ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. Except where otherwise noted in this clause, each shift worker and day worker, shall be paid the number of hours actually spent in the Company’s service at the rate established for the occupation and with and overtime allowance as provided for in this Agreement. Changes in an employee’s basic rate due to a change in his or her occupation shall not he made for a part of a day or shift. However, should an employee leave his regular classified job to perform on a higherrated job, he shall receive, after working one full shift, the job rate for the higher classification. When an employee returns to his regular classified job, he shall not have his rate reduced until after a period of one full shift. Should an employee be transferred to a lower rated job classification he shall receive the rate of his regular classified job for up to twenty days. This shall not apply when the employee moves to a lower rated classified job for reasons of lack of work on his regular classified job, or when the move is brought on by personal request for such a move. In cases where the employee’s rate has been reduced after his rate will be increased after he has worked on one full Shift. In cases where the employee moves to a lower rated job due to lack of work or by request, he shall receive the rate of his regular classified job for one full consecutive shift and should he be returned to his regular classified job, he shall remain at the lower rate for one full consecutive shift. Where an employee is transferred for the purpose of training, his rate will remain unchanged. training period shall not exceed twenty-five working days without the work of the trainee being reviewed by Management. If at the time of the review the employee is found to be adequately trained, he shall be paid the rate of the occupation for which he has been trained, provided he is still on that job. In the event that the review indicates further training is necessary, his work will he reviewed weekly until such time as he is found proficient. It is understood that the employees will be removed from any training program at any time it becomes apparent that he is not making reasonable progress.
ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. Section work performed".
ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. The Employer agrees to pay and the Union agrees to accept during the term of this Agreement the wage rates and classifications as set-out in Schedule attached hereto. MAX MAX MAX Housekeeper Utili Worker (Sanitation) Printer I Product Operator Operator Operator Tester Table Operator Utili Worker Packing Mixer Scaler Inspector Receiver Sanitation Worker Shipper Automated Operator "A" FreezerWarehouse Controller Line Coordinator MaintenanceBase STARTING RATES Year Anniversary Anniversary of the rate of the rate of the rate the rate DOES NOT APPLY TO NEW ASSOCIATES HIRED IN THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Part Time Students Effective Effective Effective 13/05 Nov. 14/06 Nov. 13/07 Part Time Associates will become full time Associates upon completion of hours worked and will be eligible to receive full benefits at that time. Effective January All terms and conditions of the Contract shall apply after probation, except Dental, Extended Health Care Benefits, Life Insurance, and job bidding privileges except as provided below. Part Time Associates become eligible for pension benefits as per the part time formula after working seven hundred (700) hours in each of two consecutive years of employment. The Company will have the right to terminate any Part Time within ninety (90) worked days from date of hire and there will be no right to use the grievance procedureor arbitration for such termination. Part Time Associates are not entitled to, nor will they accumulate any seniority except as among themselves or until they become Full Time Associates as provided in the agreement. Following successful completion of the full time probationary period, a Time Associate who is hired full time (as above) will be given credit for of all hours worked during part time employment (the seniority date backdated weeks from the date of completion of hours worked). If no regular full time Associate bids on a permanent job vacancy, Time Associates may bid and shall have preference over probationary associates. Associates performing the duties of a lead hand will be paid per hour in addition to the hourly rate of their classification.
ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. Subject to Article an Employee’s rate of pay shall be as follows: (Basic) (12 (24 (36 (48 (Basic) (12 (24 (48 Step Level Step Step4 Step2 Step3 (12 (24 Effective September Step Step2 Step3 Step4 Step Level (Basic) (12 (36 (48 The rate of pay for Casual Teaching Assistants shall be as follows: effective Sept. per hour (Level Step 1) effective Sept. per hour (Level Step effective Sept. per hour (Level Step 1) effective Sept. per hour (Level Step 1) It is agreed by the parties that the terms of this Collective Agreement provide to all employees covered by it, rights or benefits regarding holidays and vacation pay which are equal or greater than the minimums provided under the Employment StandardsAct.
ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. The job classification and rate of pay shall be as set out in Schedule "A" to this Agreement.
ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. Section Section Section Next months of scale of scale.
ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. The Board shall pay to Short Term Occasional Teachers respect of each day of employmentas an Occasional Teacher with the Board, the following rate of pay prorated for xxx xxx assignments: The Salary Grid is inclusive of all vacation and statutory holiday payments required under the StandardsAct, as amended time to time. September September August September September February September February September September February September February The Grid for the Secondary Teachers would take effect beginning on the 13th consecutive instructional day of the assignment for the Long Term Occasional Teacher willbe made retroactive to the first day of the assignment If the Occasional Teacher has signed a long term contract from the beginning of assignment, would be paid on the SecondaryTeacher’s grid the first day of that assignment.
ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. Subject to all the provisions of this Agreement, the rates of pay set out Schedule hereto shall apply with respect to all employees during the term of this Agreement. Payment of employees may be by by cheque or by automatic pay deposit at the option of the Company. At the discretion of the Director, Human Resources, a starting rate of up to ten percent (10%) per hour below the basic rate of pay will be paid to new employees during their initial six (6) month period of employment. Upon completion of this period, the rate will be adjusted to the basic rate of pay.
ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. The Employer agrees to pay and the Union agrees to accept, for the term of this Agreement, the following wage rates: Drivers Yardmen Licensed or Qualified Mechanics Mechanics' Helpers or Partly Qualified Mechanics Storekeeper and Servicemen During the probationary period, an employee may be paid two dollars ($2.00) below the job rate. Period: New employees to the industry may be paid two dollars ($2.00) per hour below the job rate for a period of calendar days. Yardmen shall be paid an hourly premium of fifteen cents ($0.15) whilst employed operating a loader. When new types of equipment or new classifications of employment for which rates of pay are not established by this Agreement are put into operation, the rates governing such operations shall be subject to negotiations between the parties, and if such negotiations do not result in agreement, the dispute will be settled as if it were a grievance arising under the provisions of this Agreement. Pay shall be issued no later than Thursday by each Employer in accordance to its pay practice. Employees shall report immediately to the Employer any and all loss, damage or shortage of merchandise or equipment together with a statement of the cause thereof. Employees shall report immediately to the Employer, complete detail, all accidents, including the names and addresses of all witnesses to the accident.
ARTICLE RATES OF PAY. The Employer agrees to pay and the Union agrees to accept, for the term of the following hourly wage rates: I I Servicemen Mechanic's Helpers Licensed Mechanics Driver April