EMPLOYEE WORKING CONDITIONS. Employer agrees that, during the term of this Agreement, Employer: (i) shall treat Employee with respect and professional courtesy commensurate with Employee's position; (ii) shall provide, establish and maintain reasonable working conditions for Employee and abide by all state, federal and local employment regulations and laws; (iii) shall not, without the express written consent of Employee, alter or significantly reduce the duties and responsibilities assigned to Employee as set forth in Exhibit “A” to this Agreement; (iv) shall not, without Employee's express written consent, reduce the facilities and perquisites made available to Employee at the time this Agreement is executed and as enhanced during the term of this Agreement; (v) shall not materially reduce the type or level of Employee benefits to which Employee is entitled at the time this Agreement is executed and as enhanced during the term of this Agreement; and (iv) shall allow Employee to perform his duties from locations other than the Employer’s place of business. At such time as the parties mutually agree to locate the corporate offices, Employee shall within a reasonable time thereafter arrange to be present at the corporate offices from time to time on a regular basis demonstrating a presence commensurate with his position.
EMPLOYEE WORKING CONDITIONS. A. The District agrees to keep the schools equipped, maintained and safe from hazard as well as clean and healthy.
B. The Board of Directors shall provide within fiscal resources, the following facilities and equipment for use by the employees:
1. Locking storage space in each classroom to safely store instructional materials, supplies and other sensitive materials including personal items;
2. Central work area containing necessary equipment and supplies to aid in preparation of instructional materials;
3. A teacher’s chair, desk, and file cabinet of adequate size in each classroom;
4. Sufficient student copies of approved textbooks for each class, including a corresponding teacher’s manual and support materials;
5. A telephone available for local calls in each teacher work station and the staff work room;
6. A working computer with appropriate software and printer, including access to a high-speed internet connection;
7. Access to the building via security code, keys or pass cards to allow entry during off hours to assigned classrooms, staff rooms, areas where the teacher mailboxes are located, and other pertinent locations based on employees’ individual work assignments.
A. The normal workday for Career Service Personnel will be no more than eight (8) hours per day but may vary during summer months.
B. Employees who are assigned to be present at the worksite for at least four hours, of which three hours are continuous time, shall be scheduled as indicated below. “Continuous" time is time spent at the worksite not including unpaid breaks. Assigned to be present Breaks 4 hours.................................one 15-minute paid rest More than 4 but less than 7 hours.......one 15-minute paid rest ..normally no less than one 30-minute uninterrupted unpaid meal Seven hours or more....................two 15-minute paid rests ..normally no less than one 30-minute uninterrupted unpaid meal This rest provision shall not be applicable to bus drivers nor bus attendants who work less than seven continuous hours. CSP will not supervise students during these break/rest periods, except in an emergency situation. No paid rest shall be added to a CSP's uninterrupted unpaid meal. Food service workers' lunch will normally be scheduled so as to provide thirty (30) continuous minutes. Upon written agreement by the worksite supervisor and the employee, breaks and lunches may be scheduled at other than regularly scheduled times.
EMPLOYEE WORKING CONDITIONS. 18 X. LEAVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 XI. TRANSFERS/VACANCIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 XII. ASSIGNMENTS/REASSIGNMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
EMPLOYEE WORKING CONDITIONS. A. Lunch Periods: Employees shall be provided a daily thirty (30) minute, duty-free, unpaid, lunch period.
EMPLOYEE WORKING CONDITIONS a. To every degree possible, each SRP shall be granted approximately a thirty (30) minute (depending upon lunch schedules) continuous, uninterrupted duty-free lunch period except in emergency conditions in which the health and welfare of students is effected, as determined by the supervisor or his designee.
b. All employees working eight (8) hours or more per day excluding lunch will receive two fifteen (15) minute breaks per day. Designated break times will be posted by the supervisor or his designee.
c. No SRP shall be required to work beyond their normal workday without compensatory leave. When overtime is necessary, overtime shall be granted at a rate of one times each hour for each hour beyond their normal work week until the employee reaches forty (40) hours. At that point, the employee shall be granted a rate of one and one- half (1.5) times for each hour in excess of a forty (40) hour work week. Overtime work will be distributed among qualified employees in the same classification within the worksite on an equitable basis by rotating such work through the appropriate seniority list. This does not preclude the administration from selecting a specific employee to perform tasks which require that employee's special expertise. Overtime shall have prior authorization by the Superintendent or his designee.
EMPLOYEE WORKING CONDITIONS. A) The District recognizes that instructional materials can assist the employee’s performance in the classroom. Building administrators will confer with each employee from time to time concerning the purchase of instructional materials.
B) The District agrees to keep the schools reasonably equipped, maintained and safe from hazard as well as clean and healthy.
C) The Board of Directors shall provide within fiscal resources, the following facilities and equipment for use of the employees:
1) Adequate space in each classroom to safely store instructional materials and supplies.
2) A central work area containing necessary equipment and supplies to aid in preparation of instructional materials.
3) A teacher’s chair, desk, and file cabinet of adequate size in each classroom.
4) Well lit, clean classroom.
5) Sufficient student copies of approved textbooks for each class, including a corresponding teacher’s manual.
6) A telephone available for local calls in each classroom and the staff work room.
7) A working computer with appropriate software and printer, including access to a high-speed internet connection.
8) Each employee shall be assigned keys so they have access to the following: front door, assigned classrooms, staff workroom and staff lounge. In allocating staff, the District shall make every effort to equalize the teaching loads of employees throughout the District. When individual class loads exceed the maximums specified the District will make every effort to supply aides for the teacher. Maximum class loads: Grades 7-12 27 students
1. The work year shall typically consist of one hundred ninety (190) contract days. Additional days will be paid at the same rate per day as the 190. Summer curriculum work is, however, expressly excluded from this provision. The District shall develop a calendar in cooperation with supervisors and employees. The calendar shall meet the requirements of the position as determined by the District.
2. If employed for more than 93 days at half-time or more, the year will count for salary advancement and seniority. If employed for 135 days at half-time or more, the year will count as credit towards contract or regular employee status.
B. Work Day
1. The regular work day shall be eight (8) hours. Employees shall not be required toextend their working hours beyond the regular work day more often than twice a month, or a total of four (4) hours per month, without mutual agreement between the employee and supervisor.
2. Compensatory time may be taken for the four hours upon mutual agreement betweenthe employee and supervisor except that it may not be taken during student contact time.
EMPLOYEE WORKING CONDITIONS. A. The normal employee workday shall be scheduled by the building principal or supervisor and approved by Superintendent.
B. The employee shall not work a greater number of hours per day or week than those prescribed by the Superintendent unless the District determines emergency circumstances dictate that a greater number of hours be worked. In such cases, wages will not be paid unless prior permission to work a larger number of hours is approved by Superintendent.
C. Lunch periods for employees will be established by the Superintendent or their designee, and the time off for lunch will not be counted as a part of the paid workday.