Kin Care Leave Sample Clauses

Kin Care Leave. (1) In addition to Personal Necessity, employees may use up to six (6) days of their yearly sick leave received for the purposes of attending to a child, parent, spouse, or registered domestic partner who is ill. (2) For purposes of sick leave use, a "child" is defined as a biological, xxxxxx or adopted child, stepchild or a legal xxxx. A "child" also may be someone you have accepted the duties and responsibilities for raising, even if he/she is not your legal child. (a) A "parent" is your biological, xxxxxx, or adoptive parent, stepparent, or legal guardian. (b) All conditions and restrictions placed on an employee's use of sick leave apply also to sick leave used for care of a child, spouse, registered domestic partner, or parent.
Kin Care Leave. A regular full time or regular part time bargaining unit member may use as much as one-half of his/her annual PTO accrual amount for time off to care for a sick child, parent, spouse, registered domestic partner or child of a registered domestic partner. Child includes a biological, adopted or xxxxxx child, a stepchild, a legal xxxx, or a child when the bargaining unit member stands in loco parentis. Parent includes the biological, xxxxxx or adoptive parent, a step-parent or legal guardian. Bargaining unit members who desires to take a Kin Care Leave must complete a Kin Care Authorization Form for each related absence.
Kin Care Leave. An employee may use up to six (6) days (prorated by FTE) of accrued illness leave to attend to the illness of a child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner of the employee as specifically provided under the requirements of Labor Code 233. Extended Illness or Injury Leave 8.6.1. Employees shall be entitled to extended illness or injury leave of one-hundred (l00) non-cumulative working days per fiscal year inclusive of the days of accumulated illness or injury leave to which they are entitled. 8.6.2. When an employee has accumulated an equivalent of two years annual allocation of sick leave prior to an accident or illness, the employee may request and will be granted an additional 21 half days of pay beyond the 100 days differential pay allocated in Article 8.6. 8.6.3. For any use of extended illness or injury leave, the District may require verification from a physician or recognized practitioner that the employee was physically unable to perform his/her customary duties. If the site Administrator requires medical verification from the employee, it shall be provided in accordance with the provisions outlined in Article 8.1.1.
Kin Care Leave. To attend to an illness of a child, parent, spouse, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, registered domestic partner, or designated person per California Sick Leave Law.
Kin Care Leave. Each school year, full-time unit members shall be entitled to use up to six (6) days of leave authorized by Article 16.A.1 or 16.A.2 above for the purpose of caring for an ill child, spouse, registered domestic partner or parent.
Kin Care Leave. An employee may use up to six (6) days (prorated by FTE) of accrued illness leave to attend to the illness of a child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner of the employee as specifically provided under the requirements of Labor Code 233.
Kin Care Leave. An employee may use sick leave to care for a relative beginning with the first day of absence for this purpose. An employee may use up to 100% of the annual sick time as well as any carryover to care for a sick relative. For purposes of this section, the following definition of relatives applies: A “child” means a biological, adopted, or xxxxxx child, a stepchild, a legal xxxx, or a child for whom the employee has accepted the duties and responsibilities of raising. A “parent” means a biological, xxxxxx, or adoptive parent, a stepparent or a legal guardian. A mother-in-law, father-in-law, and grandparents are not “parents” for purposes of this article. “Spouse” means an individual to whom the employee is legally married. The same conditions applying to an employee’s use of sick leave apply to sick leave used for “kin care’. The Company may request written statements from the attending physician explaining the nature of the disability or physical or mental condition and the effect of such disability has on the relative and the expected duration of such disability.
Kin Care Leave. A unit member may use accrued sick leave to care for an ill parent, spouse, dependent child, domestic partner. The maximum leave available for this purpose on an annual basis shall be the amount of leave a unit member accrues over a six month period (Labor Code Section 233).
Kin Care Leave. A regular full time or regular part time Employee may use as much as one- half of his/her annual PTO accrual amount for time off to care for a sick child, parent, spouse, registered domestic partner or child of a registered domestic partner. Child includes a biological, adopted or xxxxxx child, a stepchild, a legal xxxx, or a child when the Employee stands in loco parentis. Parent includes the biological, xxxxxx or adoptive parent, a step-parent or legal guardian. Employees who desire to take a Kin Care Leave must complete a Kin Care Authorization Form for each related absence.

Related to Kin Care Leave

  • Child Care Leave The Employer shall, upon her request, grant an employee: (i) Who is the natural parent of a newborn or unborn child, or (ii) Who is adopting or has adopted a child, a leave of absence without pay of thirty-seven (37) consecutive weeks or such a shorter period as the employee requests so as to enable the employee to care for the child An employee who is or will be a natural parent intending to take this childcare leave shall (iii) Provide the Employer with a medical doctor’s certificate specifying the probable date of delivery or the date upon which the birth has occurred and, (iv) In absence of an emergency, give four (4) weeks written notice to the Employer of the commencement date and duration of the leave. An employee who is a parent of the newborn, other than the birth mother, shall be granted three (3) days leave without loss of pay within a reasonable period of time surrounding the occasion of the birth of the child. While on child care leave, an employee shall retain her full employment status and continue to accumulate seniority. An employee who is an adoptive parent intending to take this leave shall: (v) Provide the Employer with the proof that a child has been or will be placed with the employee for the purpose of adoption, (vi) Notify the Employer of the commencement date and duration of the leave on being made aware of the date of placement with the employee for adoption, and (vii) In the absence of an emergency, give four (4) months notice to the Employer before the anticipated day on which a child will come into the employees care and custody in the case of private adoption or upon approval in accordance with the Family Services Act as a prospective adopting parent. Where a natural mother intends to take a child care leave in addition to a maternity leave, except if the newborn is hospitalized when an employee’s maternity leave expires, the employee is required to commence the child care leave immediately on expiration of the maternity leave unless the Employer and the employee otherwise agree. The child care leave may be taken by either natural or adoptive parents. Where both parents are employees it may be shared by the child’s parent’s but the leave is only thirty-seven (37) weeks in TOTAL, regardless of how it is divided, and it must be taken in a consecutive manner. The combined maternity leave of seventeen (17) weeks and child care leave thirty-seven (37) weeks taken by one or both parents cannot total more than fifty-two (52) weeks after that date. Child care leave shall begin not earlier than the date on which the newborn or adopted child came into the care and custody of the employee and end not later than fifty-two (52) weeks after that date.

  • Medical Care Leave An Employee who is unable to make the necessary arrangements for maintenance of personal health care outside of scheduled work time, shall be granted time off with pay. Such time off shall not exceed sixteen (16) working hours per calendar year. Hours in excess of sixteen (16) hours per calendar year shall be deducted from the Employee's sick leave accumulation.

  • Compassionate Care Leave 1. For the purposes of this article “family member” means: