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LAY-OFF AND BUMPINGIn the event of a lay-off, employees within the classification in the location that the lay-off occurs shall be laid off within their job status in the reverse order of their bargaining-unit- wide seniority. For the purpose of this Article "Location" is defined as the street address of a Branch/Division.1 An employee who would otherwise be laid off may displace the most junior employee within a classification, providing: a) the employee exercising this right meets the required qualifications for the position; and b) the employee he/she wishes to displace has the same employment status. If a vacancy exists (either temporary or permanent) an employee who elects to displace a more junior employee will be placed in the vacant position providing for (a) and (b) above. It is understood that if the displaced employee is placed in a temporary vacancy, at the completion of the temporary assignment, the employee continues to have rights under this Article. The bumping employee's new immediate Supervisor shall provide to the employee such orientation to the workplace and/or specific workplace procedures which, in the opinion of the Supervisor, is necessary for the employee to commence his/her duties. Once lay-off notice has been served to an employee, the employee will have five (5) calendar days to notify the Employer in writing of his/her decision to accept the lay-off or displace another employee. Should the employee fail to notify the Employer appropriately and within this time frame, it will be assumed that the employee opted for lay-off.
LAY-OFF AND BUMPINGIn the event of a lay-off, employees within the classification in the location that the lay-off occurs shall be laid off within their job status in the reverse order of their wide seniority. For the purpose of this Article “Location’ is defined as the street address of a An employee who would otherwise be laid off may displace the most junior employee within a providing the employee exercising this right meets the required qualifications for the position and providing the employee he/she wishes to displace has the same employment status. The bumping employee’s new immediate Supervisor shall provide to the employee such orientation to the workplace specific workplace procedures which, in the opinion of the Supervisor, is necessary for the employee to commence his/her duties. Once lay-off notice has been served to an employee, the employee will have five calendar days to notify the Employer in writing of his/her decision to accept the lay-off or displace another employee. Should the employee fail to notify the Employer appropriately and within this time frame, it will be assumed that the employee opted for lay-off.
LAY-OFF AND BUMPING. (PFT, PPT) a) the employee exercising this right meets the required qualifications for the position; and b) the employee wishes to displace has the same employment status. If a vacancy exists (either temporary or permanent) an employee who elects to displace a more junior employee will be placed in the vacant position providing for (a) and (b) above. It is understood that if the displaced employee is placed in a temporary vacancy, at the completion of the temporary assignment, the employee continues to have rights under this Article. The bumping employee's new immediate Supervisor shall provide to the employee such orientation to the workplace and/or specific workplace procedures which, in the opinion of the Supervisor, is necessary for the employee to commence their duties. Once lay-off notice has been served to an employee, the employee will have five (5) calendar days to notify the Employer in writing of their decision to accept the lay-off or displace another employee. Should the employee fail to notify the Employer appropriately and within this time frame, it will be assumed that the employee opted for lay-off. 1 " Branch/Division" is defined as the first organizational level below Department Head.
LAY-OFF AND BUMPING. 72 25.1 City’s Decision To Layoff Is Not Negotiable 72 25.2 IAFF L-1401’s Right To Meet And Confer 72 25.3 Layoff Procedure 72 25.3.1 Suppression Division Linear Bumping 72 25.3.2 Deputy, Division, Battalion Chief Bumping Rights 72 25.3.3 Prevention Bureau Linear Bumping 72 25.3.4 Department Seniority List By Rank 72 25.3.5 Enhanced Rate Class Seniority 73 25.4 Division Seniority Check 73 25.5 Reinstatement Rights For Laid Off Unit Members 73 25.5.1 Reinstatement For Position Eliminations 73 25.5.2 Eligibility For Reinstatement 74 25.5.3 Demoted Unit Members 74 25.5.4 Removal From First Right Of Return List 74 25.5.5 Unit Members On Probation When Demoted 75 25.5.6 Reinstatement Based On Seniority 75
LAY-OFF AND BUMPING. (a) Support Worker 2 i. In the event of a layoff, SW2 employees with the least seniority at the location at which the layoff takes place shall be laid off first, provided that the SW2 employees who remain on the job then have the skill, qualifications, ability and experience to perform the work available and required. ii. An SW2 employee laid off pursuant to Article 15.02(a)(i) shall have the option of: 1. accepting the layoff; or 2. displacing the least senior SW2 employee in the zone to which the location has been assigned; or
LAY-OFF AND BUMPING. 37.1 Lay‐offs will be in accordance with: (1) Seniority, and (2) Qualifications, in a classification within a Department. 37.2 When a lay‐off takes place, it shall be accompanied by laying off temporary employees first, provisional employees second, probationary employees third, and then permanent employees, in accordance with the criteria established above. 37.3 The employer shall forward a list of those employees being laid off to the Local Union when the notices are issued to the employees. 37.4 When an employee is laid off due to a reduction in the work force, he shall be permitted to exercise his seniority right to bump or replace an employee in the same classification grouping with less seniority if he is qualified to do the job. 37.5 Employees may, if they so desire, bump an employee in a lower job classification provided the bumping employee has greater seniority than the employee he bumps, has the ability to perform the job, and is willing to work at the decreased rate of pay. Qualification and ability to do the job shall be determined solely by management. 37.6 When the work force is increased after lay‐off, employees will be recalled according to seniority and qualifications. Notice of recall shall be sent to the employee at his last known address by registered mail. The union shall be notified at the same time. If any employee fails to report for work within fifteen (15) days from the date of mailing of notice recall, he shall be considered to have quit. 37.7 Recall rights for an employee shall expire after a period equal to his seniority, but in no case more than one (1) year from the date of lay‐off. Written notice of expiration of recall rights shall be sent to the employee at his last known address by registered or certified mail. No new employee shall be hired until all employees on lay‐off who have agreed to return to work have been recalled in the same classification. Probationary employees have no recall rights. 37.8 Terms of this Article shall apply exclusively to bargaining unit members. No right shall exist for a bargaining unit employee to displace a non‐bargaining unit employee in the same or similar classification for any reason.
LAY-OFF AND BUMPING. If a reduction in office staff is necessary, the following procedures shall be adopted: a) the Employee with the least amount of seniority in any classification will be the first laid-off from that job, but they may displace an Employee in the same or lower classification with the least seniority in such classification, provided they have the qualifications to satisfactorily perform the job and have greater seniority. b) Employees who are displaced from their jobs as a result of such bump-back procedure, may themselves move back and displace Employees having less seniority in the same or lower classification, providing such Employees have the necessary qualifications and seniority.
LAY-OFF AND BUMPINGIn the event of a lay-off, employees within the classification in the location that the lay-off occurs shall be laid off within their job status in the reverse order of their wide seniority. For the purpose of this Article "Location" is defined as the street address of a An employee who would otherwise be laid off may displace the most junior employee within a classification, providing:


