Community Subprojects. 1. The Project Implementing Entity shall make Community Subproject Grants to Beneficiary Community Associations in accordance with eligibility criteria and procedures acceptable to the Association set forth in the Operational Manual, which shall include inter alia the following:
(a) No Community Subproject shall be eligible for financing out of the proceeds of the Financing unless the Project Implementing Entity has determined, on the basis of an appraisal conducted in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Operational Manual that the Community Subproject satisfies the eligibility criteria specified in the Operational Manual.
(b) The cumulative amount of Community Subproject Grants made to each Beneficiary Community Association shall not, except with the prior approval of the Association, exceed the equivalent of USD 50,000.
(c) The Beneficiary Community Association shall contribute in cash or kind at least 10% of the cost of the Community Subproject.
2. The Project Implementing Entity shall make each Community Subproject Grant under a Community Subproject Grant Agreement with the respective Beneficiary Community Association on terms and conditions approved by the Association, which shall include the following:
(a) The Community Subproject Grant shall be denominated in Djiboutian Franc.
(b) The Project Implementing Entity shall obtain rights adequate to protect its interests and those of the Association, including the right to:
(i) suspend or terminate the right of the Beneficiary Community Association to use the proceeds of the Community Subproject Grant, or obtain a refund of all or any part of the amount of the Community Subproject Grant then withdrawn, upon the Beneficiary Community Association’s failure to perform any of its obligations under the Community Subproject Grant Agreement; and
(ii) require each Beneficiary Community Association to:
(A) carry out its Community Subproject with due diligence and efficiency and in accordance with sound technical, economic, financial, managerial, environmental and social standards and practices satisfactory to the Association, including in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Guidelines applicable to recipients of loan proceeds other than the Recipient;
(B) provide, promptly as needed, the resources required for the purpose;
(C) procure the goods, works and services to be financed out of the Community Subproject Grant in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;
(D) maintain pol...
Community Subprojects. (a) Prior to the approval of any proposed Community Subproject, the Borrower (through FONCODES and UGP), shall ensure that the OTS gives full support for the establishment of NE-JASSs, as needed, and applies the Environmental Guidelines and the Social Guidelines, in order to:
(i) carry out an environmental and social screening and assessment of such proposed Community Subproject; and
(ii) prepare recommendations for the prevention, mitigation and remediation of any potential environmental or social damage arising from the implementation of such proposed Community Subproject.
(b) During the implementation of any Community Subproject, the Borrower (through FONCODES and UGP) shall ensure that OTS carries out the recommendations of the environmental assessment referred to in subparagraph (a) (ii) above as prescribed in the Revised Operational Manual.
Community Subprojects. Financing of grants for small scale community investments (Community Subprojects) consisting, inter alia, of: (a) infrastructure investments such as for rural water supply and electrification; (b) social investments such as construction of day care centers and rehabilitation of schools and health posts; and (c) other productive investments such as for small-scale community agro-processing and minor irrigation schemes. Part 2: Institutional Development
(a) Provision of technical assistance and training for Community Associations in, inter alia, community mobilization and organization, preparation of Community Subprojects and operation and maintenance of such Community Subprojects.
(b) Provision of training to the Municipal Councils and to CAR with respect to their role and responsibilities, the contents of the Operational Manual, subproject evaluation and supervision, environmental assessment of Community Subprojects, participatory planning and financial management.
