Union Rights and Activities Sample Clauses

Union Rights and Activities. 6.01 The Union shall notify the Employer annually, in writing, of the names of its Shop Stewards and committee persons and of any changes as they occur.
Union Rights and Activities. (Article 40);
Union Rights and Activities. 5.01 The Employer shall retain in its employ within the bargaining unit as outlined in Article 1 of this Agreement, only members of the Union in good standing. The Employer shall be free to hire or rehire employees who are not members of the Union, provided said non-members shall make application on the official membership application form within ten (10) calendar days from the date of hire or rehire and become members within thirty (30) calendar days. The term “hired or rehired” shall not apply to employees who are on layoff. The Employer shall provide each new employee and rehired employee, at the time of employment, with a form letter supplied by the Union, outlining to the employees their responsibility in regard to the payment of union dues and initiation fees. 5.02 The Employer shall forward Exhibit One, sample as attached, to this agreement, duly completed, to the Union within ten (10) calendar days for the date of hire or rehire of the employee. The term “hired or rehired” shall not apply to employees who are on layoff. The Union shall bear the expense of printing and mailing said Exhibit One.
Union Rights and Activities. 6.01 The Union shall notify the Employer in writing of the names of its shop stewards and committee person and of any changes as they occur. 6.02 The Employer agrees to recognize one (1) shop xxxxxxx per work location as selected by the employees in the bargaining unit. Shop stewards will not be permitted to wear shop xxxxxxx badges while in the community with a home- member/participant however, shop stewards' badges may be worn in the workplace. 6.03 Shop Stewards are not permitted to investigate grievances during their working hours nor shall they conduct Union business with an employee during their working hours without the specific consent of the Employer. 6.04 Leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority may be granted to an employee who is absent from work to attend Union conventions, conferences, schools or seminars. No more than two (2) employees shall be permitted a leave of absence at any one time. The Union or the employee must submit a written request for a leave of absence at least fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the date the requested leave is to commence. 6.05 Leave of absence without pay shall be granted for a period of one (1) year, renewable from year to year, to an employee with a minimum of one (1) years’ service who is engaged full-time in union activities. During the first year of such period of absence, seniority will continue to accrue. For absence of more than one (1) year seniority will be retained but will not continue to accrue. (a) Where the Employer conducts a performance appraisal (also referred to as a written assessment or evaluation), the employee shall be entitled to receive a copy. Employees shall sign the assessment indicating only that they have read and understands the contents. The employee may, within thirty (30) days of having received a copy of the assessment, respond in writing to the assessment, which response shall be part of their record. (b) Upon the written request of an employee, once every six (6) months (or more often if necessitated by a grievance), their personnel file may be examined by that employee at a prearranged and agreed upon time at the central office. 6.07 The interview of an employee by a Union Representative shall only be conducted in a place specifically designated by the Employer and held at such time as will not interfere with the needs of the home-member/participant or the operation of the workplace. 6.08 The Employer shall provide bulletin board space for the use...
Union Rights and Activities. 7.01 a) The Board and the Union each agree that there will be no intimidation, discrimination, interference, restraint or coercion exercised or practiced by either of them or their representatives or members because of an employee's membership or non-membership in the Union or because of his activity or lack of activity in the Union.
Union Rights and Activities. 5.01 The Employer shall recognize Shop Stewards appointed and/or elected by the Union, two (2) from each location, to represent employees in the bargaining unit. The Employer further recognizes the right of the Shop Stewards to oversee the terms of the Collective Agreement being implemented and to present complaints and/or grievances to Management. The Union shall notify the Employer, in writing, of any changes in appointment of Shop Stewards. 5.02 Providing permission has been obtained from the Employer with such permission not to be unreasonably withheld, Shop Stewards shall be allowed reasonable time off with pay during regular working hours for the purposes of investigating any grievances or potential grievances. No more than one (1) Shop Xxxxxxx will be allowed time off at any one (1) time in order to investigate grievances or potential grievances. 5.03 The Employer shall not discriminate against any member of the bargaining unit and/or Shop Xxxxxxx for exercising their rights under the terms of the Collective Agreement. 5.04 Shop Stewards shall be allowed to wear their Shop Xxxxxxx'x pin while on duty. The Employer is not responsible for any damage incurred due to the wearing of the pin.
Union Rights and Activities. 7.01 The Union shall notify the Employer in writing of the names of its full-time Union Representative and Shop Stewards. 7.02 The Employer shall provide the Union with all the necessary information relating to the following matters for employees within the bargaining unit: The Employer shall provide to the Union, job postings and job awards, demotions and transfers on a current basis. 7.03 An Employee accompanied by a Union Representative if they so elect, may examine their personnel file upon request. Upon further request, an exact copy of any documents required shall be made available. The Employer agrees to maintain only one (1) personnel file per employee.
Union Rights and Activities. 3 ARTICLE 6STRIKES OR LOCK-OUTS 5
Union Rights and Activities. 5.01 No employee shall be disciplined for participation in any political action called for by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, the Canadian Labour Congress, or provincial and territorial federations of labour. 5.02 The Employer shall not require, request or direct employees to cross a picket line, or perform any work resulting from strikes, union authorized slowdowns or other union authorized job action. Where an employee refuses to cross a picket line, the employee and the Employer will agree upon reasonable alternative arrangements such as the employee performing duties from home. Any employee failing to report in accordance with reasonable alternative arrangements shall be considered absent without pay. 5.03 The Union shall be entitled to union leave during working hours in order to carry out its functions under the Agreement including, but not limited to the investigation of grievances and meetings. Each calendar year, this entitlement shall be either fifty (50) days or 0.25 day per member, whichever is greater. No more than twenty (20) days may be used by an individual Union member without mutual consent. Time spent in actual negotiations, grievances or arbitration meetings with Management will be exempt from the above limit. The Union shall be responsible for informing the Management appointee and the immediate Employer of time required for Union duties. Time off shall be granted and shall not be unreasonably withheld. 5.04 Reasonable leave of absence without loss of pay, seniority or other benefits, shall be granted to employees who are absent for the purpose of attending the Union annual general meeting of up to one day, and for the purposes of participating in up to three additional meetings of up to three (3) hours in length, by conference call if necessary. The Union shall give Management notice of thirty (30) calendar days. However, the time limits in this clause will not restrict the Union from calling any special or emergency meeting of the local and will give Management as much notice as possible. Employees covered by this Agreement shall be permitted up to three (3) hours paid leave to attend or participate in a ratification meeting of the Union. Nothing in this provision shall require the Employer to pay or cover any additional expenses or time associated with the employees participating in the ratification process. One (1) hour paid leave each quarter shall be granted to all female employees to participate in a regularly sche...
Union Rights and Activities. 2 3.1 Right to Representation 2 3.2 Staff Representatives 2 3.3 Union Stewards 3