Employer Prerogatives Sample Clauses
Employer Prerogatives. This Article shall not in any way restrict the prerogatives of the EMPLOYER to determine whether there shall be a reduction in force, the form such reduction shall take, or the duration of such reduction in force.
Employer Prerogatives. Section A: This Agreement shall be construed as completely setting forth all rights and obligations of the Employer, the Union, and the covered employees, rather than as a partial expression of, or basic guide to, such rights and obligations. The Employer shall have and retain, to the maximum extent permitted by law, all of the rights and privileges, whether exercised or not, that it would have had in the absence of a collective bargaining relationship, except to the extent that it has herein agreed to express limitations upon those rights and privileges.
Section B: The provisions of this Agreement are not to be interpreted as creating waivers of employee rights emanating from any source except where the language has that effect, by express wording or by logical implication; provided that this paragraph shall not impair the right and prerogative of the Employer to take unilateral action as to aspects of wages, hours, or working conditions not governed by the various provisions of this Agreement.
Employer Prerogatives. 18.1 It is the intention hereof that all the rights, powers, prerogatives, and authorities that the Employer had prior to the signing of this Agreement are retained by the Employer except those delegated, granted, or modified by this Agreement, and only to the extent that they are specifically abridged.
18.2 It is understood and agreed that the Employer has all the customary and usual rights, powers, functions, and authority of management, unless expressly limited by this Agreement.
18.3 The Employer has the sole right, at its own discretion, unless otherwise expressly provided by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the following:
a. To determine the number of employees to be employed in each department or division, operation, or shift, and in the Employer as a whole.
b. To establish, change, or modify Board Policies and/or Employer Regulations.
c. To increase or diminish, change or discontinue operations, programs, jobs, and personnel, in whole or in part.
d. To hire, suspend, discharge, promote, demote, transfer, and discipline employees.
e. To determine and direct employees in their duties.
f. To discharge any employees at any time for cause in accordance with the provisions set forth in Board Policies and Employer Regulations, or as stated in this Agreement.
g. To lay off employees at any time for financial, regulatory, or other legally required reasons.
h. To authorize temporary work or part-time help for a designated period of time not connected with the regular operation of the Employer, to be performed by any outside person, firm, or corporation whatsoever, selected by the Employer.
i. To judge the efficiency and competency of all employees in the performance of their assigned work.
j. To increase or change the content or substance of any assignment, which is not limited by any other provision(s) of this Agreement, provided such change does not thereby make the assignment more than a reasonable full-time assignment. The Union has the right under the grievance procedure to question whether any such change or increased job (assignment) has become more than a reasonable full-time job.
k. To determine the financial policies of the Employer, including the general accounting procedures, inventory of supplies and equipment procedures, and public relations.
l. To determine the management, supervisory, or administrative organization of each program or facility in the system and the selection of employees for promotion to supervisory, manag...
Employer Prerogatives. Speak About It (Speak About It, SAI) is committed to its mission, while ensuring the long-term viability and sustainability of the organization. Speak About It always accomplished its goals through the high-level of collaboration between and across departments. Staff input and expertise has always been the driving force of our critical work. Full team participation and input of staff will continue to inform and shape our work at every level. Although full team participation helps to establish our goals and program areas, in order to guarantee the legal and fiduciary roles of the organization, the Employer shall retain the authority, discretion, and flexibility to operate the organization, make day-to-day decisions, and determine the mission, priorities, goals, strategies, tactics, methods, programs, processes, means, organizational structure, and personnel to achieve SAI’s mission and goals. Except as set forth in other provisions of this Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Employer shall have all sole and exclusive prerogatives reserved to Management that include, but are not limited to: determine its budget; establish standards of service and performance of its Employees, including setting key performance indicators and qualifications, ethical standards, public messaging, security, privacy, data security rules, use of lists, supervise Employees and their work, including training and cross-training; establish performance standards and conduct Employee performance evaluations, and determine the competency of Employees; consistent with applicable equal pay laws and other relevant laws and regulations; hire, appoint, promote, discipline, assign, direct, transfer, or demote personnel; suspend or discharge Employees for just cause; increase or decrease the size of the workforce for lack of work, budgetary, advocacy, tactical, or strategic reasons; determine the hours and days, and locations; ensure orderly and effective operations and effective work and work schedules; enforce Employer rules, policies and regulations; take actions deemed necessary by the Employer to carry out its responsibilities, including in situations of emergency.
