a summary of the anticipated impacts. The letter will ask the community planning groups, boards, committees and other key Project stakeholders asking them if they would like a Project presentation.
Community Outreach Plan. Developer shall submit the Community Outreach Plan required by Section 703(3) of the Original DDA to the CRA/LA, Chief Executive Officer, or his/her designee. At least 30 days prior to commencement of grading.
Community Outreach Plan. (a) Submission of Plan – By the time set forth in the Schedule of Performance, Developer shall meet with the BCA and representatives of Authority to hold a preconstruction meeting. During the preconstruction meeting, Lessee shall be provided with the policies and procedures of the City regarding the MBE, WBE and OBE outreach efforts. By the time set forth in the Schedule of Performance and prior to Commencement of Construction of each Phase, Lessee shall submit to the BCA and Authority, for approval (not to be unreasonably withheld), the Community Outreach Plan for the Project. The Community Outreach Plan shall set forth the methods Lessee will use to comply with this Section 17.3. Upon receipt of the Community Outreach Plan, Lessee and the BCA and Authority shall work together and review the Community Outreach Plan and the BCA and Authority shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof, approve or disapprove the Community Outreach Plan, or provide to Lessee a statement of actions required to be taken in order for the Community Outreach Plan to be approved. Lessee shall meet and confer with the BCA and Authority to address such recommended actions. Upon a resolution, Lessee shall promptly modify such Plan to respond to the specific concerns raised by the Authority or BCA and submit the revised Community Outreach Plan to Authority and City for review and approval. If either or both the BCA or Authority fails to respond to the originally submitted Plan within thirty (30) days after submission, or to the resubmitted Plan within fifteen (15) days after resubmission (the combined 30 day and 15 day review periods are referred to herein, collectively, as the “Review Period”), the Community Outreach Plan shall be deemed disapproved by the BCA or Authority, as applicable. Lessee shall not Commence Construction of Phase I of the Project unless the Community Outreach Plan has been approved by the BCA and Authority except to the extent provided below. Recognizing that approval of the Community Outreach Plan prior to the Commencement of Construction is necessary for Lessee to implement the Plan in advance of construction, if BCA or Authority approval of the Plan is not obtained within the foregoing Review Period (and provided that the Community Outreach Plan was timely submitted to both the BCA and Authority in accordance with the Schedule of Performance and that Lessee has responded to all comments received in a timely manner), then the deadline for Lessee to C...
Community Outreach Plan. The CRA/LA or his/her designee shall approve or disapprove the Community Outreach Plan. Within 30 days after receipt by CRA/LA. Developer shall submit to the Authority a pro forma budget for Phase I. March 31, 2014 Developer shall submit to the Authority a Schedule of Performance for Phase I substantially as this Exhibit “B” with the blanks completed, which shall be subject to the Authority’s approval prior to incorporation into the Fourth Amendment as the Schedule of Performance for Phase I; provided that in no event shall the fixed dates currently in this Exhibit “B” be modified. March 31, 2014 Submit to Authority’s counsel, Xxxxxxxxx & Xxxxxx, for confidential review in accordance with Section 904(ii) of the Original DDA, a copy of an executed preliminary venture agreement and management agreement with respect to Phase I between Developer and SBE Hotel Group, LLC, or another operator of a First Class Hotel (as defined in Section 110 of the Original DDA), which operator may be approved or disapproved by the Authority in its sole discretion. March 31, 2014 The City shall preliminarily approve of the Parking and Hotel Tax Rebates (as defined in Section 101(7) of the Original DDA) in a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Developer, and the City will direct its staff to prepare the necessary documents (and enabling ordinance if required) to effect such Parking and Hotel Tax Rebates, subject to the City’s right to further approve such implementing documents. July 31, 2014 Governing Entities approval of the Fourth Amendment to the DDA. July 31, 2014
Community Outreach Plan. A new Section 318.2.5. is added as follows:
Community Outreach Plan. (a) The Parties acknowledge that, prior to the Execution Date, Seller provided to Company a comprehensive community outreach and communications plan to work with and inform neighboring communities and stakeholders to gain their support for the Project (“Community Outreach and Engagement Plan”). Seller agrees to work with neighboring communities and stakeholders and to provide them timely information during all phases of the Project, including, but not limited to the following information: Project description, Project stakeholders, community concerns and Seller’s efforts to address such concerns, Project benefits, government approvals, Project schedule, and a Community Outreach and Engagement Plan. Seller’s Community Outreach and Engagement Plan is a public document and shall remain available to members of the community on Seller’s website for the Term of this Agreement and upon request. Seller shall also provide Company with links to their Project website and Community Outreach and Engagement Plan.
(b) The Parties also acknowledge that, prior to the Execution Date, Seller provided reasonable advance notice and hosted a public meeting for community and neighborhood groups in and around the vicinity of the Project site that provided the neighboring community, stakeholders, and the general public with: (i) a reasonable opportunity to learn about the proposed Project; (ii) an opportunity to engage in a dialogue about concerns, mitigation measures, and potential community benefits of the proposed Project; and (iii) information concerning the process and/or intent for the public’s input and engagement, including advising attendees that they will have thirty
Community Outreach Plan. The Community Outreach Plan shall describe the steps the Committee will take to engage the community in the planning for the Celebration, including obtaining community input and the use of volunteers.