Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay Sample Clauses

Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay. Employees may request extended leaves of absence without pay for a period of time to be terminated at the conclusion of the semester during which the leave commenced or for one additional semester following the conclusion of the semester in which the leave commenced. An employee shall file an application in the office of the Executive Director for Human Resources Management. The application shall be reviewed by that office and will be submitted to the Board of Directors for their consideration. Extended leaves of absence may be granted for health, professional study, or family responsibilities, which may include child nurturing. The employee’s service will resume either at the beginning of the fall or spring semester in accordance with the leave of absence agreement. While on extended leave, the employee’s interest in the retirement funds, accumulated sick leave, and placement on the salary schedule shall be frozen. While no additional benefits will be provided by the Employer during the leave period, the employee may purchase such benefits. At the conclusion of the extended leave of absence, the salary of the employee shall be the salary stated on the salary schedule for the step and class for which that employee was appointed at the time of the commencement of the leave. A request for early termination of the leave agreement and reinstatement of position must be made in writing to the office of the Executive Director for Human Resources Management at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the new semester. The Employer shall reserve the right to delay reinstatement until the beginning of the school semester following the request. Early reinstatement before the beginning of the new semester to those granted a leave of absence for a regular school year must indicate a desire to return within five (5) days of receipt of regular letter of intent sent to all employees.
Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay a) The Board may grant an employee a leave of absence without pay for a period of up to one (1) year in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Requests for such leave shall be submitted in writing to the Manager of Human Resources via the immediate supervisor at least one month in advance of the employee’s last day of scheduled work. All requests for leave shall contain the reasons for the request. b) An extension of up to one (1) year may be granted by the Board upon written request of the employee received not less than six (6) weeks prior to the end of the original leave. Except in exceptional circumstances and as agreed by the Board and the Bargaining Unit, any leave without pay shall not exceed two (2) years. c) The employee shall not accumulate sick leave, nor service credit for increment of vacation entitlement during the period of the leave. These entitlements shall be maintained at the levels accrued to the employee as of the working day immediately prior to the commencement of the leave. d) If the employee has benefit coverage, the employee may elect in writing to continue benefit coverage. LTD coverage will not be available to the employee during the period of the leave. The employee shall pay 100% of the premium costs monthly through direct debit to the employee’s bank account. e) At the end of the leave period, the employee shall be required to report for work on the first scheduled work day following the leave period. The employee will return to the same position held by the employee immediately prior to the commencement of the leave of absence, if it still exists, provided the employee has not been displaced in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 (Staffing). If the position no longer exists or if the employee has been displaced, the employee may exercise seniority rights in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 (Staffing). f) If an employee applies for a position which commences prior to the termination of the leave and is appointed to the position, the employee will be required to terminate the leave and return to work in the new position. g) Requests to return to work before the leave has expired must be submitted in writing to the Manager of Human Resources at least one month before the requested return to work date. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied.
Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay. A. With the approval of the Superintendent, teachers upon request will be granted leaves of absence for not more than one (1) year without pay for the purpose of pursuing a full time educational program, for cultural travel, or for a work program related to his/her professional responsibilities during their absence. Upon return from such leave, a teacher shall be considered as if he/she were actively employed by the Superintendent during the leave and shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level he/she would have achieved had he/she not been absent. B. Leave without pay shall be granted to any teacher who is inducted or enlists in any branch of the armed forces of the United States. Upon return from such leave, a teacher shall be placed on the salary schedule at the level which he/she would have achieved had he/she remained actively employed in the system during the period of this absence, up to a maximum of two years. If such person voluntarily re-enlists or extends his/her tour of duty, such action shall be considered a resignation from his/her position. C. A leave of absence without pay or increment of up to one (1) year, or in any case no longer than the following September 1, shall be granted for the purpose of caring for a sick member of the teacher’s immediate family. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent. If a leave of absence extends through the end of the preceding school year, notification of intent to return shall be made prior to June 1 to the Superintendent of Schools. If notification is not made, the contract of the teacher shall be considered as terminated. D. After four (4) years of continuous employment in the Medfield School System, a teacher may be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to one year, at the discretion of the Superintendent, for health reasons. Requests for such leave will be supported by appropriate medical evidence. E. After seven (7) years of continuous service in the Medfield Public Schools, a one school year leave of absence shall be granted for the purpose of pursuing an alternative career in education provided, however, the teacher shall have given written notice to the Superintendent by March 1 of the school year immediately preceding the school year for which the leave is to be taken. A teacher on such leave shall give written notice to the Superintendent prior to March 1 of the school year in which the leave is taken of said teacher’s intent to return to his/her te...
Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay. Members of the bargaining unit, unable to work for reason of sickness or accident, and whose accumulated sick leave runs out, will automatically be granted a leave of absence, without remuneration of any kind, except for the benefits provided in Article 35 of this Agreement, for a period of two (2) years, or recuperation, whichever comes first. Any member of the bargaining unit desiring to return to the District prior to the originally designated approved date shall submit a request in writing as far in advance as possible. A physician’s statement, indicating that the employee can return to work, must be provided to the Human Resources Office prior to the employee’s actual return date. This request is not to be interpreted as an automatic approval. See Article 16 for FMLA provisions.
Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay. The Board may grant an employee a leave of absence without pay for a period of up to one (1) year in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Requests for such leave shall be submitted through the Board’s Electronic Leave of Absence form and by email to the Superintendent/Manager of Human Resources or their designate via the immediate supervisor at least one month in advance of the employee’s last day of scheduled work. All requests for leave shall contain the reasons for the request.
Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay. Leaves of absence without pay for periods in excess of ninety (90) days and up to twelve (12) months must be approved by the City Manager or designee.
Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay. All leaves of absence in this Article shall be granted by the Superintendent consistent with the following: 1. The Committee agrees that up to three (3) members designated by the Association shall, upon request, be granted leaves of absence for up to two (2) years without pay for the purpose of engaging in activities of the National Education Association or of any of its local, state or national affiliates. The Superintendent need not, however, grant such leave to any member who has been on sabbatical leave within the past two
Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay. An employee may request an extended leave without pay for a period not to exceed one year, subject to advance approval by the City. Requests for extended leave will be submitted in writing to the Fire Chief or his designee and may be granted with the approval of the Fire Chief and the City Manager. Sick leave, vacation, and holiday benefits will not accrue during the period of leave of absence. The employee will have the right to assume the total cost of health and life insurance premiums and remain a part of the group medical coverage during the leave, pursuant to COBRA. The premium to be paid by the employee is 102% of the applicable premium that the City pays for single or family coverage. If an employee is granted a leave of absence of more than one month, the employee is not guaranteed reinstatement to his or her former position. The employee may be replaced at the discretion of the City upon recommendation of the Fire Chief, the approval of the Human Resources Director and the City Manager. At the expiration of the leave period, the Human Resources Director will attempt to place the employee in his or her former position or one that is similar, depending on the employee's qualifications and positions available. If the period of leave is for one month or longer, the employee's benefit accruals and date of hire will be adjusted by deducting the period of absence. If the employee has not returned to work within five days after the end of the approved leave period, the City will terminate his/her employment and notify the employee in writing that his/her employee benefits are terminating, unless there are extraordinary circumstances beyond the employee’s control that prevent notification.
Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay. A Leave of Absence Without Pay (LOA) may be granted for short term disability, or reasons other than those covered by the Family Medical Leave Act.
Extended Leave of Absence Without Pay. The Board may grant an employee a leave of absence without pay for a period of up to one year in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Requests for such leave shall be submitted in writing to the Manager of Human Resources via the immediate supervisor at least one month in advance of the employee’s last day of scheduled work. All requestsfor leave shall contain the reasons for the request. An extension ofup to one (1) year may be granted by the Board upon written request of the employee received not less than six (6) weeks prior to the end of the original leave. Except in exceptional circumstances and as agreed by the Board and the Bargaining Unit, any leave without pay shall not exceed two (2) years. The employee shall not accumulatesick leave, nor service credit for increment of vacation entitlement during the period of the leave. These entitlements shall be maintained at the levels to the employee as of the working day immediately prior to the commencement of the leave. If the employee has benefit coverage, the employee may elect in writing to continue benefit coverage. coverage will not be available to the employee during the period of the leave. The employee shall pay of the premium costs monthly through direct debit to the employee’s bank account.