1. Teachers shall not be required to "clock in or clock out" by hours and minutes. Teachers shall indicate their presence for duty by placing their initials in the appropriate column of the faculty “sign-in" roster.
2. Teachers with morning supervision shall arrive fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the student day and leave seven (7) minutes after student dismissal, except on early dismissal days for students when staff is required to work their regular day. On days prior to holiday breaks (Thanksgiving, Winter break and Spring break) staff will be permitted to leave after the last bus has been dismissed. An announcement will be made once the last bus has been dismissed. Teachers with afternoon supervision shall arrive five (5) minutes prior to the start of the student day and leave seventeen (17) minutes after student dismissal, except on early dismissal days for students when staff is required to work their regular day. On days prior to holiday breaks (Thanksgiving, Winter break and Spring break) staff will be permitted to leave after the last bus has been dismissed. An announcement will be made once the last bus has been dismissed. Ten minutes of the time before the school day begins or after the school day will be supervisory. Below are examples of times with a delineation of supervisory and contractual times. High School • 7:05-7:15 supervisory time (7:15 – 7:20) and 2:28-2:35 • (7:05-7:10), 7:10 – 7:20 supervisory time and 2:28-2:35 • 7:15-7:20 and 2:28-2:38 supervisory time, (2:38 – 2:45) Middle School • 7:15-7:25 supervisory time (7:25 – 7:30) and 2:38-2:45 • (7:15-7:20), 7:20 – 7:30 supervisory time and 2:38-2:45 • 7:25-7:30 and 2:38-2:48 supervisory time, (2:48 – 2:55) On early dismissal days prior to the following: Thanksgiving break, Winter break and Spring break staff will be permitted to leave after the last bus has been dismissed. All teachers will have 22 minutes combined before and after school, 10 minutes will be supervisory, 12 minutes will be teacher administrative time, as indicated in the teacher workday schedule chart above.
3. The number of school periods will be the same and consecutive for all teachers. Because of the unique nature of some positions, it may be necessary to alter the arrival and departure times. Any such alteration must be mutually agreed to by the Association and the Board.
4. All teachers will have 22 minutes combined before and after school, 10 minutes will be supervisory, 12 minutes w...
TEACHING HOURS & TEACHING LOAD. A. Guidelines for Secondary and Middle School Assignments
1. A preparation or lunch period should be scheduled after no more than three (3) consecutive teaching periods. The building administrator shall make every effort to insure that no teacher is scheduled for more than four (4) consecutive assignment periods.
2. The number of room changes required of a teacher should be held to a maximum of two (2). If it becomes necessary to place a teacher in three (3) different rooms, a written explanation shall be given to the teacher. No teacher shall be required without his/her consent to teach in three (3) different rooms in consecutive school years.
3. The number of different lesson preparations should be kept at the minimum consistent with the nature of the subject, the size of the department, the special offerings of the department, and special competencies and requests of the teacher.
4. The number of pupils assigned to rooms of a specified limited capacity should not exceed the number of pupil stations available.
5. a) All teachers (6-12) will be given five (5) assignments each day which may include any combination of class teaching or non-instructional duties. In addition, each teacher will be assigned by District Administrators to ninety (90) professional periods annually. During the remaining self-directed ninety (90) periods annually, teachers are required to participate in those professional activities hereinafter listed. Utilization of the professional period shall include but not be limited to: team meetings; co-planning meetings; grade-level meetings; department meetings; meetings with the principal, assistant principal, and/or supervisors; meetings with the Superintendent or his designee; curriculum planning/mapping2 meetings; parent conferences (may also be held during preparation periods, in extenuating circumstances); pre-and post- observation conferences (may also be held during preparation periods in extenuating circumstances); CSE meetings; CST meetings; IEP writing and/or professional development. In the event teacher(s) participate in pre-approved curriculum writing projects to develop curriculum for a new course or contribute to district- initiated revisions to curriculum outside of the school day, the district shall compensate teachers at the negotiated hourly rate for curriculum writing. Each teacher shall be involved in the aforesaid activities during the self- directed professional periods. Teachers shall maintain an accurate represent...
TEACHING HOURS & TEACHING LOAD. A. 1. As professionals teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities, but they shall not be required to “clock in or clock out” by hours and minutes. Teachers shall indicate their presence in the school facility by signing their initials in the appropriate column of the faculty “sign-in” roster.
1. Arrival and Dismissal Times
2. The Board will guarantee a minimum of 240 minutes of preparation time per week for intermediate grade teachers only and 200 minutes of preparation time per week for all other teachers provided that specialists are available to take over their class in accordance with the schedule. In the event a specialist is unavailable the Board will make a good faith attempt to get a substitute. When a substitute is not available, compensatory time shall be granted at the discretion of the administrator.
TEACHING HOURS & TEACHING LOAD. A. SIGN IN - Teachers shall place a checkmark in the appropriate column of the faculty “sign-in” roster when reporting for duty; in the event they are late, they shall write in the time of their actual arrival and explain their lateness in an appropriate space provided, which explanation shall then be signed.
B. LUNCH PERIOD - The teachers shall have a daily duty- free lunch period. In the elementary schools assigned first teacher will be on duty for twenty-five minutes and will have a twenty minute lunch. The assigned second teacher will be on duty for twenty minutes and will have a twenty- five minute lunch period. The assigned teacher will be available to assist and supervise in all emergency and lunchroom responsibilities. In the high school teachers will continue to supervise the lunchroom area for the first twenty-five minutes of each lunch period. Supervision for each second half will be handled administratively. Designated location of teachers:
1. Teachers shall not be required to "clock in or clock out" by hours and minutes. Teachers shall indicate their presence for duty by placing their initials in the appropriate column of the faculty “sign-in" roster.
2. Each teacher shall arrive ten (10) minutes prior to the beginning of his assigned session and check out five (5) minutes after student dismissal of his assigned session, except on days of prescheduled in-service meetings and student testing days. On Fridays or on days preceding holidays or vacations, the teacher's day shall end at the close of the student's day. In the event of an emergency school closing, the teachers of each assigned session will remain until all students from that session have departed.
3. The number of school periods will be the same and consecutive for all teachers. Because of the unique nature of some positions, it may be necessary to alter the arrival and departure times. Any such alteration must be mutually agreed to by the Association and the Board.
4. The total teacher in-school workday shall consist of not more than seven (7) hours and twenty-three (23) minutes which shall include a duty-free lunch period.