A. No employee shall be disciplined without just cause. For the purpose of this Article, discipline shall include written warnings and reprimands (excluding evaluations) placed in the employee’s personnel file, suspension or discharge. The just cause standard does not apply to employees during the probationary period.
B. If a complaint, that is, an allegation brought by a citizen or non-supervisory third party is used to support disciplinary action, the supervisor shall cause the complaint to be reduced to writing and placed in the personnel file subject to state and federal laws. The name of the complainant shall be disclosed if the employee so requests.
C. An employee who is disciplined or discharged has the right to use the grievance procedure.
D. An employee shall have the right to request and have a representative present at any meeting, called by the supervisor, which the employee reasonably believes the information they give may result in them being disciplined. Prior to such a meeting, the employee will be notified of its purpose. The right of representation will not exist when the meeting relates solely to evaluation of the employee’s work performance.
E. The probationary period for newly hired drivers is six (6) working months. Summer months are only included if the driver is assigned to a route during the summer. Termination of probationary employees shall not be subject to appeal through the grievance procedure.
F. Prior to discipline, discharge or demotion as a result of unsatisfactory performance, an employee shall be given the reason, in writing, such action is to be taken. Prior to discharge or suspension, the Union shall be provided notice by email or US Mail.
G. Where the District determines that the nature of the offense is such that the unsatisfactory behavior or performance of the employee can be corrected and warrants continuance of employment, it shall so inform the employee, in writing, and provide the employee with an opportunity to correct the unsatisfactory performance.
H. Where the District determines that the nature of the offense is such that immediate suspension is necessary, the employee may be suspended immediately from employment with the District until such charges are investigated by the Human Resources Department and a decision is made to continue or to discontinue that employee’s employment. If the employee is cleared of the charges, said employee shall be reinstated without loss of pay or accrued benefits.
I. Oral w...
DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE. A. No employee shall be disciplined without cause. For the purpose of this Article, discipline shall include written warnings and reprimands (excluding evaluations) placed in the employee’s personnel file, suspension or discharge.
X. If a complaint, that is, an allegation brought by a citizen or non-supervisory third party is used to support disciplinary action, the supervisor shall cause the complaint to be reduced to writing and placed in the personnel file. The name of the complainant shall be disclosed if the employee so requests.
C. An employee who is disciplined or discharged has the right to use the grievance procedure.
D. An employee shall have the right to request and have a representative present at any meeting, called by the supervisor, which the employee reasonably believes the information s/he gives may result in his/hertheir being disciplined. Prior to such a meeting, the employee will be notified of its purpose. The right of representation will not exist when the meeting relates solely to evaluation of the employee’s work performance.
E. Oral warnings and discipline shall be administered in private and shall be progressive. The nature of the offense shall determine where progressive discipline is initiated. This section shall not apply to warnings related to safety issues.
F. Prior to discipline, discharge or demotion as a result of unsatisfactory performance, an employee shall be given the reason, in writing, such action is to be taken.
G. Where the District determines that the nature of the offense is such that the unsatisfactory behavior or performance of the employee can be corrected and warrants continuance of employment, it shall so inform the employee, in writing, and provide the employee with an opportunity to correct the unsatisfactory performance.
H. Where the District determines that the nature of the offense is such that immediate suspension is necessary, the employee may be suspended immediately from employment with the District until such charges are investigated by the Human Resources Department and a decision is made to continue or to discontinue that employee’s employment. If the employee is cleared of the charges, said employee shall be reinstated without loss of pay or accrued benefits.
I. The probationary period for newly hired employees will be six (6) calendar months. Termination of probationary employees shall not be subject to appeal unless there is a question of fact.
DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE. Section 1 No employee shall be disciplined (including warnings, reprimands, suspensions, reduction in rank or occupational advantage, discharges or other actions of a disciplinary nature) without just cause. The specific grounds forming the basis for disciplinary action will be made available to the employee and the Association in writing. Progressive discipline will be practiced, commencing with verbal or written warnings for minor offenses, with written reprimands or suspensions for serious offenses, and with immediate termination of employment for major offenses.
DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE. No employee shall be disciplined (including warnings, reprimands, suspensions, or discharges) for reasons which are arbitrary or capricious. The specific grounds forming the basis for disciplinary action will be made available to the employee and the Association in writing.
Section 19.2 Progressive discipline will be practiced, commencing with verbal or written warnings for minor offenses, with written warnings or suspensions for serious offenses, and with immediate termination of employment for major offenses. Where appropriate the Employer shall notify the employee in writing of alleged delinquencies, indicate expected correction, and indicate a reasonable period of correction.
Section 19.3 An employee may request presence of an Association representative as a condition for participation in an interview with the Employer where the employee reasonably believes the investigation will result in disciplinary action against them. Following such request, the Employer may either proceed with interview of the employee in the presence of an Association representative or, in its sole discretion, carry on its inquiry without such employee interview. It is up to the employee whether to proceed with the interview unaccompanied by the employee's representative or to have no interview and forego any benefits that might be derived from the interview. It is understood the Employer has no duty to bargain with the Union representative at an investigatory interview; the representative is present to assist the employee and may attempt to clarify the facts or suggest other employees who may have knowledge of them, but the Employer is free to insist that it is only interested, at that time, in hearing the employee's own account of the matter under investigation. Final disciplinary action will not be taken prior to notification of the Association.
DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE. The discipline, demotion or discharge of a full-time employee shall only be for just and sufficient cause. An employee discharged for just and sufficient cause, other than gross misconduct, shall be entitled to two (2) weeks’ notice or pay in lieu thereof.
a) A probationary employee may be released during the probationary period for reasonable cause. A claim by an employee that they have been, disciplined, demoted, or discharged without just and sufficient cause, or a probationary employee for reasonable cause, may be the subject of a grievance pursuant to Article 7.
DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE. A. The District retains the right to discipline, demote, and discharge a secretary for just and reasonable cause and in accordance with the policies and provisions of this Agreement.
B. The Association shall be notified in writing of any discipline, demotion or discharge action filed with the Human Resources Department within three (3) working days of date of such filing.
C. Constructive criticism shall be utilized to attempt to correct any deficiency before disciplinary action is required. The bargaining unit member shall be entitled to have present a representative of the Association during any meeting which will or may lead to a disciplinary action by the District. When a request for such representation is made, no action shall be taken with respect to the bargaining unit member until a representative of the Association is present. Should disciplinary action be likely to occur at a given meeting, the bargaining unit member shall be advised immediately of said possibility and shall be advised by the District of the employee's right to representation. In cases of disciplinary action, the following progressive discipline procedure shall be followed:
DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE. A. Employees will only be disciplined or discharged for just and reasonable cause and after due process. Progressive discipline will be followed unless the nature of the misconduct is such that more harsh discipline is warranted. Employees may be disciplined for violation of the terms of this agreement or reasonable employee work rules. Disciplinary action or measures shall be corrective in nature and consist of the following:
1. Issue an oral warning (informal)
2. Issue a verbal reprimand
3. Issue a written warning to be placed in personnel file
4. Issue 1-3 days suspension with pay
5. Issue 1-5 days suspension without pay
6. If behavior is not corrected, more severe suspensions may occur or the employee may be recommended for termination
B. An employee shall be entitled to have present a representative of the Union during any meeting which leads or may lead to disciplinary action. When a request for such representation is made, no action shall be taken with respect to the employee until such representative of the Union is present. Should disciplinary action likely occur at a given meeting, the employee shall be advised of said possibility prior to the meeting.
C. An employee will have the right to review the contents of personnel files of the district pertaining to said employee originating after initial employment and to have a representative of the union accompany him/her in such review. Obsolete materials in the personnel file may be presented to the Superintendent of Schools for consideration for removal. Letters of reprimand shall be removed from the personnel file four years after placement as long as there has been no reoccurrence of discipline for the same matter.
D. No materials, including but not limited to, student, parental, or school personnel complaints originating after initial employment will be placed in an employee's personnel file unless the employee has had an opportunity to review the material and has been given a copy of said material. The employee may within ten (10) calendar days of receipt submit a written notation regarding the material and the same shall be attached to the file copy of the material in question.
DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE. A. No employee shall be disciplined without cause. Discipline shall include written reprimands (excluding evaluations) placed in the employee’s personnel file, suspension without pay, demotion or discharge. A written reprimand shall be stated as such and becomes part of the employee’s
DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE. A. The Board retains the right to discipline and/or discharge an employee for just and reasonable cause and/or for violation of the terms of this Agreement. When discipline is needed, due process shall always be provided prior to implementation of such discipline, including the right of representation.
B. Whenever a bargaining unit member is called to a meeting with a supervisor and the meeting may result in disciplinary action being taken, the supervisor will, prior to beginning the meeting, notify the employee of the purpose of the meeting, and of the employee's right to representation under this Article. If the employee wishes representation, no further action will be taken in such meeting until a representative of the Association is present which shall be within one (1) workday.
X. Xxxxxxx an investigation, if a secretary is relieved of work responsibilities, he or she shall be placed on unpaid administrative leave for the first five (5) workdays of the investigation. If the investigation exceeds five (5) workdays, the secretary shall be paid beginning the sixth (6th) workday. Final disposition shall be as follows:
1. If the investigation results in no findings warranting discipline or an oral or verbal warning, the secretary shall be restored all unpaid days.
2. If the investigation results in suspension of the secretary, the number of days allotted in the suspension will be first deducted from the total days of unpaid administrative leave. Any days of unpaid administrative leave exceeding the suspension will be restored to the secretary.
3. If the investigation results in the termination of the secretary, there shall be no restoration of days to the secretary.
D. The Association shall be notified, of any written disciplinary action, demotion, or discharge prior to such action being taken.
DISCIPLINE, DEMOTION AND DISCHARGE. A. The Board retains the right to discipline, demote, and/or discharge an employee for just and reasonable cause and with due process for violation of the terms of this Agreement. Such Board rights shall include but not be limited to dishonesty, drunkenness, conviction of a felony, repeated absence without cause, or repeated violation of established rules and regulations or policies. Prior to a recommendation to the Board of Education for dismissal of an employee, said employee shall be provided an administrative hearing. Such hearing shall be conducted so as to provide the employees the right of representation, knowledge of charges, opportunity to present witnesses and opportunity to cross-examine witnesses against the employee.
B. The Association shall be notified, in writing, of any written disciplinary, demotion or discharge action of any employee unless the employee signs a waiver of such notification with a copy to the Association.
C. An employee shall at all times, upon his/her request, be entitled to the presence of a representative of the Association when he/she is being reprimanded or disciplined for any delinquency in his/her performance. When a request for the presence of an Association representative is made by the employee or administrator, no action shall be taken with respect to the employee until such representative of the Association is present. The Association shall provide such representation within two