  • Bumping (a) Displaced employees can elect to bump to a position in line with seniority (subject to 2(b) below), provided the displaced employee has the capabilities and qualifications to perform the duties of the selected position. (b) Displaced employees will choose a position to bump into by designating: (i) the FTE; (ii) the unit/xxxx/program (program for community nurses only); and (iii) the shift pattern. Shift patterns are identified as days/evenings; days/nights; evenings/nights; days; nights; or evenings. They will then bump to the position held by the junior employee with the designated FTE, shift pattern and unit/xxxx/program (program for community nurses only). Employees who are bumped will be served displacement notice and treated in accordance with the provisions of Article 19.01(B). (c) Worksite Bumping Displaced employees will review their bumping options in their own worksite first and follow the bumping procedures as listed in (a)-(b) above. (d) Bumping outside of the worksite where applicable (i) Should a displaced employee not be able to bump into a position that is comparable, and they do not volunteer to bump into a non-comparable position, they will be deemed to have exhausted their bumping options at the worksite and may exercise their bumping rights, as above, at other Employer worksites. (ii) A comparable position will be defined as a position that is: (a) within a field of practice sharing a common clinical focus (e.g.: medical, surgical, extended care, intensive care, psychiatric care, etc.) with the employee’s pre-displacement field of practice; (b) +/- 0.2 FTE of the employee’s pre-displacement FTE; and (c) does not require the employee to change their status.

