Notification of Anticipated RIF Sample Clauses

Notification of Anticipated RIF. The Superintendent shall notify the President of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to the Board meeting date that it is his/her intention to recommend to the Board a proposed reduction in force. This notification shall include the position(s), recommended effective date, and reason(s) for the recommended action. The Association will be afforded the opportunity to address the Board in Executive Session prior to Board action.
Notification of Anticipated RIF i. Prior to May 1, the Superintendent will communicate any known RIF considerations to the Association President and to the affected employee. Prior to June 1 the Superintendent shall notify the Association President of any RIF to be implemented for the next school year. This shall be the only time RIF shall be implemented. The notification shall include the reason(s) for the RIF; the anticipated position(s) to be reduced or eliminated; the anticipated name(s) of the Bargaining Unit Members to be affected, the anticipated date of Board action to implement the RIF and the effective date of the RIF. The Superintendent shall notify the Bargaining Unit Member to be laid off due to a RIF 14 days in advance with written notification prior to the implementation of the RIF. The association shall be sent a copy of said notification at the same time. The notice shall state the reason for the RIF, the effective date of the suspension, and the date of the Board’s action to implement the RIF. ii. Within ten (10) days of receipt of the written notification, 2 representatives of the Association and the Superintendent and Treasurer shall meet to review and discuss the proposed RIF.
Notification of Anticipated RIF. The Employer shall notify the Association and all affected teachers in writing, no later than May 20, of the date the RIF is to be implemented. The notification shall include the reason(s) for the Reduction In Force, the position(s) to be reduced, the name(s) of the employee(s) to be affected, and the effective date of the Reduction In Force. Reduction In Force, for decreased enrollment of pupils or demonstrated financial reasons, shall be effective between August 15 and September 1.
Notification of Anticipated RIF. 1. When there is going to be a reduction in force not involving an employee lay off (i.e., attrition), the Board will provide a ten (10) day notice. 2. When an employee returns from leave of absence or workers comp. leave the Board will provide a ten (10) day notice. 3. The following provisions shall apply only when there is an anticipated lay off, other than when an employee returns from leave of absence or workers compensation. a. If the Board determines a RIF may occur, the Board shall notify the Association President in writing, not less than forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the date the RIF is to be implemented. The notification shall include the reason(s) for the RIF; the position(s) to be reduced, eliminated, or not filled; the date of Board action to implement the RIF and effective date of the RIF. b. Within five (5) calendar days of receipt of the notification, representatives of the Board and/or its designee and the Association shall meet to review the proposed RIF. If the Association disagrees with the reason(s) for the implementation of the proposed RIF, the Association may demand the matter be submitted to expedited arbitration, in accordance with the expedited rules of the American Arbitration Association. At this meeting, a list of potentially affected employees will be provided. The Association and the Board will review the list. Such review shall not indicate concurrence with either the reasons for RIF or the positions identified for the RIF. The Board and the Association will discuss the need and date for a bumping, or displacement meeting. c. Once the above provisions have been satisfied and the parties are in agreement that a RIF should occur, the Board shall notify all affected employees of the positions abolished, the reasons for, and the effective date of the RIF in writing.
Notification of Anticipated RIF. If the Employer determines a RIF may occur, the employer shall notify the Association in writing, no later than March 5th. The notification shall include the reason(s) for the RIF; the position(s) to be RIF’ed; the names of the Employees to be affected for the purpose of bumping (displacement); the date of Employer action to implement the RIF and the effective date of the RIF. Within ten (10) days of receipt of the notification, the Association may request a meeting with the Employer to discuss reasons for the implementation of the RIF. The Employer shall develop and provide the Union with a RIF list of potentially affected employees which shall be based on seniority and contract status within areas of certification/licensure no later than April 30th.
Notification of Anticipated RIF. If the Employer determines a RIF may occur, the Employer shall notify the Union in writing, not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the date the RIF is to be implemented. Within ten (10) days of receipt of the notification, representatives of the Employer and the Union shall meet to review the proposed RIF. Five (5) days following the meeting, the Union President shall be provided written notice which includes the reason(s) for the RIF: the position(s) to be reduced, eliminated, or not filled; the name(s) of the Employees to be affected, the date of Employer action to implement the RIF and the effective date of the RIF. Unless a reduction in force is for financial reasons, not later than May 30th preceding the effective date of the suspension of any contract under this Article, all of the affected teachers that the Board of Education plans to lay off shall be sent written notification by certified mail OR PERSONAL DELIVERY that his/her employment shall be suspended because of a reduction in staff. If the personal delivery method is used to notify an affected teacher, then written proof of receipt of the notification shall be obtained and the teacher shall sign a copy of the notice. If the teacher refuses to sign, the person delivering will note such refusal upon the notice and sign it.
