JOB POSTING & BIDDING. When a position covered by this Agreement becomes vacant or a new vacancy occurs, the Employer shall first determine whether there is a need to fill said vacancy. Where the Employer determines the vacancy will be filled, the job will be posted in a conspicuous place in each building, and will be transmitted to the Chapter Chair. The posting will list the pay, duties, and qualifications. This notice of vacancy shall remain posted for seven (7) calendar days. Interested employees shall apply in writing during this seven (7) calendar day period. In filling such vacancies, full consideration will be given to qualified applicants already employed by the School Department. All current employees who apply for a position shall be granted an interview. But nothing in this section shall be construed so as to infringe upon the Superintendent's prerogative to fill the vacancy with the applicant of his/her choice. Nothing in this agreement shall restrict the Superintendent from hiring outside the school system. If a member of the bargaining unit applies for a position and is not selected, the Superintendent, if requested by the unit member, will meet with the member and explain the reasons for the selection. The filling of vacancies under this Article shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure. If the successful applicant is a member of the bargaining unit, he or she will be given a thirty
JOB POSTING & BIDDING. Notices of vacancies or new jobs created will be posted on the job posting bulletin boards for a period of three (3) working days during which employees shall have the opportunity to advance their status by filing an application for transfer to such jobs with the Human Resources Manager. If posted jobs are not filled in thirty (30) days, a one-day posting will be made before a new employee is hired. Work cells, once developed, will be initially staffed with active employees from the traditional job classifications that were merged by the given work cell. Job openings, within a given work cell, will not be posted until the staffing requirements within the work cell exceeds the available active employees that were merged from the traditional job classifications. The traditional job classification will be the basis for posting an available work cell position. The existing job posting and bidding rules, contained within this section, will govern the evaluation of any subsequent job vacancy or bid into a work cell. Requests for transfer will be considered in accordance to the employee’s seniority, qualifications and curtailment of production, before any new employee is hired for such a job. Before the job is awarded to a bidder, the lay-off list will be referred to for qualified senior employees (See Article V., Section F.). If a laid off employee accepts the job, the job bid must be signed. If an employee on the lay-off list refuses the job, refer to Article V, Section F., #5 . If there is reasonable doubt as to the employee’s qualifications, a reasonable trial period shall be granted. Should any employee disqualify themself during the five (5) day trial period, they shall have return rights to their previous job. Once the employee is accepted for the job, and once the employee completes the five (5) day trial period, he/she relinquishes the rights to the job he/she left. Any employee who fails to successfully hire or transfer into a new job will be placed on layoff status, with no bumping rights. Layoff status will be automatically invoked upon the issuance of the third infraction of a minor nature for failing to meet a reasonable measure of efficiency (Infraction of a Minor Nature #10). Employees who are disqualified in this manner will relinquish recall rights to any previously disqualified job, and all warnings on record will continue for the remainder of their terms once the employee returns from layoff. Employees interested in being considered for rough ...
JOB POSTING & BIDDING. 1. In the event there is a non-temporary job opening, a Job Posting will be issued, normally within seven (7) days. The Job Posting will normally be posted for a minimum of fourteen (14) days and will include any terms of the job opening such as pay, work schedule, experience and qualification requirements, location(s), application and other pertinent job requirements information. The selection will be made within seven (7) days after the closing of the job posting, subject to customer acceptance of the pilot(s) and contract award. 2. A Job Opening will exist when the employer determines that a need exists for an aircraft transition, upgrade or specialized training, or that a vacancy exists on a non-temporary customer contract. Transitions and specialized training required for replacement aircraft or ad hoc specials will be posted in accordance with this article, and will include any conditions such as base, regional or area requirements, pool assignment, workover expectations, and reassignment obligations and limits thereto (normally not to exceed twelve (12) months). 3. A pilot applicant shall be considered qualified if he has been previously trained in aircraft type and has the specialized training; and is current in duty position and meets customer and employer minimum experience requirements. For transition and upgrade, qualified means that the pilot holds appropriate FAA certification and duty position. 4. A job which is contracted for one hundred eighty (180) days or less is considered temporary. Temporary jobs expected to last more than sixty (60) days will be posted except as provided for in Section 11 (temporary reassignments) of this Article. A temporary job filled by posting will not be re-posted in the event it becomes non-temporary, and the pilot awarded the job through the temporary posting will remain on that job unless he opts to be reassigned to the pilot pool, or he successfully bids on another job. 5. A non-temporary job vacancy is created when: A. A new customer contract is obtained, unless contract requirements dictate that specific pilots fill the job, or B. A pilot on a non-temporary job accepts another position, or C. A pilot is removed from a job. 6. A vacancy does not exist if: A. A customer changes aircraft type, and requests that the assigned pilot(s) remain on the job, or B. The pilot on a non-temporary job is either on an extended leave (i.e- sick leave, occupational injury leave or personal leave) for ninety (90) days or les...
JOB POSTING & BIDDING job posting. In specific instances, any of the above may be waived by mutual agreement of the Parties.
JOB POSTING & BIDDING. Before hiring an individual to fill a permanent vacancy and positions covered by this Agreement, the Administration shall post a notice of vacancy in each school, with a job description, for a period of not greater than fifteen (15) working days, should it be the intention of the Administration to fill the vacancy. All individuals interested in applying for the vacancy, whether from the inside or outside, must apply in writing during the applicable posting period. After initial screening of all applications, those candidates who are determined as leading candidates for the position will have interviews promptly scheduled. Upon acceptance of the position by the successful candidate, all of the candidates from within the system and others from without who have received interviews, will be notified of the Administration’s action.


