6.1 Provide an appropriate educational program in accordance with all applicable requirements of the ACGME, New York State laws and regulations, and/or specialty board eligibility requirements.
6.2 Orient House Officer to the facilities, philosophies, rules, regulations, and Policies and Procedures of Hospital and Program Requirements of the ACGME, RRC, and other appropriate bodies and provide House Officer with the Hospital’s House Staff Manual, which shall detail the requirements for the Program.
6.3 Ensure supervision of House Officer in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, Hospital policies, and ACGME regulations, rules, policies and procedures.
6.4 Hospital shall provide House Officer with information relating to access to eligibility for certification by the relevant certifying board. The hospital/residency web site provides the link to the American Board of Medical Specialty (
HOSPITAL RESPONSIBILITIES. During the term of this Agreement, the Hospital shall provide the following:
HOSPITAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Hospital agrees to provide:
HOSPITAL RESPONSIBILITIES. HOSPITAL will provide: A suitable academic environment for educational experiences in the RESIDENT’S specialty; A Residency Program that strives to meet and exceed the standards of the Essentials of Approved Residencies promulgated by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), when such Essentials apply; and Upon RESIDENT’s satisfactory completion of the Residency Program as determined by HOSPITAL, the HOSPITAL will issue certificate of completion.
HOSPITAL RESPONSIBILITIES. 2.1 The Hospital shall have overall responsibility for the administration and operation of the residency program. Hospital shall provide an appropriate educational program that allows Resident to meet all of the educational requirements for certification by a specialty board recognized by the appropriate American Board of Medical Specialties. Hospital shall provide the personnel reasonably necessary for Hospital’s administration of the residency program as determined in Hospital’s sole discretion.
HOSPITAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Hospital shall have the following obligations:
4.1 To provide faculty planning and supervision of the Program, and provide the Resident with appropriate and adequate faculty and Medical Staff supervision for all educational and clinical activities.
4.2 To perform delegated administrative and educational functions for the benefit of the Resident on behalf of the Institute, including arranging for the payment of stipends, maintaining certain Resident records, administering the Institute’s procedures related to the discipline of the Residents, and providing mechanisms for the coordination of programs among the affiliated hospitals and the various clinical services.
4.3 To provide a stipend and benefits to the Resident, as a delegated function on behalf of the IME, as outlined in Article 6 below.
4.4 To use its best efforts, within available resources, to provide an educational training program that meets the Accrediting Bodies' accreditation standards.
4.5 To use its best efforts, within available resources, to provide the Resident with adequate and appropriate support staff and facilities in accordance with applicable local, state, federal and Accrediting Bodies requirements.
4.6 To orient the Resident to the facilities, philosophies, and Policies of the Hospital, and institutional and Program requirements of the Accrediting Bodies and the pertinent RRC.
4.7 To maintain an environment conducive to the health and well being of the Resident.
4.8 To provide the Resident with (i) reasonable meals in accordance with the Institute policy set forth in the GME Resident Handbook, (ii) adequate sleeping quarters (commonly known as “Call Rooms”) for Residents on duty in the Hospital, (iii) patient and information support services, (iv) security, (v) parking, and (vi) lab coats and laundry services in accordance with the Hospital laundry service policy.
4.9 To provide a fair and consistent method for review of the Resident’s concerns and/or grievances in accordance with the applicable Institute policy set out in the GME Resident Handbook without the fear of reprisal.
4.10 Upon satisfactory completion of the Program, the Program’s requirements, and the Resident’s responsibilities specified herein, the Program will refer the Resident to the Institute which, in turn, will furnish the Resident with a Certificate of Completion of the Program.
4.11 If a Resident has a grievance [as defined in the Institute Grievance Resolution policy (GME-12)], he/she should attempt to re...
HOSPITAL RESPONSIBILITIES. 1. HOSPITAL agrees to make the appropriate facilities available to UNIVERSITY in order to provide supervised clinical experience to students in the program. Such facilities shall include an environment conducive to the learning process of the students as intended by the terms of this Agreement and conforming to the customary HOSPITAL procedures.