  • Anti-dumping 1. A Party shall not apply anti-dumping measures as provided for under Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994 in relation to products originating in another Party. 2. The Parties recognise that the effective implementation of competition rules may address economic causes leading to dumping.

  • Dumping If a Party finds that dumping, within the meaning of Article VI of GATT 1994 is taking place in trade relations governed by this Agreement, it may take appropriate measures against that practice in accordance with Article VI of the GATT 1994 and the rules established by agreements related to that Article.

  • Advertisement on Project Highway The Project Highway or any part thereof shall not be used in any manner to advertise any commercial product or services.

  • Layoff in Lieu of Bumping An employee who elects a layoff in lieu of bumping maintains his/her reemployment rights under this Agreement.

  • Logging The ISP will require the maintenance of network and application logs as part of BNY Mellon’s security information and event management processes. Logs are retained in accordance with law applicable to BNY Mellon’s provision of the services as well as BNY Mellon’s applicable policies. BNY Mellon uses various tools in conjunction with such logs, which may include behavioral analytics, security monitoring case management, network traffic monitoring and analysis, IP address management and full packet capture.

  • Blasting Blasting shall be permitted only for road construction purposes unless advance permission is obtained from Forest Service. Whenever the Industrial Fire Precaution Level is II or greater, a fire security person equipped with a long handled round point No. 0 or larger shovel and a 5 gallon backpack pump can filled with water, will stay at location of blast for 1 hour after blasting is done. Blasting may be suspended by Forest Service, in areas of high rate of spread and resistance to control. Fuses shall not be used for blasting. Explosive cords shall not be used without permission of Forest Service, which may specify conditions under which such explosives may be used and precautions to be taken.

  • Bumping Rights An employee laid off from his/her present class may bump only into the next equal or lower class in which the employee has greater seniority. The employee may continue to bump into such equal or lower classes to avoid layoff.

  • System Logging The system must maintain an automated audit trail which can 20 identify the user or system process which initiates a request for PHI COUNTY discloses to 21 CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY, 22 or which alters such PHI. The audit trail must be date and time stamped, must log both successful and 23 failed accesses, must be read only, and must be restricted to authorized users. If such PHI is stored in a 24 database, database logging functionality must be enabled. Audit trail data must be archived for at least 3 25 years after occurrence.

  • Dewatering (a) Where the whole of a site is so affected by surface water following a period of rain that all productive work is suspended by agreement of the Parties, then dewatering shall proceed as above with Employees so engaged being paid at penalty rates as is the case for safety rectification work. This work is typically performed by Employees engaged within CW1, CW2 or CW3 classifications. When other Employees are undertaking productive work in an area or areas not so affected then dewatering will only attract single time rates. (b) Where a part of a site is affected by surface water following a period of rain, thus rendering some areas unsafe for productive work, consistent with the Employer’s obligations under the OH&S Act, appropriate Employees shall assist in the tidying up of their own work site or area if it is so affected. Where required, appropriate Employees will be provided with the appropriate PPE. Such work to be paid at single time rates. Productive work will continue in areas not so affected. (c) To avoid any confusion any ‘dewatering’ time which prevents an Employee from being engaged in their normal productive work is not included in any calculation for the purposes of determining whether an Employee is entitled to go home due to wet weather (refer clauses 32.4 and 32.5)