Employer Prerogatives. ACLU ME is committed to achieving its civil rights and civil liberties mission, while ensuring the long-term viability and sustainability of the organization. The ACLU ME has always accomplished its goals through the high-level of collaboration between and across departments. Staff input and expertise has always been the driving force of our critical work. Full team participation and input of staff will continue to inform and shape our work at every level. Although full team participation helps to establish our goals and program areas, in order to guarantee the legal and fiduciary roles of the organization the Employer shall retain the authority, discretion, and flexibility to operate the organization, make day-to-day decisions, and determine the mission, priorities, goals, strategies, tactics, methods, programs, processes, means, organizational structure, and personnel to achieve ACLU ME’s mission and goals. Except as set forth in other provisions of this Agreement, the Employer shall have all sole and exclusive prerogatives reserved to management that include, but are not limited to: determine its budget; establish standards of service and performance of its employees, including setting key performance indicators and qualifications, ethical standards, public messaging, security, privacy, data security rules, use of lists, supervise employees and their work, including training and cross-training; establish performance standards and conduct employee performance evaluations, and determine the competency of employees; consistent with applicable equal pay laws and other relevant laws and regulations; hire, appoint, promote, discipline, assign, direct, transfer, or demote personnel; suspend or discharge employees for just cause; increase or decrease the size of the workforce for lack of work, budgetary, advocacy, tactical, or strategic reasons; determine the hours and days, and locations; ensure orderly and effective operations and effective work and work schedules; enforce Employer rules, policies and regulations; take actions deemed necessary by the Employer to carry out its responsibilities, including in situations of emergency. ACLU ME expects all employees to perform work to the best of their ability, regardless of their own political, legal, or other opinions. In the exercise of these prerogatives, Employer shall be the sole judge of all factors involved in the decision, including, but not limited to, efficiency, usefulness, cost, and practicability. Nei...
Employer Prerogatives. 19.1 The Employer retains all those rights of management not specifically limited by the terms of this agreement.
Employer Prerogatives. Section A: This Agreement shall be construed as completely setting forth all rights and obligations of the Employer, the Union, and the covered employees, rather than as a partial expression of, or basic guide to, such rights and obligations. The Employer shall have and
Section B: The provisions of this Agreement are not to be interpreted as creating waivers of employee rights emanating from any source except where the language has that effect, by express wording or by logical implication; provided that this paragraph shall not impair the right and prerogative of the Employer to take unilateral action as to aspects of wages, hours, or working conditions not governed by the various provisions of this Agreement.
Employer Prerogatives. No provision of this article shall be construed to be a violation of the layoff and recall from layoff provisions of this Agreement or a limitation on the prerogatives of the Employer identified below which shall be within the Employer's sole discretion and which shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
a. To determine the work which shall be performed;
b. To determine which equipment shall be assigned to work projects and sites;
c. To schedule the hours of the Employer's operation;
d. To determine the reasonable, job-related qualifications of employees to perform the work required by any of the available work assignments in an acceptable manner and to operate equipment for which an hourly premium is paid;
e. To depart from the provisions of this article in emergency situations.
Employer Prerogatives. Section A: This Agreement shall be construed as completely setting forth all rights and obligations of the Employer, the UF-PBCC, and the covered employees, rather than as a partial expression of, or basic guide to, such rights and obligations. The Employer shall have and retain, to the maximum extent permitted by law, all of the rights and privileges, whether exercised or not, that it would have had in the absence of a collective bargaining relationship,
Section B: The provisions of this Agreement are not to be interpreted as creating waivers of employee rights emanating from any source except where the language has that effect, by express wording or by logical implication; provided that this paragraph shall not impair the right and prerogative of the Employer to take unilateral action as to aspects of wages, hours, or working conditions not governed by the various provisions of this Agreement.
Employer Prerogatives. The Employer hereby retains and reserves unto itself, without limitation, all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the constitution of the State of Michigan and of the United States. Further, all rights which ordinarily vest in and are exercised by employers except such as are specifically relinquished herein are reserved to and remain vested in the Employer. The right to hire, promote, discharge or discipline, and to maintain discipline and efficiency of employees, is the sole responsibility of the Employer except that Union members shall not be discriminated against as such. In addition, the work schedules, methods and means of departmental operation are solely and exclusively the responsibility of the Employer subject, however, to the provisions of this Agreement, and applicable law. It is agreed that except as specifically abridged, delegated, modified, or granted by this Agreement, all of the rights, powers, and authority the Employer had prior to the signing of this Agreement are retained by the Employer and remain exclusively and without limitation within the rights of the Employer.