Notification of Anticipated RIF a. If the Board determines a RIF may occur, the Board shall notify the KEA in writing, not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the date the Board will take action on the RIF. The notification shall include the reason(s) for the RIF, the position(s) to be reduced, the name(s) of the teachers to be affected, the date of Board action to implement the RIF, and the effective date of the RIF. b. The Board shall develop and provide the KEA with a RIF list of potentially affected teachers. c. Within ten (10) days of receipt of the notification, representatives of the Board and the KEA shall meet to review the proposed RIF. Once this meeting has occurred, there shall be no involuntary transfers until all bumping has been completed. a. In determining the position(s) to be reduced, the Board shall not give preference to any teacher based on seniority, except when making a decision between teachers who have comparable evaluations. The following sequence shall be used for a reduction in force: (1) The number of persons affected by a reduction in staff will be kept to a minimum by not employing replacements insofar as practical for positions vacated as a result of voluntary resignation, retirement, or death. The parties recognize, however, it may be necessary to hire some replacements for these positions if other teachers do not possess the certification/licensure for the position and the position is one that must be filled. (2) If additional reduction is necessary, then part-time teacher(s) shall be laid off before full-time teacher(s). However, part-time teacher(s) on continuing contracts will receive preference over part-time or full-time teacher(s) on limited contracts. (3) If additional reduction is necessary, then within each educational level, high school, middle school, elementary school, and at that level within each certification/licensure area affected, reductions shall be made first of teacher(s) with limited contracts and then of teacher(s) with continuing contracts. (4) Prior to an actual layoff, a teacher who is subject to layoff in his/her current assignment shall be notified of his/her “displacement (bumping) rights; and given at least five (5) days to exercise them. A teacher who receives a layoff notice in his/her current certification/licensure area shall have displacement (bumping) rights to displace the least senior teacher in the same or different certification/licensure area if the teacher being laid off has a valid certificate/license in...
Notification of Anticipated RIF. 1. If the Board determines a RIF may occur, the Board shall notify the KCCCSA, in writing, not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date the RIF is to be implemented. The notification shall include the reason(s) for the RIF; the position(s) to be reduced or eliminated; the name(s) of the employees to be affected; the date of Board action to implement the RIF; and the effective date of the RIF. 2. The Board shall develop and provide the KCCCSA with a RIF list of potentially affected employees which shall be based on seniority and contract status within areas of certification/licensure. 3. Within ten (10) days of receipt of the notification, representatives of the Board and the KCCCSA shall meet to review the proposed RIF.
Notification of Anticipated RIF. 1. Except for years in which the Board has a levy on the ballot in the May primary election, prior to April 15 the Superintendent shall notify the union president of any RIF to be implemented for the next school year; if there is a May primary, the deadline shall be May 20. The notification shall include the reason(s) for the RIF; the anticipated position(s) to be reduced or eliminated; the anticipated name(s) of the employees to be affected, the anticipated date of employer action to implement the RIF and the effective date of the RIF. The Superintendent shall notify the employee to be laid off due of the RIF by April 30 (by May 25 in the case of a May levy). The notice shall state the reason for the RIF and the effective date of the suspension. 2. Within ten (10) days of receipt of the written notification, two representatives of the union, the Superintendent and the Treasurer of the Board or President of the Board shall meet to review and discuss the proposed RIF. 3. Notwithstanding the requirements of this Article, if a mid-year reduction in force should become necessary, the Superintendent shall notify the Association president at least thirty (30) days prior to any Board action and shall notify any employee to be laid off due to the reduction in force two weeks prior to any Board action. Not later than December 1, 2019, the Superintendent will meet with the Association President and discuss anticipated reductions and other cost saving methods to prevent a reduction. The Administration will make reasonable efforts to support any educator whose position is reduced pursuant to this Paragraph in his or her job search efforts (for example, providing letters of reference where appropriate). This Paragraph shall only be effective in the event the District fails to secure at least $2.5 million dollars in additional revenue for fiscal year 2020 by December 31, 2019. This Paragraph shall automatically expire on July 31, 2020.
Notification of Anticipated RIF. 1. If the Employer determines a RIF may occur, the employer shall notify the Union, in writing, not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to Board action to suspend the contract. The notification shall include the reason(s) for the RIF; the position(s) to be reduced, eliminated, or not filled; the date of Employer action to suspend the contract and the effective date of the RIF. 2. At the written request of either party, within five (5) calendar days of receipt of the notification, representatives of the Employer and the Union shall meet to review the proposed RIF. At which time the Employer shall provide the Union with a copy of the names of employees to be affected. 3. During the implementation of RIF, no reassignment, transfer, or reclassification shall occur that will cause a more senior employee to be laid off before a less senior employee. 4. An employee to be laid off due to RIF shall be notified within ten (10) calendar days after notification in D-1 of the RIF. The Union shall be sent a copy of said notification at the same time. The notice shall state the reason for RIF, the effective date of contract suspension, and the date of the employer's action to implement the RIF.