Family Sick Days Sample Clauses
Family Sick Days. Up to five (5) of the employee’s annual allotment of ten (10) sick days each year (noncumulative) may be used as family sick days per year. Family is defined as an employee’s father, mother, son, daughter, spouse, or individual who resides in the same household and for whom the employee has legal guardianship as approved by the Court.
Family Sick Days. Unit employees are entitled to take up to three (3) days per year out of accumulated sick leave for tending to a parent, spouse or child who is sick or disabled. These days are not cumulative. This provision will take effect upon signing of the contract and will have no retroactive application.
Family Sick Days. 19.1 Up to 75 hours of a teacher’s accumulated sick leave may be used for illness or medical appointments in the teacher's immediate family.
19.2 For the purposes of this article, the immediate family shall include spouse or civil union partner, guardian, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, parent of a civil union partner, member of the immediate household or other close relative as approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Family Sick Days. Employees eligible to Sick Days (Incidental illness) also have the option to use up to three (3) of their nine (9) Sick Days (Article 37.01) as incidental Family Sick Days in order to care for the health of the employee’s child or the child of the employee’s spouse, or because of the state of health of a relative or a person for who the employee acts as a caregiver, as attested by a professional working in the health and social services sector and governed by the Professional Code.
Family Sick Days. Up to five (5) days per year of personal sick leave may be allocated for family illness.
Family Sick Days. A full-time Employee of this bargaining unit shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) days per calendar year for family sick days. These days will be deducted from yearly accrued sick days, not in addition to yearly accrued sick days.
Family Sick Days. An employee may apply up to ten (10) sick days per year to care for or to attend medical appointments for a relative or an individual residing with the employee who requires home care, professional medical diagnosis or care, or preventative medical care. Family days are prorated for part-time employees. “Relative” for purposes of this article includes a spouse, qualified domestic partner, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, or grandchild of the employee or of the employee’s spouse. Relatives include “step” relationships such as stepchild and stepparent and in-law relationships, such as brother/sister-in-law, and mother/father-in-law. In such cases, the University shall have the right to require a medical certificate of a physician provided the employee uses more than 24 consecutive hours or more than 3 consecutive days of sick time to care for a sick relative.
Family Sick Days. The vote of the Sick. Leave Bank shall be final and not subject to grievance or arbitration. Any days utilized as part of this maximum of thirty (30) Family Sick Days will run concurrently with any approved Family Medical Leave (FMLA).
(3) Sick Leave which may be granted by the Sick Leave Bank may only be used upon exhaustion of an eligible employee's accumulated personal Sick Leave and personal days.
(4) Sick Leave which may be granted by the Sick Leave Bank shall be granted only upon majority vote of the Sick Leave Bank Committee. Xxxx Leave may be denied if there is evidence of an irregular absentee record.
(5) The Sick Leave Bank Committee shall consist of one (1) employee from each school, one
(1) Unit B representative, one (1) clerical representative, and one (1) representative from the Central Office Professional Staff. An employee wishing to join the Sick Leave Bank should make such application through the employee’s Sick Leave Bank Committee representative. Duties of the Sick Leave Bank Committee shall be as follows:
(a) To govern all phases of the Sick Leave Bank.
(b) To make final recommendations to the School Committee concerning all decisions made by the Sick Leave Bank.
(c) To conduct a review of all long term cases at twenty (20) work day intervals.
(d) The Sick Leave Bank Committee will notify the applicant after seventy-five (75) days of sick leave have been granted. After one hundred (100) days of sick leave have been allocated and used, the applicant will be paid on a three (3) day per week basis until the remaining portion of the one hundred eighty-one (181) days is exhausted.
(e) To review all medical statements sent by the borrower’s physician at the end of the twenty (20) days and each succeeding twenty (20) day periods.
(f) The Sick Leave Bank Committee has established a quorum of six (6) members for the purpose of enacting business and voting.
(6) Participation in the Sick Leave Bank shall be on a voluntary basis.
(7) One (1) earned day of an employee's accumulated sick leave or personal day leave will be donated by such employee through the Sick Leave Bank Committee. A participating member is one who has contributed an earned day, and remains a member until an assessment of an additional day(s) is required. An assessment will occur upon agreement by the Shrewsbury Education Association and the School Committee upon the recommendation of the Sick Leave Bank Committee.
(8) The Sick Leave Bank shall be open to membership for all memb...
Family Sick Days. Each year, an employee may use up to twelve (12) days of sick leave for family illnesses or for “unavoidable and urgent personal reasons,” pertaining to immediate family subject to approval of the Executive Director. Immediate family is defined as the employee’s spouse; the employee’s parents or grandparents; the employee’s parent-in-law; the employee’s siblings; the employee’s and the employee’s spouse’s children; the employee’s grandchildren; a near relative who resides in the same household; or any person with whom the employee has made a home. For purposes of this section, a near relative is defined as a first cousin, aunt, uncle, xxxxx, nephew, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, sister- in-law, and brother-in-law.
Family Sick Days. 24.1 Up to the equivalent hours of ten (10) days of an employee’s accumulated sick leave may be used for illness or medical appointments in the employee's immediate family. If additional days are needed and the employee has additional sick leave, an employee may apply for additional family sick days. Requests should be submitted to the Superintendent or designee for approval.
24.2 For the purposes of this article, the immediate family shall include spouse or civil union partner, guardian/xxxx, son, daughter, grandchild, father, mother, grandparent, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, parent of a civil union partner, member of the immediate household or other close relative as approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee.