Organisational Change and Restructuring Sample Clauses

Organisational Change and Restructuring. 4.1.1 Prior to implementation, all organisational change will need to demonstrate clear benefits such as enhanced service delivery to the community, improved efficiency and effectiveness and will follow the agreed change management processes as outlined in the “Queensland Health Organisational Change Management Guidelines”, as amended from time to time. While ensuring the spirit of the guidelines is maintained in applying the document, the parties acknowledge that it has been designed as a guideline to be applied according to the circumstances. 4.1.2 When it is decided to conduct a review, union representatives will be advised as soon as practicable and consulted from the outset. All parties will participate in a constructive manner. 4.1.3 Furthermore, details will be included that provide for encouraging employees to participate in the consultative processes by allowing adequate time to understand, analyse and respond to various information that would be needed to inform employees and their unions. 4.1.4 All significant organisational change and/or restructuring that will impact on the workforce (e.g. job reductions, deployment to new locations, major alterations to current service delivery arrangements, the introduction of new technology) will be subject to the employer establishing such benefits in a business case which will be tabled for the purposes of consultation at the Hospital and Health Service Consultative Forum (or equivalent). A business case is not required for minor changes or minor restructuring, however consultation shall still occur. 4.1.5 It is acknowledged that management has a right to implement changes to ensure the effective delivery of health care services. The consultation process will not be used to frustrate or delay the changes but rather ensure that all viable options are considered. If this process cannot be resolved at the Hospital or Health Service level (or equivalent) in a timely manner either party may refer the matter to the MOCA 5 Oversight Committee. 4.1.6 The emphasis will be on minimum disruption to the workforce and maximum placement of affected staff within employers. Organisational restructuring should not result in a large scale 'spilling' of jobs. 4.1.7 Subject to the above, the parties acknowledge that where the implementation of workplace change results in fewer employees being required in some organisational units, appropriate job reduction strategies will be developed in consultation with relevant unions. 4....
Organisational Change and Restructuring. 11.1. The employer is committed to providing stability by limiting organisational restructuring and contracting-out of services. 11.2. These commitments are effected through the Government’s Employment Security Policy and the Policy on the Contracting-Out of Government Services. 11.3. DoE shall provide in writing to the members of the Nurses Agency Consultative Committee (NACC) of their intention to implement organisational changes that may affect the employment security of employees, prior to the commencement of any planned changes. This shall include all information required to be provided in accordance with the “Introduction of changes” and “Redundancy” clauses of the Public Service Award. The employer is also required where requested to provide the QNMU with a listing of the affected staff comprising name, job title and work location. 11.4. It is acknowledged that management has a right to implement changes to ensure the effective delivery of public services. The consultation process will not be used to frustrate or delay the changes but rather ensure that all viable options are considered. If this process cannot be resolved at the NACC in a timely manner either party may refer the matter to Education Consultative Committee for resolution. 11.5. The parties agree that the employer should report to unions on a quarterly basis the current status of employment practices within DoE. This report should be provided on a quarterly basis at the NACC. Specifically, the report should detail the following: (a) a snapshot of the current workforce including the total number of employees, the number of employees by appointment type (permanent, temporary and casual), stream allocation; (b) a report on the variance from the previous quarter in the use of casuals and temporaries. (c) any significant variance in the number of permanent employees; (d) the conversion of temporary employees to tenured status. 11.6. Permanent employees will not be forced into unemployment as a result of organisational change or changes in departmental priorities. Where changes to employment arrangements are necessary, there will be active pursuit of retraining and alternative placement opportunities. There is a responsibility on the employee to meaningfully participate in the opportunities made available. The employer will comply with all relevant directives (as amended). Where an employee refuses to participate or cooperate in these processes, the full provisions of the directive pertainin...
Organisational Change and Restructuring. 56.1 The parties agree that organisational change and restructuring will be conducted in accordance with the notification and consultation requirements at clauses 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 of the Award. 56.2 When the employer decides to conduct a review, union representatives will be advised as soon as practicable and consulted from the outset. All parties will participate in a constructive manner. 56.3 The employer and the QNMU agree in conjunction with other health unions to revise and re-release the Queensland Health Change Management Guidelines, which provide the process for consultation for organisational change and restructuring.
