D. and E Sample Clauses
D. and E. The Administration will ensure that each eligible faculty member’s personnel file is current and complete with respect to those documents that originate with the Administration. The faculty member will be responsible for timely presentation of documents originating with the faculty member. The faculty member should begin assembling his or her tenure portfolio upon hire.
D. and E of the Agreement are hereby amended to read as follows: “
D. and E of County service, with the part-time service being applied proportionately to the appropriate full-time interval. FD. Additional vacation earned during the period of vacation may be taken consecutively.
D. and E of full-time County service to be postponed a number of calendar days equal to the Official Leave approved unpaid Leave.
D. and E. Teachers may not use sick days for non-medical travel and then assert they become sick and claim a valid sick day. In the case of an extended illness, the Board may request a physician's certified statement. The Board may investigate suspicious situations regarding sick days and take appropriate action.
D. and E. Sections 2.2(d) and (e) of the Agreement are hereby amended in their entirety as follows:
D. and E. Licensee shall not allow its officers, agents, employees, invited guests, or attendees to possess, sell, serve, or otherwise make available while occupying the space, any alcoholic beverages without first:
D. and E. 2 of the Project, with the assistance of XXXX-Fes and under the terms of the Convention, with due diligence and efficiency and in conformity with appropriate engineering, environmental, and technical practices, and shall provide, or cause to be provided, promptly as needed, the funds, facilities, services and other resources required for Parts B.1(c); B.2; C.1; D and E.2 of the Project.
D. and E. The Administration will ensure that each eligible faculty member’s personnel file is current and complete with respect to those documents that originate from the Administration. The faculty member will be responsible for timely presentation of documents originating from the faculty member. A faculty member in a position eligible for the award of a continuing contract should begin assembling his portfolio during his first term of hire by the District Board of Trustees. To be eligible for the award of the continuing contract, the following requirements must be met:
1. The faculty member will be considered for tenure (continuing contract) during the spring term of his fifth year of service to the College, as provided in Section 6.16.E below, based upon the successful performance of duties and demonstration of professional competence as documented on the official Instructional Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form, Librarian and Counselor Evaluation Performance Review form and End-of-Year Verification form. The faculty member must be recommended without reservation by his Xxxx and reappointed by the Campus President for the sixth year without reservations or specifics as provided by the rules of the State Board of Education. The Xxxx’x recommendation is based upon consideration of a number of elements, including but not limited to student success, compatibility, educational qualifications, scope and currency of subject matter knowledge, and relevant student feedback. The faculty member must be recommended for tenure (continuing contract) by his campus tenure committee and the College-wide Tenure Committee. The faculty member must complete fifty (50) hours of continuing professional development. The required hours should be earned throughout the five-year period as specified in Article 9.2, and shall be completed before the faculty member submits his portfolio. The faculty member must have participated in ten (10) distinct faculty development modules related to the community college in higher education or to college teaching to be considered for tenure (continuing contract). The faculty development modules will be designated as CCHE for community college in higher education of CT for college teaching. A minimum of two modules will be offered every term. The faculty member must be recommended to the College President by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The faculty member must be recommended by the District Board of Trustees for a continuing contract ...
D. and E. 12. The SE shall communicate the results of QM/QI activities and provider reviews with appropriate providers and use this information to improve the performance of the providers, including technical assistance, corrective action plans, and follow-up activities as necessary.
13. The SE’s QM/QI program shall include conducting data-driven evaluations of clinical practices to improve quality of care. The SE shall demonstrate how the SE has facilitated improvements.
14. The SE shall ensure that its high-volume providers, as defined by the SE and approved by the Collaborative, have a current QM/QI plan for tracking and improving quality of care, access, appropriateness of care, consumer/family satisfaction, and outcomes. The providers’ plans shall describe the roles of provider agency staff, consumers, and family members in development and implementation of the QM/QI plan.
15. The SE shall ensure that its high-volume providers submit their annual QM/QI plan to the SE no later than August 1 each Contract Year and submit an annual QM/QI report that summarizes activities and findings, including opportunities for improvement. The SE shall report to the Collaborative, upon request, the status of provider compliance with this requirement.
16. The SE shall conduct an annual on-site clinical audit of a sample of high- volume providers QM/QI plan performance. This task shall be shared by the SE’s QM/QI and Provider Relations departments. The sample shall be determined in collaboration with the Collaborative.
17. In the development, implementation, and evaluation of its QM/QI program the SE shall ensure the exchange of information (as allowable by state and federal law) and input by stakeholders, including but not limited to consumers, family members, advocates, the BHPC, LCs, MCOs, providers, Collaborative staff, and member agency staff.
18. The SE’s QM/QI committee shall include, at a minimum, representation from provider agencies, consumers, family members, the BHPC, and the Collaborative.
19. The SE shall share regularly findings of the QM/QI program, including data and analysis of performance measures (see Article 3.12.D), with the Collaborative, the BHPC, LCs, and member agencies.
20. The SE shall, upon request and as specified by the Collaborative, communicate non-confidential QM/QI findings to network providers, consumers, families and others.
21. The SE’s QM/QI program shall include leadership by executive clinical staff of the SE, including the Chief Medical Of...