Community Subprojects. The promotion, appraisal, design, carrying out, supervision, monitoring, evaluation and provision of Grants for the financing of Subprojects prepared and submitted by Beneficiaries, including, inter alia, protected communal hand-dug xxxxx with or without a water lifting device; communal boreholes equipped with handpumps; mechanized boreholes with overhead tank, limited distribution networks and communal stand pipes; surface water supply systems storage and distribution network with standpipes; protected spring sources, with or without simple distribution networks and storage; rainwater catchments; household and school latrines; and all other water and sanitation technologies which meet all technical, environmental, financial, and sustainability requirements as specified in the POM. Part B: Sector Strengthening Strengthening of the capacity of service providers in the water and sanitation sector to ensure adequate and timely provision of high quality goods and services at the local level through:
(a) the provision of technical advisory services, training, logistical support and simplification of procedures to encourage the participation of the small-scale entrepreneur, particularly to drilling contractors, drilling consultants and supervisors, hand-dug well contractors, spare parts suppliers, sanitation contractors, area mechanics, latrine artisans, small town water system operators, and providers of training and community development services;
(b) the organization of orientation courses for DA personnel and orientation sessions to be implemented by the regional water supply teams for District Assembly staff, education officers, school health program coordinators, and other relevant personnel covering information pertaining to the Project, the demand-based nature of the Project, contracting arrangements, financial management and production and distribution of easy-to-use district-level POMs; and
(c) the provision of technical advisory services, equipment and training to support the Borrower’s national community water and sanitation program development, including, inter alia, initial equipment and vehicles for RWSTs, participatory program reviews by all stakeholders, topical research, mass media campaigns for disseminating hygiene education and external impact assessments, exchanges with other countries, other special studies, including strategies for reducing unit costs of boreholes, and sustainable spare parts distribution. Part C: Program Management Stren...
Community Subprojects. (a) The Recipient’s Project Coordination Team shall be responsible for the identification of participating Villages within the LGAs in accordance with transparent and equitable criteria set forth in the PIM, including without limitation, the population size of the Villages and poverty levels. All the Wards within the LGAs shall be eligible to participate in the Project. Funds shall be allocated to participating Villages based on the population size and poverty levels. The selected participating Villages shall be endorsed by the Project Steering Committee.
(b) Following the identification of participating Villages within the LGAs by the PCT and endorsement by the Project Steering Committee, the Recipient shall undertake an awareness raising sensitization campaign, and a planning and diagnostic exercise, based upon which a three year Village strategic development plan shall be prepared. The Wards shall also undertake a similar exercise and prepare a three year Xxxx strategic development plan. Community development assistants or community development officers from the DoSLGL, in conjunction with the MDFTs, shall provide such assistance as shall be required by the Villages or Wards during this process and ensure that the proposed plans take into account the eligible activities to be financed out of the Community Development Facility. Without limitation to the provisions of the XXX, proposed Community Subprojects must be consistent with the Village or Xxxx strategic development plans, as the case may be. Proposed Community Subprojects shall focus on social and economic investments including capacity building and income generating activities. The Village or Xxxx must also establish and maintain through out Project implementation a Village Development Committee or Xxxx Development Committee, as the case may be.
(c) The Local Government Authority shall endorse the Village and Xxxx strategic development plans through the TAC which shall ensure that the development activities at the LGA, Xxxx and Village level conform to national standards, policies and priorities. Specific Community Subprojects under the said plans shall be endorsed by the TAC as part of the tripartite agreement to be entered into pursuant to paragraph C.1 (d) of this Section II.
(d) Following the endorsement by the TAC of the proposed Village and Xxxx strategic development plans, the Recipient shall enter into a tripartite written agreement with the Local Government Authority, and the Village or X...
Community Subprojects. Financing through Area Grants of small scale community investments (Community Subprojects) consisting, inter alia, of: (a) infrastructure investments such as rural water supply, electrification, and access to communities’ improvements; (b) social investments such as construction and rehabilitation of day care centers, schools and health posts; and (c) other investments such as small-scale community agro-processing, purchase of agricultural equipment and minor irrigation schemes. Part 2: Institutional Development: (a) Provision of technical assistance and training for Community Associations in, inter alia, community mobilization and organization, preparation of Community Subprojects, and operation and maintenance of such Community Subprojects; (b) training and equipping of Municipal Councils with respect to the role of Municipal Councils, the contents of the Operational Manual, Community Subproject evaluation and supervision, environmental assessment of Community Subprojects, participatory planning and financial management; (c) provision of on-the-job training and expert advice for the STU, Municipal Councils, and Community Associations on technical matters regarding the Community Subprojects preparation/execution cycle (such matters to include, for example, standard designs, monitoring techniques and financial management); (d) provision of technical assistance for SEPLAN in support of the implementation of the Borrower's administrative modernization in areas related to the Project; and (e) carrying out of workshops and seminars for Municipal Councils and Community Associations to exchange views and disseminate information and experience with respect to the carrying out of the Project.