2. HOSPITAL may cancel, by notice in writing to the UNIVERSITY, the clinical placement of any student whose performance is unsatisfactory, whose personal characteristics prevent desirable relationships within the HOSPITAL, or whose health status is a detriment to the student's or other students successful completion of the Clinical Education assignment. Prior to such cancellation, the HOSPITAL shall notify the UNIVERSITY and consult with it about the proposed action.
0. Xx any situation in which, in the sole opinion of the HOSPITAL, a patient's welfare or the best interests of the hospital may be adversely affected, the HOSPITAL may take immediate corrective actions which could include removal of the student from the facility. The UNIVERSITY will be immediately notified of the action taken. Discussion of the student’s continued involvement in the hospital program will ensue. The HOSPITAL understands that the UNIVERSITY, as a public agency, must provide procedural due process for its students.
4. While in the HOSPITAL, students will have the status of trainees and are not to replace HOSPITAL staff, and are not to render patient care and/or service except as identified for educational value and delineated in the jointly planned educational program.
5. Emergency outpatient treatment will be available to students while in the HOSPITAL for clinical training in case of accident or illness. However, any student utilizing this service will be responsible for payment of the services provided.
6. HOSPITAL shall designate and submit in writing to UNIVERSITY the name and professional and academic credentials of a person to be responsible for the Clinical Education Program. That person shall be called the Clinical Education Supervisor, and shall maintain contact with the UNIVERSITY designated liaison person to assure mutual participation in and surveillance of the Clinical Education Program.
7. HOSPITAL shall notify UNIVERSITY in writing of any change or proposed change of the Clinical Education Supervisor.
8. HOSPITAL shall provide a planned supervised program of clinical experience as specified in the most recent outline of i...
HOSPITAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Hospital shall provide orientation, training and education for employees who may be routinely exposed to potentially hazardous substances and harmful biological and/or physical agents in their jobs. The Hospital will provide equipment to safely implement policies and employees shall be required to use such equipment.
HOSPITAL RESPONSIBILITIES. Each Participating Hospital has the following responsibilities under this Compact: On an as-needed basis, and subject to the limitations in Article IV, provide aid and assistance to other Participating Hospitals as requested. Identify and inventory the current services, equipment, supplies, personnel and other resources relating to planning, prevention, mitigation, response, and recovery activities of the Participating Hospital. Such listings, often part of the facility's Emergency Operations Plan, will assist is providing a more rapid and efficient response to requests for assistance. Develop an internal Emergency Operations Plan that not only meets any applicable "Deeming Authority" requirements, but includes an ICS structure which is compatible with NIMS (see Exhibit B). This approach will facilitate a more rapid and efficient response to a request for assistance. It also will better prepare the Participating Hospital should it suffer an Event, and potentially need assistance. All Participating Hospitals should comply to the extent possible during an Event with applicable EMTALA patient transfer laws and regulations, related state laws and regulations; as well as with patient confidentiality laws and regulations, including HIPAA privacy and security provisions, to the extent possible and as may be exempted during an Event. COOP - Participating Hospitals should consider developing an internal Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) that will outline their potential strategies for sustaining operations during an Event, even when key personnel, facilities and systems are no longer available. JIS and JIC - In a major Event (especially one involving multiple facilities, the community, region, state, or federal government) there will likely be a Joint Information System (JIS) created. The role of the JIS is to make sure the community is addressed with "a common voice" which is giving a consistent message which is accurate and timely. Participating Hospital's public information officers (PIO), marketing and Human Resources staff are going to need to work together to gather timely information from the hospital's ICS about what is going on inside the Participating Hospital; and The Designated Representative (acting as the Liaison under ICS with external agencies and facilities) will need to anticipate serving as a conduit for sharing appropriate information in both directions so that community's planners are aware of the status of the hospital, and the hospital is ...
HOSPITAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The HOSPITAL, to the best of its ability with available resources, will provide an educational training program which meets the accreditation standards of the ACGME and other applicable organizations.