  • JOB POSTING The following provision will appear in all collective agreements replacing any related provision that existed in the hospital's expiring collective agreement: (Any provision pertaining to definition of temporary vacancies, non-bargaining unit applications, outside advertising, interim placements or criteria for selection except as it relates to promotions and transfers that existed in the hospital's expiring collective agreement will be continued as the last paragraph of this Article). "Where a permanent vacancy occurs in a classification within the bargaining unit or a new position within the bargaining unit is established by the Hospital, such vacancy shall be posted for a period of seven (7) consecutive calendar days. Applications for such vacancy shall be made in writing within the seven (7) day period referred to herein. The postings shall stipulate the qualifications, classifications, rate of pay, department and shift and a copy shall be provided to the Chief Xxxxxxx. Vacancies created by the filling of an initial permanent vacancy will be posted for a period of three (3) consecutive calendar days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Applications for such vacancies shall be made in writing within the three (3) day period referred to herein. In matters of promotion and staff transfer appointment shall be made of the senior applicant able to meet the normal requirements of the job. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin board for a period of seven (7) calendar days. Where there are no successful applicants from within this bargaining unit for vacant positions referred to in this Article, employees in other CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital will be selected in accordance with the criteria for selection above, prior to considering persons who are not members of CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital. The employees eligible for consideration shall be limited to those employees who have applied for the position in accordance with this Article, and selection shall be made in accordance with this Article. The successful applicant shall be allowed a trial period of up to thirty (30) days, during which the Hospital will determine if the employee can satisfactorily perform the job. Within this period the employee may voluntarily return, or be returned by the Hospital to the position formerly occupied, without loss of seniority. The vacancy resulting from the posting may be filled on a temporary basis until the trial period is completed. A list of vacancies filled in the preceding month under this Article and the names of the successful applicants will be posted, with a copy provided to the union."

  • JOB BIDDING Section 1. All job vacancies will be posted as follows: a.) The position will be posted on Kaleidascope for seven (7) calendar days. b.) The posting shall include the position (job title), posting dates, status, hours per pay period, shift, starting and ending times, pay grade and the qualifications for the position as defined in the job description for the position. A copy of all job postings will be sent to the Union. c.) Employees may not be accepted for posted positions until they have completed six (6) months of employment. In addition, an employee who has transferred to a position must remain in that position for six (6) months before applying for another posted position. Except that an employee may apply for a posted position which is at a higher pay grade without regard to the six (6) month limit. This paragraph shall not apply to intra cost center shift change or intra cost center status changes. Section 2. Posted positions shall be filled by the most senior qualified applicant from within the bargaining unit. If the position cannot be filled from within the bargaining unit, the Employer may fill the position from any source available to the Employer, provided the candidate meets all of the qualifications for hiring into that position. In all instances, the appropriate manager is responsible for the interview and selection of applicants within fourteen (14) days of the end of the posting. Section 3. A qualified applicant shall be defined as an employee who possesses the entry level qualifications in the job description and is able to do the work when required. Ability to do the work and documented performance, inclusive of disciplinary record, may be considered when awarding a position. The Employer will notify all applicants of the result of their bid in a timely manner not to exceed two (2) weeks from the date the position is awarded. Section 4. A successful bidder shall be required to serve a sixty (60) calendar day trial period exclusive of any classroom training required. At the midpoint of the trial period the employee shall be evaluated and given written notification if a problem exists. During the trial period, the employee will be returned to his/her original position if the employee elects to be returned or the Employer finds the employee is unsatisfactory in the new position.