Organisational Change and Restructuring the Department agrees to report to unions on a quarterly basis the ongoing length of service of all temporary and casual employees.
Organisational Change and Restructuring. All significant organisational change and/or restructuring that will impact on the workforce (e.g. job reductions, contracting out, deployment to new locations, major alterations to current service delivery arrangements) shall be undertaken in accordance with the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Termination, Change and Redundancy Statement of Policy and Queensland Government “Employment Security Policy”.
Organisational Change and Restructuring. Organisational change and restructuring shall follow the agreed change management processes as outlined in the Queensland Health Change Management Guidelines. While ensuring the spirit of the guidelines is maintained, in applying the document, the parties acknowledge that it has been designed as guidelines to be applied according to the circumstances. Consultative arrangements required to be followed in the management of any organisational change and restructuring proposal will be in accordance with the Queensland Health Change Management Guidelines, which includes consultation with the relevant union/s. All significant organisational change and/or restructuring that will impact on the workforce (e.g. job reductions, contracting out, deployment to new locations, major alterations to current service delivery arrangements) shall be undertaken in accordance with the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Termination, Change and Redundancy Statement of Policy. Where individuals unreasonably refuse to participate or cooperate in deployment/redeployment and retraining processes, the full provisions for managing redundancies shall be followed. No employee shall be redeployed against their will. In those cases where the offering of Voluntary Early Retirements (VERs) to selected employees is necessary, this will occur in full consultation with the relevant union/s.
Organisational Change and Restructuring. It is the Government’s intention that future organisational change and restructuring will be limited in scale. All organisational change will need to demonstrate clear benefits and enhanced service delivery to the community. The objective is to stabilise public sector organisations, and to avoid unnecessary change that will not deliver demonstrable benefit to the Government or the community. Cabinet approval is required for all major organisational change and restructuring in agencies: (a) that will significantly impact on the public sector workforce (e.g. significant job reductions, deployment to new locations, alternative service delivery arrangements, etc). The emphasis will be on minimum disruption to the workforce and maximum placement of affected staff within agencies, and ordinarily organisational restructuring should not result in large scale “spilling” of jobs. (b) that will have major social and economic implications, particularly in regional and rural centres where the government is committed to maintaining public sector employment. Proposals affecting these centres need to carefully evaluate the impact on communities to ensure that short-term efficiency gains are balanced against the long-term social and economic needs of these communities. The agency will need to demonstrate that any proposed organisational change or restructuring will result in clearly defined service enhancements to government and/or the community, as identified in a business case, and be undertaken through a planned process. Where an agency has made a decision to introduce major organisational change or restructuring, it will notify affected employees/unions and discuss the changes as early as practicable. This may be undertaken through forums such as Agency Consultative Committees. The requirement to obtain Cabinet approval for major organisational change is not intended to reduce the flexibility of Chief Executives in their day-to-day management of agencies’ operations. Chief Executives retain prerogative over normal business activities to manage the public sector workforce, (such as job reclassification, job redesign, performance management, disciplinary action and transfers), and organisational improvement initiatives (such as process re-engineering, changes in work practices and the introduction of new technology).
Organisational Change and Restructuring. Organisational Change and Restructuring 4.1 Replacement of Existing Staff… 4.2 Quality Improvement 4.3
Organisational Change and Restructuring. (1) The Office of the Information Commissioner is committed to providing stability to the public sector by limiting organisational restructuring and contracting-out of services. (2) These commitments are effected through the Government's Employment Security Policy and the Policy on the Contracting-Out of Government Services. (3) The Office of the Information Commissioner shall advise their Consultative Forum (CF) of their intention to implement changes that may affect the employment security of their employees, prior to the commencement of any planned changes. This shall include all information required to be provided in accordance with the "Introduction of changes" and "Redundancy" clauses of relevant awards. Departments and agencies are also required where requested to provide relevant unions with a listing of the affected staff comprising name, job title and work location.
Organisational Change and Restructuring. 4.1 Organisational Change and Restructuring