Seasonal Employment Sample Clauses
Seasonal Employment. Any ten-(10) month employee desiring to have summer employment may apply for posted summer positions. If an employee is denied a summer position, the reasons will be provided in writing upon request.
Seasonal Employment. 5-5-1 Seasonal employment is temporary employment as defined in §1-1-6-2.
5-5-2 Seasonal employment shall be paid on the first step of the appropriate lane and no step advancement is provided regardless of prior seasonal or school-year employment.
Seasonal Employment. The Board may hire on a temporary basis seasonal employees for temporary jobs (i.e., mowing, snow removal, landscaping, etc.). No later than April 30 of each school year, the Director of Building and Grounds/ Superintendent Designee shall post a list of seasonal positions that may be available during the upcoming school year. The posting will include responsibilities/duties for each seasonal position. The Director of Building and Grounds/Superintendent Designee will determine the work available on an as-needed basis. Copies of the list will be posted in appropriate locations throughout the District (i.e., buildings, administrative office, bus garage, etc.). Current bargaining unit members who wish to be considered for such positions, if and when such work is available, will notify the Director of Building and Grounds/Superintendent Designee in writing by June 1. Bargaining unit members who submit a letter of interest after June 1 may be considered on an as-needed basis; however, placement on the list of persons interested in seasonal work cannot be guaranteed for those who submit a letter of interest after June 1. The letter of interest shall be considered valid from July 1 to June 30 of the following year unless the member notifies the Director of Building and Grounds/Superintendent Designee that he/she is no longer interested or available. When a current bargaining unit member accepts seasonal work, he/she will be paid at the seasonal rate for such work. Every effort will be made to ensure that members who accept seasonal work will not exceed a forty (40) hour work week. It is not the intent of this provision to encourage members to obtain overtime pay for seasonal work. For the upcoming school year, the Director of Building and Grounds/Superintendent Designee will develop a list of seasonal jobs that may be available between the date of contract ratification through June 30th. The Director/Designee shall compile this list as soon as possible after ratification of the agreement. Members should notify the Director of Building and Grounds/Superintendent Designee in writing as soon as possible if interested in consideration for the summer months and/or the upcoming school year.
Seasonal Employment. The Company reaffirms the general principle that seasonal workers who have service with the Company in previous crushing seasons and have a good work record and have developed particular skills and knowledge shall be given preference of employment on application for the next crushing season.
Seasonal Employment. The Company shall, either directly or through its contractors, make seasonal employment opportunities available to Inuit and Inuit employees in accordance with provisions relating to seasonal employment, as developed and set out in the Implementation Guide.
Seasonal Employment. Seasonal employment means employment offered on a continuing or fixed term basis to work one or more periods or seasons in each calendar year.
Seasonal Employment. A seasonal employee is an employee who is employed in a job title for a period not to exceed 180 calendar days for temporary work related to or caused by seasonal needs. Such appointments shall expire automatically at midnight on the 180th day. Such em- ployees may be reappointed for temporary work related to or caused by seasonal needs, with the written concurrence of the Budget Director and Commissioner of Personnel, to an additional thirty-day term which shall expire at midnight of the 30th day. One further said thirty-day reappointment for the same purposes may be made upon similar Budget Director and Commissioner of Per- sonnel approval. The Employer shall notify the Union of the num- ber and job titles of any such reappointments. It is understood and agreed that the hiring and retention of seasonal employees shall be at the discretion of the Employer. Seasonal appointees shall not become Probationary Career Service or Career Service employees by virtue of length of service in a seasonal appointment. Seasonal employees shall not be eligible for holidays, xxxx- tions, sick leave for salaried employees, vision care, dental, life and accident benefits, bereavement pay or jury duty, but will be provided with group health insurance under the same eligibility and conditions as other employees covered by this Agreement, except that elective medical care and pre-existing conditions, as those terms are defined in the standard group insurance policy, shall be excluded. Seasonal employees shall be compensated at the same rate as career service employees. Seasonal employees may be disci- plined or discharged as exclusively determined by the Employer and such Employer action shall not be subject to the grievance procedures. Seasonal employees shall be eligible for recall to seasonal po- sitions in which they have accumulated either (a) four (4) months of said seasonal service during the 1984-85 winter season, or (b) five (5) months of said seasonal service from and after July 1, 1983, provided that such employees:
1. shall not have received a negative evaluation during their last seasonal appointment and shall not have received (a) more than one written warning or (b) a disciplinary suspension in any Em- ployer position;
2. shall be available, fit for duty and subject to the same pre- employment screening procedures as are new applicants for em- ployment when recalled, and shall have the present ability without further training to immediately perform the duties of...
Seasonal Employment. (a) Seasonal employees may be employed up to a maximum of 10 months in any 12 month period. A contract of employment shall be provided to each seasonal employee at the commencement of each season. This contract will detail the period that the seasonal is expected to work and their sick leave and long service leave accrual from the previous season (where appropriate).
(b) Fonterra shall give preferential consideration to those individuals whose performance was satisfactory during the previous season. Seasonal employees will be provided feedback during the season as to their performance, and given an indication as to whether Fonterra expects to reemploy them in the coming season.
(c) The employment of seasonal labour can be terminated by one week’s notice by either party as specified in Clause 9 - Contract of Employment.
(d) Seasonal employees will receive entitlements covering annual leave, sick leave, SDO’s and long service leave. Annual leave and SDO’s will be accrued under the same conditions as those that apply for permanent employees and will be taken during and after the current season based on the time worked. Continuity of service will be broken when at least six months absence from Fonterra occurs and the following season is not worked.
(e) From July 2002, where a seasonal employee has been engaged for 3 consecutive seasons, each of more than 42 weeks duration, Fonterra is obliged to offer a permanent position to that employee. Where it is impractical to make an offer of permanent employment, the circumstances will be discussed with employees concerned and their representatives.
(f) Training opportunities will be provided in accordance with the requirements of the work site in question and the provisions of Clause 17 - Training.
(g) Seasonal employees will have the opportunity to be considered for Traineeship positions.
Seasonal Employment ho o a t r co u n re Any clerk who has worked regular store urs n a perm nen basis for fou (4) nsec tive weeks, shall be co side d a full time clerk and his hourly rate shall be fixed at the highest rate so received even though he should later be returned to working less than the full normal week. (Exception: Temporary Seasonal Employees or Vacation Replacement, will revert to their old part time rate.) Reductions to part time status, or promotions to full time shall be made with due regard to seniority and capability.
Seasonal Employment. The employer may agree on seasonal employment as per the Swedish Employment Protection Act.