HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. Section 1. The Employer agrees that, when additional employees are required, the Union will be given twenty-four (24) hours notice in advance so that the Union may have a reasonable opportunity to refer applicants for employment. Such notice shall specify the number and qualifications of the employees required and the Union agrees that it will refer experienced applicants when available to the Employer. The Parties recognize that the Employer will develop and implement a performance evaluation process for Eagle Harbor probationary employees. Section 2. Selection of applicants for referral to jobs shall be on a nondiscriminatory basis and shall not be based on or in any way affected by Union membership, by-laws, rules, regulations, constitutional provisions, or any other aspect or obligation of Union membership, policies or requirements. Section 3. The Employer retains the right to reject any job applicant referred by the Union. The Employer may discharge any employee for just and sufficient cause. Section 4. If the Employer hires persons other than those referred by the Union, he shall advise the Union within two (2) working days after such person is hired as to the name, address, social security number, date of hire, classification, and rate of pay of such employee. The same information shall be furnished by the Employer to the Union within forty-eight (48) hours after termination of any employee. Section 5. All employees referred to the Employer by the Union under this Article shall submit to the making of such records as are or may be required by the Employer for the purpose of identification. Section 6. A copy of this Article of the Agreement shall be posted at the employment office of the Employer and at the place where the Union conducts the operation of referring persons for employment under this agreement. Section 7. The Union and the Employer agree to hold the Union and Employer signatory hereto harmless from any money damage and penalties assessed against them by any Government Agency or Court of Law because of any charge of unfair labor practice or act where such practice or act was proximately or solely caused by the Union or Employer. Section 8. Temporary employees who have served six (6) cumulative months shall have all benefits afforded a permanent employee. Such temporary employees will not have access to the grievance procedure for lay-off.
HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. Section 1. The Employer agrees that, when additional employees are required, the Union will be given twenty-four (24) hours’ notice in advance so that the Union may have a reasonable opportunity to refer applicants for employment. Applicants referred by the Union shall meet the minimum qualifications as specified in the job position(s) description(s) provided to the Union. Such notice shall specify the number and qualifications of the employees required, and the Union agrees that it will refer experienced applicants when available to the Employer. The parties recognize that the Employer will develop and implement a performance evaluation process for Eagle Harbor probationary employees.
HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. Prior to the exhaustion of the posting procedure in Article 5.1.0, employees may be recalled from layoff to Labourer in the Mill Department, or Clean Up work in the Mine Department, or that employees’ original position in the Non-Skilled Maintenance Department. Thereafter, all positions that employees have been recalled to will be posted in accordance with Article 5.
HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. Section 1. The Employer agrees that, when additional employees are required, the Union will be given twenty-four (24) hours’ notice in advance so that the Union may have a reasonable opportunity to refer applicants for employment. Applicants referred by the Union shall meet the minimum qualifications as specified in the job position(s) description(s) provided to the Union. Such notice shall specify the number and qualifications of the employees required, and the Union agrees that it will refer experienced applicants when available to the Employer. The parties recognize that the Employer will develop and implement a performance evaluation process for Eagle Harbor probationary employees. A new employee shall serve a six (6) month probationary period and shall receive the appropriate rate of pay for the position during such probationary period. The probationary period may be extended by the Employer up to an additional six (6) months upon agreement between the Employer and the Union. In addition, an employee’s probationary period will be extended on a day for day basis for any day(s) that the employee is on leave without pay or shared leave, except for leave taken for military service, or temporary reduction of work hours. The Employer may separate a probationary employee at any time during the probationary period, and such separation will not be subject to the grievance procedure in Article 12. The Employer will provide the employee five
HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. When new help is required the Council Member shall notify immediately the Union so that the Union may recommend from the open market the help so required. (a) If the Union fails to recommend satisfactory employees to the Council Member, the Council Member shall also have the option of seeking its help from the open market. , (b) Selection of applicants for referral to jobs by the Union shall be on a non-discriminatory basis and shall not be based on or in any way affected by Union membership, by-laws, rules, regulations, constitutional provisions, or any other aspect of Union membership, policies or requirements. Nothing herein contained shall deny the Union the right to select any applicants for referral on the basis of experience in the industry, qualifications and skill or employer refer­ ence. (c) The Council Member at all times retains the right to reject any job applicants referred by the Union. (d) New employees when hired shall be deemed probationary and on a trial basis for a period of thirty (30) days. Thereafter they 1 shall be considered regular employees and shall then be granted the fringe benefits provided in this Agreement for regular employees. (e) For the sole purpose of establishing the pay rate for a newly hired employee, the Council Member will recognize previous verified comparable market experience within the Union's jurisdictional area during the three (3) years immediately preceding the newly hired employee's date of hire. In no event shall such rate be higher than the applicable maximum rate set forth in Schedule "A" for the employees who were in the Council Member's employ February 4, 1967, and who, furthermore, were being paid at rates stated on the wage progression scales in effect on February 4, 1967. Such prior experience must be claimed on the employee's application for em­ ployment, and if not verified in writing by the former employers within thirty (30) days after the date of employment, such prior experience may then be verified through contributions made to the Union's Welfare and Pension Funds. If there is no verification within forty- five (45) days after the employee's date of hire, the Council Member shall have the option, in its sole discretion, to discharge such em­ ployee without recourse to the grievance procedure provided in this Agreement.
HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. The Company may request additional employees from time to time if needed, from the Union, or may hire such employees from any other available source. All new employees may be required to work a probationary period of sixty (60) days of actual work but no later than ninety (90) actual calendar days.
HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. The hiring practice shall be as follows: (a) When the Employer requires any workers, either for regular employment or for extra work, he shall apply to the office of the Union; the Union agrees to send any available workers of proven qualification who shall identify themselves by presenting Union work cards and who shall be directed to report to the Employer’ s place of business.
HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. An employee may be released from employment at any time during the first ninety (90) day probationary period by the Superintendent or his/her designee without cause via Board action. In addition, at the end of the first year of probationary employment, the employee may be released from employment by the Superintendent or his/her designee via Board action. Current employees within a department may provide supervisors with support and/or concerns prior to an employee moving out of the first twelve months of probationary status. During the first year of employment the employee shall be paid at 80% of the regular rate and shall be paid at 90% or the regular rate during the second year of employment. Based on prior experience, the district may, at its sole discretion, waive the probationary wage and/or probationary period.
HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. New employees will not be hired in a classification within a department while an employee in the same classification and department is on layoff. New employees will not be hired in the Machine Operator and Labour Classifications while and employee in the same classification is on layoff.
HIRING OF NEW EMPLOYEES. 13.06 For the purpose of recruiting new employees, the employer will consider only the candidates referred by the Union provided that: a) in so doing, the employer can meet all its legal obligations and/or conform to all pertinent government directives (i.e. Xxxx C-62, Canadian Human Rights Act), and b) within two (2) weeks of a written request by the employer, the Union can refer a sufficient number of candidates to meet the needs as to the number of employees and other requirements enumerated by the employer. 13.07 The following administrative procedure applies to the hiring of any new employee, except specialized employees described in Article 28 of the collective agreement. A new employee is any person who at the signing of the collective agreement is not listed in Appendix "A" or the first reserve pool list in Appendix "B": a) after having completed a form to this effect, new employees will be hired in the reserve pool when the employer, after consultation with the Union, deems it necessary; b) the employer will convene candidates for an interview, which the Union will attend. If at the date chosen by the employer for the interview the Union is unavailable, the interview may proceed in the Union's absence; c) candidates will be required to successfully pass an evaluation of their qualifications in the operation of equipment and their aptitude to eventually receive training to operate heavy machinery; the evaluation procedures will be determined by the employer after consultation with the Union and the Union will be informed of the results; d) candidates must meet physical and medical requirements established by the employer for longshoring work; e) candidates who successfully pass all of the tests, interviews, exams and evaluations for the lift truck operator and truck operator training will be added to second reserve pool list in Appendix "B". a) All employees of Appendix "B" who are members of the first reserve pool and of the second reserve pool, respectively, have to hold the OLIFT and OTUGM classifications and all manual classifications. b) Training of employees in the first reserve pool or the second reserve pool in Appendix "B", except for the OLIFT classification, will be done during working hours and will be paid. 13.09 Only a new employee who successfully passed the various tests and exams mentioned in the preceding paragraphs will become a member of the Union. 13.10 All new employees will be submitted to a probationary period of 480 hours o...