Evaluation of Probationary Faculty. (a) During this time, the Assistant Xxxx will administer the "Student Evaluation of Instruction" forms in all the faculty member's classes each semester during the first probationary contract year and at least one semester per year for the remaining contract years of probation. The results will be shared with the faculty member in a composite format to be used as necessary for the improvement of teaching. In keeping with Section 9.02 (a), the Assistant Xxxx has a responsibility to meet with the probationary faculty member and to review the results of the Student Evaluations. The Assistant Xxxx or designee may also administer these forms in other terms.
(b) There will be at least one classroom and/or laboratory and/or clinical observation per term by the Assistant Xxxx for the first probationary contract year and at least one per year for the remaining contract years of probation. In addition, the Assistant Xxxx, or the probationary faculty member may ask a non-probationary faculty member to observe and complete the “Classroom Observation” process. This non-probationary faculty member must be mutually acceptable to the probationary faculty member and the Assistant Xxxx. Each observation will be followed by a written evaluation using the “Classroom Observation” form and a conference between the observer, the Assistant Xxxx and the probationary faculty member. The “Classroom Observation” form will include space for the probationary faculty member's comments and will be signed by the observer, the Assistant Xxxx, and the probationary faculty member, with a copy for each. Methods for teaching improvement, as noted on the “Classroom Observation” form, will be determined as necessary in a cooperative manner and implemented as quickly as possible by the probationary faculty member. Methods for teaching improvement will be in writing and will be signed by the observer, the Assistant Xxxx, and the probationary faculty member, with a copy for each.
(c) The Assistant Xxxx will evaluate the probationary faculty member’s performance each term in the first year and on an annual basis in subsequent years using input from the “Student Evaluation of Instruction,” classroom observation(s), and input from program director and/or Assistant Xxxx. A written summative evaluation will be completed which provides methods of teaching improvement and a professional development plan, as well as goals for the following academic year, and determination of continued employment. Space wil...
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty. 7.6.1 All probationary faculty are reviewed annually until tenure is granted or the faculty member is not reappointed. The annual review shall be completed by March 1. Under no circumstances is an evaluation of a faculty member undertaken without that individual’s knowledge.
7.6.2 Within the academic unit, evaluation consists of the following: In the first year of appointment: The faculty member shall meet with the department chair (or xxxx in colleges without separate departments) to discuss any first-year goals specified in the letter of offer (such as the completion of a terminal degree). The faculty member and the chair may also discuss any activities that meet departmental standards in the areas of teaching and/or librarianship, scholarship/creative activity, and service and that demonstrate the candidate’s progress toward departmental standards for tenure. The chair (or xxxx) shall summarize the results of the meeting and shall provide an assessment of the faculty member in a letter of review to the xxxx (or Xxxxxxx). The chair shall share the letter with the candidate prior to submission to the next level. The candidate shall be permitted five working days to submit a response addressing any errors of fact. The xxxx (or Xxxxxxx) shall review the letter to verify compliance with department and college standards. A copy of the final letter shall be provided to the faculty member and the Xxxxxxx by March 15. For all other years prior to application for tenure: Unless they are on leave, all tenured faculty are expected to submit an individual written assessment of the dossier and to vote. Tenured faculty on leave may, but are not required to, submit an individual written assessment of the dossier and vote. Probationary faculty, non-tenure-track faculty, and staff do not vote. The candidate shall submit a dossier with all of the materials described in section 7.
7.2.1 covering the time period from the candidate’s start date at WWU. The dossier shall demonstrate progress toward tenure as defined in the departmental standards since the original appointment. Tenured faculty shall evaluate the dossier and submit a recommendation using the forms provided in the department or college. The chair shall summarize individual written faculty evaluations and recommendations for or against renewal. The chair’s letter to the xxxx (or Xxxxxxx) shall include a complete and su...
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty. The purpose of faculty evaluation is to improve the performance of each faculty member. The faculty evaluation process is designed to transcend legal compliance and to xxxxxx meaningful professional growth. Since every professional educator has certain areas in which the improvement of performance is possible, the faculty evaluation process is structured to help each faculty member identify relevant areas for performance improvement and develop an appropriate plan to accomplish the professional growth.
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty. Each academic Department Head shall annually evaluate the teaching, research, and professional service of all Faculty Members on probationary status prior to making recommendations to continue probation, to grant tenure, or to terminate.
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty. Probationary full-time faculty members shall be subject to a continuous formal evaluation.
A. The evaluation results will be communicated to the faculty member by the designated administrator.
B. Where a probationary full-time faculty member shows deficiencies, the deficiency must be stated in writing along with a plan for improvement which may utilize the Faculty Professional Development System integral to the evaluation process. Such a plan must be formulated by the probationary faculty member in consultation with the peer evaluator(s) and the designated administrator. After each full evaluation cycle (where all evaluative tools have been utilized once), a conference will be held between the probationary full-time faculty member and the designated administrator. The evaluation results will be discussed with the probationary full-time faculty member and initialed by him/her.
C. The procedure for the revision of the Evaluation Process is outlined in the Handbook. Should it be necessary to revise the process, such recommendation(s) will be forwarded to the Faculty Forum and to the College for approval before being adopted. No changes to the Evaluation Handbook or procedure may be made without the approval of the Faculty Forum and the Administration.
D. All newly hired full-time faculty members shall be assigned a faculty mentor. The designated administrator and the mentor shall meet with the new faculty member prior to the start of classes in the first semester of employment to explain the Mentor Program.
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty. 13.2.1 At the initiation of the appropriate Administrator, an evaluation committee for each probationary faculty member shall be constituted as follows: Three (3) tenured academic employees elected for a three year term by the Faculty Senate from the faculty at large during the spring quarter before the probationer’s first fall quarter. Tenured faculty committee members must have duty assignments which are primarily non-administrative. One (1) full-time student appointed by the ASC (a new appointment may be needed prior to the end of the term if the student graduates or leaves); One (1) administrator appointed by the Chief Instructional Administrator. The committee membership shall remain the same for the probationary period so long as each member is employed by Peninsula College.
13.2.2 The appropriate Administrator or designee shall be responsible for publishing the evaluation committee members’ names and for setting the evaluation schedule.
13.2.3 A formal evaluation report shall be prepared on each probationary faculty by the conclusion of the first month of the second quarter of each probationary year. These reports shall be forwarded from the committee through the Administrator to the President.
13.2.4 Upon beginning employment, the probationer will be notified of the evaluation process. The committee, at its discretion, may request the probationer to meet requirements other than those listed below; however, the minimum annual requirements for the evaluation are: completion of a self-evaluation using a form or format to be prescribed by the committee; one evaluation by students, using a format approved by the committee (e.g., student evaluation, SGID, on-line), in each class being taught during one quarter each year; an observation of one class/course session done by each committee member; a syllabus for each course being taught; a completed five (5) year professional development plan;
13.2.5 The committee will meet with the probationer a minimum of two (2) times each year. At the initial meeting, the committee will explain the process to be used and request input from the probationer.
13.2.6 A second meeting will be for the purpose of sharing the results of the evaluation with the probationer.
13.2.7 A third meeting may be held subsequent to the time the probationer has had an opportunity to read the committee report(s), at which time the probationer may request clarifi...
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty. (a) During this time, the Assistant Xxxx will administer the "Student Evaluation of Instruction" forms in all the faculty member's classes each semester during the first probationary contract year and at least one semester per year for the remaining contract years of probation. The results will be shared with the faculty member in a composite format to be used as necessary for the improvement of teaching. In keeping with Section
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty. 37 13.2.1 At the initiation of the appropriate Administrator, an evaluation committee for 38 each probationary faculty member shall be constituted as follows:
39 Three (3) tenured academic employees elected for a three year term by the 40 Faculty Senate from the faculty at large during the spring quarter before the 1 probationer’s first fall quarter. Tenured faculty committee members must 2 have duty assignments which are primarily non-administrative.
3 One (1) full-time student appointed by the ASC (a new appointment may be 4 needed prior to the end of the term if the student graduates or leaves);
5 One (1) administrator appointed by the Chief Instructional Administrator.
6 The committee membership shall remain the same for the probationary 7 period so long as each member is employed by Peninsula College.
8 13.2.2 The appropriate Administrator or designee shall be responsible for publishing 9 the evaluation committee members’ names and for setting the evaluation 10 schedule.
11 13.2.3 A formal evaluation report shall be prepared on each probationary faculty by the 12 conclusion of the first month of the second quarter of each probationary year.
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty. Probationary full-time faculty members shall be subject to a continuous formal evaluation. The evaluation procedure as defined in the Faculty Evaluation Process Manual and the Xxxxxxxxxxx College Faculty Evaluation Handbooks will be utilized by the appropriate personnel in evaluating probationary full-time faculty members.
A . The evaluation results will be communicated to the faculty member by the designated administrator.
B . Where a probationary full-time faculty member shows deficiencies, the deficiency must be stated in writing along with a plan for improvement which may utilize the Faculty Professional Development System integral to the evalu- ation process. Such a plan must be formulated by the probationary faculty member in consultation with the peer evaluator(s) and the designated administrator. After each full evaluation cycle (where all evaluative tools have been utilized once), a conference will be held between the probationary full-time faculty member and the designated administrator. The evaluation results will be discussed with the probationary full-time faculty member and initialed by them .
Evaluation of Probationary Faculty