Engaged workforce People who work in health and social care services are positive about their role and supported to improve the care and treatment they provide. • % of staff survey respondents who would recommend as a good place to work
Engaged. When a member consents to participate in a Population Health program, the member can be determined to be engaged.
Engaged. When a member consents to participate in a Population Health program, the member can be determined to be engaged. Enrollee – A person who has been determined eligible for TennCare and who has been enrolled in the TennCare program (see Member, also). Enrollee Marketing – Any communication, from the CONTRACTOR to a TennCare enrollee who is not enrolled in the CONTRACTOR’s MCO, that can reasonably be interpreted as intended to influence the person to enroll in the CONTRACTOR’s MCO, or either to not enroll in, or to disenroll from, another MCO’s TennCare product. Enrollment – The process by which a TennCare enrollee becomes a member of the CONTRACTOR’s MCO. EPSDT – The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) service is Medicaid’s comprehensive and preventive child health program for individuals under the age of 21. EPSDT was defined by law as part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 (OBRA ‘89) legislation and includes periodic screening, vision, dental, and hearing services. In addition, Section 1905(r)(5) of the Social Security Act (the Act) requires that any medically necessary health care service listed at Section 1905(a) of the Act be provided to an EPSDT recipient even if the service is not available under the State’s Medicaid plan to the rest of the Medicaid population. The federal regulations for EPSDT are in 42 CFR Part 441, Subpart B. Essential Hospital Services – Tertiary care hospital services to which it is essential for the CONTRACTOR to provide access. Essential hospital services include, but are not limited to, neonatal, perinatal, pediatric, trauma and burn services. Evidence-Based Practice – A clinical intervention that has demonstrated positive outcomes in several research studies to assist consumers in achieving their desired goals of health and wellness; specifically, the evidence-based practices recognized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS).
Engaged. Connects organizational strengthening to increasing the ability of IRC to take action and exchange experiences among IRCs.
Engaged. Day starts from the first time the driver(s) is asked to be ready until the end of the 20 day, unless otherwise released in accordance with #2 above.
Engaged. I use technology and digital channels for civic engagement, to solve problems and be a force for good in both physical and virtual communities.
Engaged. The solution is pleasant and satisfying to use. The visual design, the readability of the text, the simple menu-command system that are essential for a repetitive work tool are present in this solution. Error Tolerant: The solution includes many error tolerant checks to limit errors caused by the Officer's interactions. When errors do occur, it helps the user with recovery processes (messages, links to choices for a path to correct the problem). These help the officer in his or her duties. The proposed interface is actively predictive. Easy to Learn: The Gtechna solution is easy to learn. This allows users to build on their acquired knowledge without deliberate effort. The proposed solution uses current interaction patterns. The design elements and controls are placed in familiar locations (vehicle identification, location, infraction, notes and photos). The proposed Gtechna solution incorporates the Agency's business logic. The solution is used in operational environments across the USA and Canada. Specific business rules changes required by the Agency can be configured and do not need to be coded. * 41 Describe any “green” initiatives that relate to your company or to your products or services, and include a list of the certifying agency for each. We are including a Green Initiative document. * 42 Identify any third-party issued eco-labels, ratings or certifications that your company has received for the equipment or products included in your Proposal related to energy efficiency or conservation, life- cycle design (cradle-to-cradle), or other green/sustainability factors. We have no eco-labels * 43 Describe any Women or Minority Business Entity (WMBE), Small Business Entity (SBE), or veteran owned business certifications that your company or hub partners have obtained. Upload documentation of certification (as applicable) in the document upload section of your response. We have no WMBE or SBE certifications * 44 What unique attributes does your company, your products, or your services offer to Sourcewell participating entities? What makes your proposed solutions unique in your industry as it applies to Sourcewell participating entities? We have many years of real-time parking enforcement experience and from this have brought much innovation to ensure citations are not given in error. Our main goal is to give the best enforcement so parkers comply and pay for parking. Pay by plate technology is a new technology that is here to stay. We are currently lead...
Engaged. We share our experiences and perspectives and listen openly to each other’s experiences and perspectives. We seek to engage with schools, teachers, parents and carers and the broader community.
Engaged. We share our experiences and perspectives and listen openly to each other’s experiences and perspectives. We seek to engage with schools, teachers, parents and carers and the broader community. Professional We uphold high standards of ethical and professional conduct. We ensure our behaviour contributes to the Program being held in high esteem by the public. Respectful We act with integrity and treat each other with fairness, respect and dignity. We promote diversity, equity and inclusion in our behaviour, work and education materials. Trusted eSafety Providers (TEPs) are required to collect the information outlined below. This information is intended to inform your annual reporting requirements. The first reporting period will begin when you sign the TEP Agreement and end on 30 June of that financial year. Ongoing annual reporting requirements will be in effect for the duration of the TEP Program.
Engaged and to a mission that includes providing “the best quality of life and environment in which our businesses and residents can thrive”. In 2013-2014 City Council adopted among its 2013-2014 goals, a goal that called for the following: ”Create a gathering place where the Dublin community can celebrate creativity in both personal and shared experiences of the arts. Review and consider community models for creating a cultural arts center in Dublin, envisioning a multi-disciplinary complex, with space for educational resources, popular and innovative performing arts, and exhibit space for visual arts.” Toward the realization of this goal, over the past four years the City has completed a market study, business plan, and a fundraising feasibility study to determine the potential for a cultural and performing arts center. Additionally, in partnership with Ohio University, the Dublin Arts Council and Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, the City has served on Ohio University’s Tantrum Theater Advisory Committee and completed site visits to several theaters throughout the U.S. Based on recommendations provided by the firm that completed the capital Campaign Feasibility Study in November 2017, the City realizes the need to have an individual dedicated to focusing on building awareness of and support for a cultural and performing arts center and identifying and helping to build relationships with additional Center partners and users.