Non-Instructional Duties. Employees shall perform such profession-related non-instructional duties as, but not limited to, attendance at faculty meetings and advisory council meetings, on and off-site supervision, curriculum development, in-service sessions, and pupil, parent, and administrative conferences. Duties beyond the instructional day may Include: Site council meeting, Curriculum Committees, IEP, Advisory meetings, SST’s, Back to School Nights, Open House events, ELAC and DLAC meetings, Staff meetings, Graduations, Other occasional activities related to the essential functions of the school.
Non-Instructional Duties. A. Teachers agree to fulfill assigned responsibilities for such activities as those required in fulfilling their regular assignments. The administration will schedule assigned responsibilities to occur within the regular workday.
B. Members of the bargaining unit recognize that it is necessary to occasionally participate in such activities as curriculum study committees, county-wide grade or special area meetings, meetings with parents, instructional materials and program evaluations, etc., which may extend beyond the normal work day. Attendance at activities occurring outside regular contract hours is voluntary. Members of the bargaining unit may voluntarily participate in such activities without additional compensation. Where permissible by state law, the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education will assign inservice points for attendance at such activities provided the activity has received prior approval from the Executive Director.
C. The Board and the Association recognize the importance derived from teacher and parent contacts. MBUs are encouraged to attend all PTA or PTO meetings where applicable; however, such attendance is voluntary. Attendance at one (1) annual open house is expected unless excused by the principal.
D. The principal shall select personnel to advise/direct extracurricular activities and there shall be, insofar as possible, a fair and equitable distribution of such duties among available personnel. Extracurricular activities that receive supplements are noted in Appendix B.3. All open extracurricular activity positions at each school shall be posted at the school level. If not filled within a ten (10) day period, then the vacancy will be advertised at the District level.
1. If all qualifications are equal, MBUs shall be hired over other District employees or community members when assigning negotiated supplements.
2. The duty or duties for all negotiated supplements must be performed by the individual(s) receiving the supplement(s). Portions of negotiated supplements may not be appropriated and given to individuals not performing the duties of that supplement.
3. Participation by teachers in extra-curricular activities for which no additional compensation is paid shall be voluntary.
E. To provide proper supervision of students, it is essential that instructional personnel assume responsibility for such assignments as bus duty, ground duty, hall duty, etc. Where teachers do not volunteer for these duties, the princ...
Non-Instructional Duties. The teacher shall not be required to operate a vehicle to transport students. The teacher shall not be required to perform custodial or maintenance duties beyond those traditionally assumed by teachers.
Non-Instructional Duties. The District and the Association acknowledge that teaching is the main and primary re- sponsibility of a teacher. Non-instructional duties shall be assigned to all teachers on an equitable basis.
Non-Instructional Duties. The District may choose to employ full-time academic employees beyond their normal 173- day assignment for duties other than instruction. Compensation for such assignment shall be made at a rate equal to the employee's annual contracted salary rate divided by the number of days in the base work year times the number of full-time equivalent days to be worked during the additional assignment.
Non-Instructional Duties. A. Non-Instructional duties shall be restricted as follows:
1. Teaching employees shall not be required to collect money from pupils, nor perform record keeping duties related to the collection of money. Performance of such activities by teaching employees shall be strictly voluntary.
2. Teachers may not be required to perform the following activities:
a. Inspection for lice
b. Records for an outside agency on a regular or continuing basis
3. Discussion of the rationale for assignment of duties shall be afforded upon request to any high school teacher assigned non-academic responsibilities.
B. Teachers will not be required to administer scheduled medications on the regular school campus. Except for a teacher employed as an exceptional student education (―ESE‖) teacher where it would be necessary, no teacher will be required to perform scheduled diaper changes, intermittent clean catheterization, gastrostomy tube feeding, blood glucose monitoring or suctioning. Any teacher may be required to administer medications or perform school health services in an emergency, acute medical event, or when there is an immediate threat to the health, safety or welfare of the student. All teachers may be required to participate in training in emergency medication administration and health procedures, and ESE teachers may be required to participate in other health related training.
Non-Instructional Duties. It may be necessary periodically to request that teachers perform supervisory duties during instructional hours. These requests shall be made by principals on a rotating basis and shared equally among all teachers.
Non-Instructional Duties. When assigning non-instructional duties that are not part of the duties of a licensed position, the District will assign equitable time among licensed employees.
Non-Instructional Duties. The principal, after consultation with the staff committee, shall take into account the percentage of instructional time taught and endeavour to adjust the assignment of non- instructional duties to reflect that percentage.
Non-Instructional Duties. Whenever practical, the Board shall relieve teachers of non-instructional duties.