Disciplinary Guidelines. A. The purpose of discipline is to administer equitable and consistent discipline for unsatisfactory conduct in the workplace. The County’s own best interest lies in ensuring fair treatment of all employees and in making certain that disciplinary actions are prompt, uniform, and impartial. The major purpose of any disciplinary action is to correct the problem, prevent recurrence, and prepare the employee for satisfactory service in the future.
B. Disciplinary action may call for any of five steps depending on the severity of the problem and the number of occurrences: Letter of Reprimand; Suspension without pay; Reduction in Pay (defined as base rate multiplied by index), Demotion; or Termination from employment. There may be circumstances when one or more steps are bypassed.
C. Progressive discipline means that, with respect to most disciplinary problems, the following steps will normally be followed: a first offense may call for a letter of reprimand; a next offense may lead to suspension without pay; and still another offense may then lead to termination of employment. While it is impossible to list every type of behavior that may be deemed a serious offense, some examples include theft, assault, falsification of records or documents, etc.; we recognize there are certain types of employee problems that are serious enough to justify either a suspension, or, in extreme situations, termination of employment, without going through the usual progressive discipline steps.
D. The County’s use of progressive discipline is intended to correct most employee problems at an early stage, benefiting both the employee and the County of Yuba.
Disciplinary Guidelines. When, in the judgment of a Sheriff’s Office supervisor, an employee has committed an act or omission which justifies a reprimand, demotion, suspension without pay, or discharge from employment, disciplinary action may be imposed. While the concept of progressive discipline is recognized in the usual case, the Sheriff reserves the right to initiate the type of discipline deemed appropriate to the alleged violation based upon the nature and severity of the offense.
Disciplinary Guidelines. Disciplinary action is designed not only to correct misconduct, but also to encourage and motivate students to become responsible citizens of the school community. To that end, the teachers and administrators use their professional judgment to determine appropriate disciplinaryaction based on the following: • Seriousness of the offense • Grade level • Frequency of misconduct • Effect of misconduct on the school environment
Disciplinary Guidelines. Members who do not follow the Club Code of Conduct will be disciplined as stated in the Disciplinary Guidelines; found in our Parent Handbook. Members may be prohibited from attending field trips as a consequence of persistent behavior concerns. There are no refunds for members who are suspended or expelled from Summer Camp due to disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Guidelines. Step 1: First counselling meeting - reprimand A counselling meeting with the employee is arranged for the purpose of discussing the incident/problem concerning his/her work that has come to the attention of management. An opportunity is given for the employee to have another person present at the interview, if this is deemed to be appropriate for the first counselling meeting:
i. The employee is made aware of the incident/problem concerning his/her work, and why it is unacceptable.
ii. The manager explains what is expected in the future concerning adherence to work instructions, work standards or company policy.
iii. The employee is asked whether he/she has any explanation or reason for the unsatisfactory work and/or conduct. Full consideration is given to the employee’s response.
iv. If the employee does not have a reasonable explanation for the problem, the employee is informed that the unsatisfactory work and/or conduct must be rectified. If it is appropriate, assistance is offered to the employee in overcoming the cause of the problem, eg, offering additional training in the work or use of equipment.
v. A time limit is established for the correction of the problem, at the end of which the employee’s performance is to be reviewed in a second counselling meeting to determine whether the required improvement has been achieved. The employee, of course, may seek assistance at any time up to the second counselling session and should be advised whom he/she may contact for clarification of issues.
vi. The employee is to be given the warning that failure to improve may put their employment at risk.
vii. This reprimand is put in writing, forwarded to the employee and a copy placed on the employee’s file.
Step 2: Second counselling meeting - formal warning At this meeting, the following occurs:
i. The manager informs the employee whether or not the required improvement has been achieved.
ii. If not, the employee will be asked for any explanation for why improvement has not occurred.
iii. The manager will consider the employee’s explanation.
iv. A formal warning of the seriousness and consequences of non-improvement is given, which is followed up with a written formal warning letter requiring improvement by a specified date.
v. A formal warning shall remain in place for a period of 6 months.
