AND RATES OF PAY Sample Clauses

AND RATES OF PAY. The minimum wages for the life of the Collective Agreement shall be as set out on Schedule “A” which is attached hereto. This Collective Agreement shall be in effect from December to January and shall be renewed from year to year thereafter unless either party gives to the other party notice in writing within the last ninety (90) days prior to the expiry date of the contract, that it desires to terminate or amend its provisions. The Company and the Union agree to commence negotiations for the renewal of the existing collective agreement between them once notice has been given in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement. The Company and the Union further agree to negotiate in good faith with a view to reaching agreement on a renewal of the collective agreement. The Company and the Union agree to enter into and proceed through negotiations and further agree that each party shall make every reasonable effort to reach agreement on the provisions for the renewal of the collective agreement. Should the Company and the Union reach an impasse in negotiations following the exhaustion of conciliation procedures as provided for under the Labour Relations Act for the renewal of the collective agreement, the parties agree in accordance with Section of the Labour Relations Act to mutually extend the terms of the agreement in its entirety and to forego the right to strike or lockout. All outstanding matters shall them be submitted to final offer selection as herein provided: The Company and the Union shall meet and agree on which proposals have been agreed upon by the parties, and secondly, which proposals, including the last bargaining position of each party with respect to each proposal remain outstanding between them. Within ten (10) days of the completion of (a), The Selector shall be selected by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union if at all possible. If no agreement is reached on the person who shall act as Selector, either party may then request the Ontario Labour Relations Board to make the appointment. No person shall be appointed as Selector who has a direct pecuniary interest in the matters coming before him or her or who is acting or has, within a period of twelve months immediately before the date of his or her appointment, acted as solicitor, counsel, negotiator, advisor or agent of either of the parties or a board. In addition to submitting a copy of all changes agreed upon by the Company and the Union for the renewal of the coll...
AND RATES OF PAY. The job classifications and rates of pay shall be as set forth in Schedule attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement. Employees shall receive their paycheques weekly on Thursday.
AND RATES OF PAY. Occupationalclassificationsand rates of pay therefor, be as set forth in the Schedule attached hereto, which shall form part of this Agreement.
AND RATES OF PAY. (a) Employees shall be entitled in accordance with Schedule " A, to their normal classified rate for the entire shift even though a part of the shift may be worked in a lower classification. However, if the employee works in a lower classification day after day, the employee may be reclassified, subject to seniority and ability. Employees with dual classifications will be paid the rate for the job performed. Employees hired prior to April who are providing relief in a higher paid classification for thirty
AND RATES OF PAY. The minimum wages for the life of the Collective Agreement shall be as set out on Schedule “A” which is attached hereto.
AND RATES OF PAY. When an employee is transferred into a higher pay classification, shall be eligible to receive a salary increase of one (1) full increment on former classification grid at the time of transfer or if is at the top rate of this grid, the increase last received in reaching the top rate. This increase shall be granted provided the employee has the necessary skills, qualifications and experience as determined by the Company. Followingthis increase, should the employee’s new rate of pay fall between two levels on new classifi- cation grid, rate of pay shall again be increasedto the higher rate of pay on the new grid. In such instances, the date of the employee’s transfer will become the employee’s anniver- sary date only for the purpose of progression up the salary grid as outlined in Article
AND RATES OF PAY. The classification and rate of pay for employees covered by this Agreement shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of this Agreement. Employees required to the duties of a job classification carrying a higher rate of pay than their normal classification, for a period of five (5) working days or more shall be paid within the higher classification at the first wage increment that is greater than their normal rate, retroactive to the first day of assignment. An employee will receive payment for statutory holiday at the higher assigned rate when Article .is applicable, provided Article is satisfied.
AND RATES OF PAY. Wages for all categoriesshall be no than (68%) billing rates at the but shall include added to the billing rate for special or including not lo, vehicles, gasoline, mileage, cameras, video recorders, guard houses, radio equipment, special clothing, xxxxxxx, telephone, electricity. traffic signs, animals, allowance, accommodationand any other not normally included in the billing Rates of pay shall be determined on a basis.
AND RATES OF PAY. Employees covered by this Agreement shall be assigned to positions which are classified and rated in conformity with the classifications, wage rates and salary ranges listed in APPENDIX "A" or in conformity with such classifications as adopted by mutual agreement. Employees required to work for one (1) hour or more at a position shall receive the higher rate while so employed with a minimum of one-half day's pay (four hours or three and hours depending on the normal daily working hours involved in the acting position) at the higher rate. Employees requiredto work at a lower-rated position shall not have their rate reduced. The Joint Job Evaluation Plan for clerical, technical and stores positions shall continue in effect during the term of this Agreement. Rates of pay for each classification shall be established or modified in accordance with APPENDIX "A" of this Agreement, The plan may be modified or replaced by mutual agreement between the Corporation and the Union. Rates of pay for other classifications created during the term of this Agreement shall be established by mutual agreement between the Corporation and the Union. Rates of pay for other positions whose duties and responsibilities have been substantially changed shall be established by mutual agreement between the Corporation and the Union. Upon the conclusion of the current development of the new Universal Job Classification Plan, the Corporation and the Union will negotiate and finalize the pay structure and rates associated to the new plan, in accordance with Article The Job Evaluation Committee will develop provisions for a Joint Job Evaluation Review Committee to engage in the ongoing process of evaluation of newly created or modified positions following the implementation of the new Job Evaluation Plan. A two tier appeal process will be implemented to address originating from the results of job evaluation under this new plan. Paydays will be every Thursday. Pay cheques will be made available at the time of relief to shift workers coming off their last shift on Wednesday. Where direct bank deposit applies, a pay slip detailing earnings and deductions will be remitted to the employee no later than Thursday. Direct deposits will be made no later than the opening of banking hours Thursday morning. When Thursday coincides with a holiday, the deposit will be made on the preceding workday. Effective January all hourly rates of the wage scales are increased by Effective January all hourly rates of...
AND RATES OF PAY the life of this Agreement the classifications and rates of pay shall be as set out in Schedule “A”. Employees shall be paid every week on Thursdays, during working hours, and no more than one (1) week’s pay will be held back. Each employee shall receive a statement listing the straight time hours, overtime hours and hourly rate, as well as all deductions. On an eight (8) hour shift, there will be a paid fifteen (15) minute break, if more than two (2) hours of overtime work is required at the end of the shift. On a ten (10) hour shift, there will be a paid fifteen (15) minute break if more than one (1) hour of overtime work is required at the end of the If an employee is scheduled to work overtime for a period of two (2) hours or more he will be granted a paid break of fifteen (15) minutes prior to the commencement of the overtime.