  • Job Postings The employee may apply for a job posting at either home based on their seniority at the designated employer. The vacancy will be filled in accordance with Article 9 of the collective agreement. Where seniority is the deciding factor the most senior candidate will be selected regardless of which home her/his seniority was accumulated.

  • Job Postings and Applications ‌ If a vacancy or a new job is created for which union personnel might reasonably be recruited, the following shall apply: (a) If the vacancy or new job has a duration of thirty (30) calendar days or more, the vacancy or new job including salary range, a summary of the job description, the required qualifications, the hours of work, including start and stop times and days off, the work area and the commencement date shall, before being filled, be posted for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days, in a manner which gives all employees access to such information, provided that no employees shall be entitled to relieve other regular employees under this clause on more than two (2) occasions in one calendar year unless the Employer and the Union otherwise agree in good faith. (b) Notwithstanding (a) above, if a temporary absence is one of less than ninety (90) calendar days, the work of the absent employee may be performed by employees working in float pool positions, where float pools exist. (c) Notwithstanding (a) above, if the vacancy is a temporary one of less than ninety (90) calendar days and the work is not being performed by a float employee, the position shall not be posted and instead shall be filled as follows: (i) where practicable by qualified regular employees who have indicated in writing their desire to work in such position consistent with the requirements of Article 14. Should a vacancy under this Article result in backfilling of more than one (1) vacancy (including the initial vacancy) the second (2nd) vacancy may be filled by an employee registered for casual work unless the Employer and the Union agree otherwise in good faith. If the application of this paragraph requires the Employer to pay overtime to the employee pursuant to Article 19, the proposed move shall not be made. An employee who accepts work under this provision is not eligible to work in another Article 16.01(c) assignment that conflicts with the accepted one. Probationary employees and employees undergoing a qualifying period shall not be considered for a 16.01(c) assignment in a different classification. (ii) by employees registered for casual work in accordance with the casual addendum. (iii) in cases of unanticipated or unplanned temporary absences, such temporary absence may first be filled under (c)(ii) for a period of up to seven (7) days. (d) A part-time employee who has accepted a casual assignment which conflicts with a temporary vacancy referred to in paragraph (c)(i) above shall be considered unavailable for such temporary vacancy. A part-time employee who has accepted a temporary vacancy referred to in paragraph (c)(i) above which conflicts with a casual assignment shall be considered unavailable for such casual assignment. Where an employee declines an offer to work under (c)(i) the Employer need not offer the work again to that employee under (c)(ii), if she/he is also registered for casual work. (e) Existing local agreements will be in force and effect (including termination clauses) unless changed by mutual agreement by the parties at the local level. (f) Where the local agreement covering access to work by part-time employees (former “15.01c”) does not contain a termination clause, the agreement may be terminated on giving of six (6) months’ notice by either party. (g) By mutual agreement, the parties may vary the job posting process set out in Article 16.01.

  • Vacation Bidding 1. Vacations will be bid by shifts in a Bid Area, except that in any Bid Area having less than 50 employees, vacations shall be bid by Bid Area. When mutually agreed between the Company and the local Union Business Agent/Chief Stewards/Coordinator vacations may be bid by groupings other than those listed herein. Provided that the Company will not unreasonably withhold agreement to such grouping as the local Business Agent advocates. It shall not be unreasonable for the Company to withhold agreement if the proposed grouping can reasonably be expected to materially affect the operation or any portion thereof. 2. In each vacation bidding group, the Department Head or Designee, will determine the total number of vacation weeks to be taken including regular earned vacation and deferred Holidays. For determining weeks to be bid, two (2) or less days will not be considered as a week. 3. If the total number of weeks to be taken is fifty (50) weeks or less, only one (1) person will be awarded a vacation in any given week (considered as a column). 4. If the total number is greater than fifty (50) weeks, a full column will be available for bidding each fifty (50) weeks, and if necessary, a partial column will be available for any remaining weeks in the last column. This method is used to avoid scheduling more people than necessary to be on vacation in any specific week. 5. Once a year, generally in early November, employees will bid for available vacation in the succeeding year based on adjusted Company Service Date. The Company will post notice of where and when employees will bid their initial and subsequent rounds of vacation. Employees will at that specific time, have three (3) ways to notify management of their bid preferences. They may show up in person, or telephone in their preference, or submit a written pre-bid to the designated management representative prior to any particular vacation bid round. Written confirmation will be provided to employees submitting written pre-bids. Once the entire vacation biding process is completed the vacation listings will be posted no later than December 15th. 6. Employees may bid one (1) continuous vacation period, which may include all or any portion of the vacation to which he is entitled. However if the employee is eligible for less than ten (10) working days the employee may not split the available vacation. Once an employee is eligible for ten (10) working days or more, the employee may split the employee’s vacation into separate periods of complete weeks and if a partial week remains, it will be taken in conjunction with one (1) of the employee’s complete weeks. 7. Once each employee has had the opportunity to bid, additional rounds of bidding will be permitted following the same procedure used on the initial round. 8. If an employee does not bid at all, during any given round, the employee will not be given the opportunity to bid until the next round. However if an employee misses his bid time but calls or shows up to bid before that particular round is complete, he will be allowed to bid at that time from the remaining available weeks. 9. If an employee is a member of the Military Reserve and will attend a two

