Sick Leave/Personal Leave Sample Clauses
Sick Leave/Personal Leave. 1. Each member of the bargaining unit who is regular full-time, in an active pay status, is eligible for ten (10) days of sick leave and three (3) days of personal leave annually. No member of the bargaining unit shall lose the accumulated allowance of unused days of sick leave/personal leave by reason of having been absent for a period without pay, nor shall the employee accumulate any additional days of allowance during the absence. Faculty members needing to use sick/personal days shall fill out the requisite forms according to official College procedures.
a. If a faculty member is unable to discharge his/her professional responsibilities on a given day for reasons which qualify for sick leave, including regular or overload classes, labs, office hours, or regularly scheduled meetings, that faculty member shall report use of one full sick day.
b. If a faculty member discharges part of his/her professional responsibilities on a given day, but for reasons which qualify for sick leave cannot discharge all of his/her responsibilities, that faculty member shall report use of one-half sick day.
c. Notwithstanding the College’s payroll procedures that list sick leave in “hours,” the minimum amount of sick leave which may be used by a faculty member is one-half day (4 hours).
d. If the use of sick leave is protracted to the extent that an overload class or classes need to be reassigned, and others must be compensated for that overload, the faculty member may also forfeit overload compensation for such class or classes.
Sick Leave/Personal Leave. A job sharing teacher will be permitted to carry forward any previously accrued but unused sick leave. New sick leave and personal leave would, however, be earned and used on a prorated basis for the hours actually worked.
Sick Leave/Personal Leave. Xxxx leave and personal leave will be earned at the prorated portion of a full-time teacher’s sick leave and personal leave benefits.
Sick Leave/Personal Leave. SICK LEAVE BONUS
Sick Leave/Personal Leave. The Employee shall be entitled to fifteen (15) sick days per year. The Employer may require a physician's certificate after three (3) consecutive days of absence from employment due to illness. Sick leave may be accumulated during the term of employment and shall be carried over to any subsequent Employment Contract with the maximum number of days accumulated limited to 120 days. There shall be no cash value to any accumulated sick leave upon termination/separation. The Employee shall be entitled to three (3) personal days per year, none of which may accumulate beyond the anniversary date each year.
Sick Leave/Personal Leave. ESPs shall be entitled to annual sick leave allocation based upon the number of accumulated sick days at the start of each work year and calculated as follows: Sick leave shall be prorated for part-time employees. Sick leave may accumulate to 260 days. Sick leave shall be interpreted to mean personal illness, quarantine at home, serious illness or death in the immediate family or household, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. Sick leave for birth is limited to sixty (60) days, unless otherwise certified by a physician. Sick leave for adoption or placement for adoption is limited to sixty (60) days. The immediate family for purposes of this section shall mean the ESP’s parents, spouse (or partner in a legally recognized civil union), brothers, sisters, children, grandparents, grandparents-in-law, grandchildren, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles and legal guardians. ESPs in their first 90 days of employment shall not be paid for use of sick days. ESPs shall be entitled to two (2) personal absence days, which, if unused, shall be accumulated as sick leave. In no case shall ESPs be required to give reasons for use of personal absence days. Prior approval is required for use of personal days; however, except as noted below, there are no restrictions regarding the use of these days (for example: they may be used in conjunction with a holiday or weekend). The employee’s supervisor may deny use of a personal absence day for reasons involving staff or student health, safety, or during an emergency or crisis situation. In such cases, the employee shall be provided with the reason for the denial. Annually, the Superintendent or designee shall inform the QBEA President of the number and reasons for such denials. ESPs who are entitled to vacation under Article XVII of this Agreement and who have accumulated, unused sick days at the end of the fiscal year may exchange five (5) such accumulated sick days for one (1) vacation day. Sick days so exchanged shall no longer be available for use by the ESP. The additional vacation day must be used in the fiscal year immediately following the exchange date. An ESP wishing to acquire the additional vacation day must elect this option no later than June 30, annually. An ESP who accepts an assignment in a certificated bargaining unit position shall not lose any accumulated, unused sick leave by accepting such assignment. ESPs on unpaid leave of absence shall not be eligible for sick leave/person...
Sick Leave/Personal Leave. 29 Each full time employed teacher shall be entitled to a minimum of one day of sick leave per 30 month or any fractional part of a school month in any current year, plus two additional days 31 designated as “Personal Leave.”
Sick Leave/Personal Leave. Part-time teachers will earn fifteen (15) days of sick leave and three (3) days of personal leave per school year.
Sick Leave/Personal Leave. An Employee’s medical history will remain confidential in compliance with HIPAA laws. An employee holding a minimum of .5 FTE position will accrue personal leave and sick leave. Accumulation will be reflective of their FTE status and use of a 7.5 hour day.