Release From Work. Employees who work an overtime or call in assignment which precedes or overlaps a regular shift may be excused from duty, with the approval of the supervisor, after the completion of eight (8) hours work, without loss of premium pay for the call in or overtime assignment. An employee who works twenty-four (24) consecutive hours has the right to use vacation, compensatory time, alternate holiday, or leave without pay for their next scheduled shift, if that shift is contiguous to the hours worked.
Release From Work. Grievances shall be processed during times which do not interfere 21 with the grievant’s work unless the parties agree otherwise. Release time without loss of pay 22 shall be granted to employees whose attendance is essential when grievance meetings are held 23 during working hours.
Release From Work. Employees who work an overtime or call in assignment which precedes or overlaps a regular shift may be excused from duty, with the approval of the supervisor, after the completion of eight (8) hours work, without loss of premium pay for the call in or overtime assignment. Notwithstanding emergencies, no employee may be forced nor volunteer to work more than eighteen (18) consecutive hours. Additionally, no employee may be forced nor volunteer to work more than two (2) consecutive days of eighteen (18) hours in a pay period. Notwithstanding an emergency, an employee who works eighteen (18) consecutive hours has the right to use vacation, compensatory time, or leave without pay for any scheduled shift within the twenty-four (24) hours of the end of the eighteen (18) hour work period.
Release From Work. All grievances shall be processed during times which do not interfere 28 with or cause interruption of a grievant’s work responsibilities, provided, however, release 29 time without loss of pay may be granted to teachers whose attendance is required when grievance 30 meetings are held during work hours.
Release From Work. A. A department committeeman shall have the right to leave his or her workstation for the purpose of adjusting grievances (verbal or written) in his or her department, or in the case of a shift committeeman, on his or her shift after getting permission from his or her xxxxxxx.
B. The Chairman of the Bargaining Committee may enter departments other than his or her own for the purpose of investigating grievances at his or her level, but only after getting permission from his or her xxxxxxx, notifying the xxxxxxx of the department that he or she enters, and stating his or her specific purpose.
C. Permission will not be unnecessarily delayed and the Union agrees that the Company will have up to 1/2 hour to relieve or replace the committeeman. If, after diligent effort, a replacement cannot be found, the investigation will be made after the end of the shift. However, the investigation of matters involving health and safety will not be delayed because a replacement cannot be found. If an investigation is delayed until after the end of the regular shift, the aggrieved employee as well as the committeeman will be permitted to stay for the investigation of the grievance.
D. If a committeeman cannot be released under C, above, no disciplinary action will be taken until the committeeman is present.
Release From Work. If an employee is scheduled to work but no work exists, the 26 County must notify the employee at least two (2) hours prior to the beginning of the normal shift or a 27 four (4) hour minimum pay will prevail.
Release From Work. The shop xxxxxxx is entitled to use sufficient time to carry out shop xxxxxxx duties, so that the average amount of time released from work does not exceed 30% of the working time. For the time released from work, the shop xxxxxxx will be paid a normal salary for regular working time. The arrangements for being released from work can be agreed in more detail according to the needs of the workplace. If there is a chief shop xxxxxxx in the company, his or her use of time is agreed locally. If a shop xxxxxxx’x area of responsibility covers several sites in a regionally dispersed company, attention should be paid to the amount of time the shop xxxxxxx is released from work to ensure that shop xxxxxxx duties are properly discharged. The arrangements for being released from work can be agreed differently from what is said above concerning the release from work. The employer and the shop xxxxxxx shall agree whether the release from work is temporary or recurring. This should take into account the operational requirements of the company and the need to ensure that fiduciary duties can be properly discharged. If necessary, work arrangements will be made with this in mind (e.g. by appointing a substitute).
Release From Work. Xx Xxxxx is released from all work duties with effect from 26 July 2007 until the end of the Service Agreement. Notwithstanding this, Xx. Xxxxx will continue to serve as a director of the Company and be available to act as signatory on Company matters until 31 August 2007. He shall, up to the Termination Date, and subject to the restrictions pursuant to Sections 10, 11 and 12 of the Registered Director’s Agreement, which remain unaffected, be free to utilise his working capacity as he chooses. The release is initially irrevocable and the time of release set off against all holiday entitlements and claims for paid leave, if any, thereafter the release is revocable.
Release From Work. 5.1. Unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, the principle that payments will be made only for work performed shall apply.
5.2. In direct connection with the events listed below, the employee shall be granted a paid release from work without that time counting as leave:
a. in case of the employee's own marriage or registration of a civil partnership 1 day
b. in the case of his wife giving birth 1 day
c. in case of the death of the spouse or partner in a civil partnership who lives in a common household with the employee 2 days d. in case of the death of a parent or child 1 day
e. in case of a move on the employer's request 1 day
f. in case of the fulfilment of legal obligations resulting from public honorary positions, for the duration of the necessary absence from work. If claims for compensation exists, the claim for the pay shall cease to exist in the amount of such claims. The regulations contained in Items b), c) and d) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to employees living in cohabitation. The claims for release under Items a) to d) shall exist after 6 months of employment at the company. Paid release shall be granted upon prior written request and shall be proved by the employee by means of documents. The proof shall be provided within no more than two weeks after the event. With the above payments, all events under Art. 616 of the German Civil Code (BGB) shall be compensated for.
Release From Work. All Ggrievances shall be processed during times which do not interfere 33 with or cause interruption of xxxx xxxxxxxx’s work responsibilitiesassigned duties, u n l e s s 34 t h e p a r t i e s a g r e e o t h e r w i s e . provided, however, release time Temporary duty, without 35 loss of pay, may be granted to teachers employees whose attendance is required when grievance 36 meetings are held during work hours.