  • Postings The posting will include the projected end date of the position. A casual employee who bids into any vacancy pursuant to Article 17.03(A) and (B) above will have her status changed to regular for the duration of the time worked in the temporary position and will then revert to casual status. Internal regular employees will return to their previous status and external candidates will return to their pre-employment status. Employees in these positions will be given a minimum of ten (10) calendar days’ notice of any change to the projected end date of the position.

  • Shift Bidding A. No less than once each year, each shift (including days off) within each section of the Water Supply and Treatment Division (Xxxxx Xxxxx Water Treatment Plant, Sunol Water Treatment Plant and the Millbrae Corporation Yard) shall be open to bid. This provision shall not preclude the scheduling of additional shift bidding periods within particular bid units upon mutual agreement of Management and the Union. The annual shift bidding period required herein shall be integrated with transfer bidding in order to effect transfers and shift selections in a single integrated process at least once annually. Each location may have up to two shifts which shall be: Shift 1, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Shift 2, 3:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. The work week for both shifts at Water Supply and Treatment Division shall be Monday through Friday. B. Employees eligible to bid shall include all employees in the Water Supply and Treatment Division in class 7318, Electronic Maintenance Technician. C. At the time set by Management for the annual shift bidding period, the supervisor of each unit shall post for one (1) week shifts, and the number of employees in each classification to full such shifts, so that full-time employees described in paragraph B. above may submit their choices of shifts. Eligible employees who fail to submit timely bids, shall be assigned in the sole discretion of Management. D. Assignments shall become effective two weeks after the end of the posting period (or at the nearest commencement thereto of the next pay period) and shall be awarded in accordance with Water Supply and Treatment Division seniority in class above, except that Management may deny or delay bids that effect special projects or which require special skills or specific experience related to a specific job. E. Management shall retain the right between posting period to change an employee’s shift temporarily for training purposes or on account of unexpected operational demands. This period shall not exceed an aggregate of six (6) months for new hires and 120 days for existing 7318’s transferring in to the Water Supply and Treatment Division from other Public Utilities Commission Divisions or other Departments, provided the 120-day exclusion can be extended in the event the employee has yet to demonstrate the ability to satisfactorily perform duties. In the case of changed operational demands requiring permanent shift changes, Management shall attempt to meet its requirements to change employee’s shifts, first, through solicitation of volunteers, thereafter, by assignment by inverse seniority in the event insufficient voluntary shift changes are made to meet operational demands. Any person whose shift is changed involuntarily shall not be subject to the twenty-four (24) month exclusion rule contained in the transfer procedures notwithstanding that such employee may have been effected a successful transfer bid within twenty-four (24) months preceding an involuntary shift change pursuant to this provision.

  • Quotes 4.1. In the event that the Company is unable to proceed with an Order with regard to price or size or other reason, the Company will send a re-quote to the Client with the price it is willing to deal. 4.2. The Quotes appearing on the Client’s terminal are live. However, if there’s high volatility in the Underlying Market the execution of the Order may change due to execution time and also the Client may ask for price but he will get the first price that will be in the market. 4.3. The Company provides Quotes by taking into account the Underlying Asset price, but this does not mean that these Quotes are within any specific percentage of the Underlying Asset price. When the relevant Underlying Market is closed, the Quotes provided by the Company will reflect what the Company thinks to be the current Bid and Ask price of the relevant Underlying Asset at that time. The Client acknowledges that such Quotes will be set by the Company at its absolute discretion.

  • National Competitive Bidding Goods estimated to cost less than $250,000 equivalent per contract and works estimated to cost less than $500,000 equivalent per contract, may be procured under contracts awarded on the basis of National Competitive Bidding.

  • For E-bidding The auctioneer and the Bank’s solicitor shall sign all 5 copies of contract first, right after the auction. The successful E-bidder must to come to the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD main office in Seremban to sign the Contract of Sale within two (2) working days after the auction date.