Community Subprojects. Financing of demand driven projects (the Community Subprojects) in about 216 Municipalities consisting, inter alia, of: (a) socio-economic infrastructure investments, such as community school construction, establishment of rural health posts, rural access road improvement, establishment of community day-care and community centers, installation of sanitation facilities, acquisition and utilization of distance learning equipment, establishment of training centers, installation of water systems and rural electrification; (b) production investments, such as small-scale agro-industry, handicrafts, irrigation schemes and tourism promotion; and (c) environmental investment, such as recycling, watershed protection, community forestry, non-timber forest products, and forest fire prevention equipment for community use. Part B: Institutional Development
Community Subprojects. Financing of small scale and pilot community investments, including technical assistance, consisting, inter alia, of: (a) infrastructure investments such as rural water supply, electrification, local road improvements and construction of small bridges; (b) social investments such as construction and rehabilitation of schools and health posts; and (c) other investments such as small-scale community agro-processing, purchase of agricultural equipment, development of minor irrigation schemes, transportation, and purchase of building materials. Part C: Community Development Support and Project Dissemination at the Participating State Level Strengthening of the quality and effectiveness of Project activities through:
1. Provision of technical assistance and training for Beneficiaries and potential Beneficiaries in, inter alia, community mobilization and organization, preparation of Community Subprojects, and operation and maintenance of investments.
2. Design and carrying out of information campaigns within the Participating States’ territory to disseminate information about the Project, through, inter alia, posters, radio spots, leaflets and videos.
3. Exchange of information on the operation, maintenance and overall results of Community Subprojects within a Participating State, as well as among the Participating States. Part D: Project Administration at the Participating State Level Strengthening of the capacity of the STUs, their field offices and other agencies of the Participating States in respect of Project coordination, supervision and monitoring through the provision of technical assistance, training and office equipment and the financing of incremental costs. Part E: Project Evaluation and Dissemination at the Borrower’s Level
1. Carrying out of an evaluation study of the impact of specific land reform programs (including an evaluation of the impact of the Project) conducted at the State and at the national levels.
2. Carrying out of studies relating to land policy issues, including, inter alia, analysis of land prices, availability of lands for sale, land holdings by commercial banks, the effect of a market-assisted land reform on land markets, and institutional and financial options for the Borrower’s land reform program.
3. Support for the activities to be carried out under the Project by the NTU through the provision of consultants’ services and data processing services. The Project is expected to be completed by March 31, 2004.
Section I. Procure...
Community Subprojects. Financing through Area Grants of small scale community investments (Community Subprojects) consisting, inter alia, of: (a) infrastructure investments such as for rural water supply and electrification; (b) social investments such as construction of day care centers and rehabilitation of schools and health posts; and (c) other productive investments such as for small-scale community agro-processing and minor irrigation schemes. Part 2: Institutional Development:
(a) Provision of technical assistance and training for Community Associations in, inter alia, community mobilization and organization, preparation of Community Subprojects, operation and maintenance of such Community Subprojects.
(b) Training and equipping of Municipal Councils with respect to their role and responsibilities, the contents of the Operational Manual, subproject evaluation and supervision, environmental assessment of subprojects, participatory planning and financial management.
(c) Provision of on-the-job training and expert advice for XXXXX’ staff, Municipal Councils, and Community Associations on technical matters regarding the Community Subproject preparation/execution cycle (such matters to include, for example, technical designs, monitoring techniques and financial management).
(d) Carrying out of workshops and seminars for Municipal Councils and Community Associations to exchange views and disseminate information and experience with respect to the implementation of the Project.
Community Subprojects. No. of Community Subprojects implemented -infrastructure -social -productive No. of Beneficiaries (under Community Subprojects) -Total -% women -women as % of productive Community Subprojects No. of Associations No. of Municipalities attended No. of Municipal Councils established No. of Independent Municipal Councils established 2. Institutional Development No. of persons trained from: -Associations -communities -Municipal Councils -Independent Municipal Councils -PCU No. of courses, seminars and other training activities offered to: -Associations -communities -Municipal Councils -Independent Municipal Councils -PCU