Step 3: Third counselling meeting - final warning before termination A further meeting is arranged:
i. The manager informs the employee whether or not the required improvement...
Disciplinary Guidelines. The purpose of discipline is to administer equitable and consistent discipline for unsatisfactory conduct in the workplace. The County’s own best interest lies in ensuring fair treatment of all employees and in making certain that disciplinary actions are prompt, uniform, and impartial. The major purpose of any disciplinary action is to correct the problem, prevent recurrence, and prepare the employee for satisfactory service in the future. Disciplinary action may call for any of four steps depending on the severity of the problem and the number of occurrences: Letter of Reprimand; Suspension without pay; Demotion; or Termination from employment. There may be circumstances when one or more steps are bypassed. Progressive discipline means that, with respect to most disciplinary problems, the following steps will normally be followed: a first offense may call for a letter of reprimand; a next offense may lead to suspension without pay; and still another offense may then lead to termination of employment. While it is impossible to list every type of behavior that may be deemed a serious offense, some examples include theft, assault, falsification of records or documents, etc.; we recognize there are certain types of employee problems that are serious enough to justify either a suspension, or, in extreme situations, termination of employment, without going through the usual progressive discipline steps. The County’s use of progressive discipline is intended to correct most employee problems at an early stage, benefiting both the employee and the County of Yuba.
Disciplinary Guidelines. The Organisation’s grievance and disciplinary policy and procedures are set out in the organisations policy and procedure manual.
Disciplinary Guidelines. 1. An officer can be disciplined for actions that constitute:
1.1 Violation of a state, local or federal law. Officers do not need to be charged and/or convicted in a criminal court to be found responsible.
1.2 Conduct unbecoming an officer.
Disciplinary Guidelines. It is the responsibility of the CAO to assess the circumstances of each incident giving rise to discipline of an employee. All discipline must be tailored to meet these circumstances. In determining what course of action should be taken, the CAO will consider the following individual factors. These factors will be considered together:
a. Quality of Performance Has the quality of performance of this individual generally been satisfactory or has their recent behaviour been triggered by some unusual occurrence?
Disciplinary Guidelines. Disciplinary action is designed not only to correct misconduct, but also to encourage and motivate students to become responsible citizens of the school community. To that end, the teachers and administrators use their professional judgment to determine appropriate disciplinaryaction based on the following: • Seriousness of the offense • Grade level • Frequency of misconduct • Effect of misconduct on the school environment For misconduct one or more of the following disciplinary measures may be taken: • Withdrawal of privileges or time apart from class for a portion of the day • Written assignment • Conference • Lowering of the conduct grade in a class or of the overall quarterly conduct grade • Detention or Referral • Suspension • Expulsion Conduct guidelines are posted in the classrooms. These include the following: • Follow all school rules • Follow directions the first time heard • Raise your hand beforespeaking • Keep your hands and feet toyourself • Speak kindly toothers Students will begin each day with a clean disciplinary slate. Disciplinary consequences will be determined by the teacher based on what is most appropriate to the situation. Students will fill out a VBRD Think About It sheet for a level one infraction. The teachers will send the sheet home to be signed and returned the next day. A third level one infraction will be considered repeated and will be considered a detention as indicated under Level Two. • Violation of uniform or dress code • Chewing gum • Tardy to class • Misbehavior (not abusive orthreatening) • Disrupting classroom instruction • Excessive talking/noise • Disregarding teacher's instructions • Inappropriate language • Misbehavior in church • Unprepared for class (books, pens, other materials) • Disrespect • Four detentions in a semester will lead to Student / Parent / Administrator conference and the student being placed on disciplinary probation. • Five detentions in a semester will lead to a suspension and a Student / Parent/ Administratorconference. • Six detentions in a semester will lead a discussion with the student and parents on the student's future at Xxxxxx the Xxxx. • A student being suspended for a second time may be liable for expulsion. • Detention counts are reset by the semester. A detention is the consequence for a level two or repeated Level One infraction. The teacher will assign and serve a 45 minute detention with the student. The parent will be notified of the detention by the teacher. • Disobedienc...