ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. The parties agree that regular and prompt attendance is essential to the efficient operation of the Auditor’s office and is expected of every employee. This article is intended to outline the expectations for good attendance, and give employees accountability for managing their attendance as an aspect of job performance, while at the same time setting about a reward system for high performing employees. The parties agree to abide by the following guidelines in attendance. All discipline and discharge will be for just cause.
ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. XII.1. In the case of absence or tardiness, it is the obligation of each employee to personally notify the officer on-duty prior to the employee’s normal reporting time. In the case of an absence for use of sick leave (not including personal days) the employee shall also notify the Human Resources Department (also referenced in X.F. Request For Leave Form). XII.2. An absence is considered one period of absence such as a single day, or, such as in the case of illness, a series of consecutive days. An incident of tardiness is any time an employee arrives after his/her scheduled starting time. XII.3. All absences qualifying as either paid or approved unpaid leaves of absence pursuant to this Agreement are considered excused absences. Unless approved by both the Chief of Police and the Human Resources administrator, all other absences are considered unexcused. Any employee accumulating three (3) unexcused absences in any consecutive 365 calendar day period will be subject to discharge for just cause. Tardiness and/or the accumulation of incidents of tardiness shall not constitute an unexcused absence(s). XII.4. An incident of tardiness is any time an employee arrives after his/her scheduled starting time. More than two (2) incidents of tardiness in any one-month period (Example: January, February, March…) is subject to discipline up to and including suspension without pay, subject to Article
ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. Reliable attendance and punctuality are essential job duties of all employees. Excessive absence, tardiness, or sick leave abuse will be grounds for progressive discipline as provided in Article 36.
ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. A point system will be utilized to promote acceptable employee attendance through the utilization of uniform and understandable standards and guidelines. To do this, managers will: 1. Maintain attendance records for each employee. 2. Establish and maintain open communications with employees regarding attendance expectations.
ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. Section 15.1. Employees are expected to work during the hours scheduled to work. Absenteeism causes a burden on coworkers and disrupts the normal operation and level of services of the Agency. Good attendance is required, and violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, which may result in termination. Bargaining unit employees are subject to any and all Attendance and Tardiness policies and procedures promulgated by the Employer.
ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. The Student must complete all driving classes AND all lectures classes. If the Student misses a class, the class and any assignments must be made up. It is the Student’s responsibility to report their absence to Xx. Xxxxxx, and it is the Student’s responsibility to schedule any needed “make-ups” with Xx. Xxxxxx.
ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. A. In the case of absence or tardiness, it is the obligation of each employee to personally call, email, or text his/her immediate supervisor prior to the employee’s normal reporting time with as much advance notice as possible. B. An absence is considered one period of absence such as a single day, or, such as in the case of illness, a series of consecutive days. An incident or tardiness is any time an employee arrives after his/her scheduled starting time. C. All absences qualifying as either paid or approved unpaid leaves of absence pursuant to this Agreement are considered excused absences. Unless approved by both the immediate supervisor and the Four (4) unexcused tardinesses in any consecutive thirty (30) calendar day period will be considered one unexcused absence. D. Any employee accumulating five (5) unexcused absences in any consecutive sixty (60) calendar day period, or seven (7) unexcused absences in any consecutive 365 calendar day period will be subject to discharge for just cause.
ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. The Board and the Association recognize that the regular attendance by a teacher is important for the continuous instruction of students. A teacher’s abuse of sick leave or other leaves and excessive tardiness or absence shall be handled consistently in accordance with the Progressive Corrective Discipline Policy, as amended.
ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. The purpose of this Article is to establish a uniform policy and set of procedures in order to maximize the regular attendance and punctuality of employees of Kenmore Mercy Hospital. Regular attendance and punctuality are considered essential ingredients in the continuity of Hospital operations and, ultimately, in providing the highest standards of care to our patients. The reason for each absence or tardy does not excuse the incident from application of this policy, including the issuance of correction action. This is a no-fault policy, since the supervisor/manager treats all incident the same without determining the significance of each incident. This Article shall apply to all employees covered by this Agreement. To ensure fair, impartial equitable and consistent treatment for all employees, an attendance and tardiness policy has been developed. The main objective of this article is to improve overall attendance and punctuality in a constructive manner. Reducing absenteeism and tardiness will decrease unnecessary costs, increase efficiency and contribute toward higher standards of quality patient care. 1. Employees are expected and required to be in regular attendance and be prepared to commence work activities at designated work locations, days and assigned hours. Employees are also expected to remain at work for the entire period excluding rest and meal periods. Late arrival, early departure and other personal absences are disruptive and should be avoided whenever possible. 2. The policy of Kenmore Mercy Hospital is to make a fair and reasonable allowance for employees’ absences, recognizing that a reasonable amount of absence due to bona fide sickness or emergency situations is often beyond the control of the employee. Conversely, our Hospital and its patients are entitled to a reasonable degree of regularity in the attention of our employees to their responsibilities. 3. Kenmore Mercy has established and/or recognizes a number of programs to provide for both regularly scheduled time off from work, and for certain other types of absences which may reasonably be expected to occur. The absences related to the programs below are not applicable under this policy, provided the absence meets the requirement for proper notification, prior approval, documentation and/or eligibility as set forth in this policy or in the applicable programs noted. These programs are: a.) Scheduled Paid Time Off (PTO); b.) Approved Leave of Absence pursuant to applicable hospit...
ATTENDANCE AND TARDINESS. TRANSDEV is a service-oriented business. Employees must be ready to serve TRANSDEV's customers and meet the public's demands promptly and efficiently. Employees must meet this challenge in a timely manner which has a direct relationship on the public's image of TRANSDEV. TRANSDEV 's regular office work hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Employees are required to report to their respective work station, on time, ready for work, every day they are scheduled to work. Bargaining unit employees are required to record their actual time spent performing their assigned duties by utilization of the procedure to be established by the Company and to be conveyed to each employee in writing. The absence of an employee weakens TRANSDEV 's ability to meet customers' service needs. TRANSDEV expects every employee to be present at the appropriate starting times and after the prescribed times for rest breaks and lunch periods. If an employee is unable to work because of illness, he/she must notify their supervisor or Department Head within one hour of his/her scheduled reporting time on each day of absence unless the employee has been granted an authorized medical leave, in which case different notification procedures apply. Failure by the employee to properly notify their Department Head will be regarded unexcused absence except in emergency situations. Employees are required to contact their supervisor when reporting an unscheduled absence. If an employee is absent from work for more than three (3) consecutive workdays, he/she will be required to submit a physician's statement to his/her supervisor or Department Head before he/she will be permitted to return to work. In such instances, TRANSDEV has the right to require the employee to be examined In cases where abuse is suspected, by a company-designated physician. TRANSDEV may require the employee to be examined by a company-designated physician or submit a statement from their physician. Absenteeism or tardiness that is unexcused or excessive in the judgment of TRANSDEV is ground for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.