OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY LEAVE. The parties recognize the desirability of providing employees who work overtime the option of being compensated by pay or time off in lieu in accordance with the provisions of the Components. However, the parties also recognize that there are circumstances in which this may not be appropriate due to factors such as budgetary restrictions or fluctuations in workload. In these situations the provisions of this Article may apply.
43:01 This Article shall apply to all overtime worked by employees.
43:02 The existing provisions on overtime will apply to all overtime credits earned up to forty (40) hours per fiscal year. Example, twenty (20) hours overtime worked at one and one-half (1½) equals thirty (30) overtime credits.
43:03 For any overtime credits earned beyond forty (40) hours in the fiscal year, the following provisions of this Article will apply.
43:04 All overtime worked by employees shall be banked.
43:05 The Employer shall consult with the employee in an effort to reach an agreement on whether the employee will be granted pay or time off in lieu for banked overtime.
43:06 Where an agreement is not reached, the Employer shall determine whether pay or time off will be granted.
43:07 Where banked time is to be taken the Employer shall consult with the employee in an effort to reach an agreement on when the time off is to be taken.
43:08 Where an agreement is not reached, the Employer shall determine when the time off is to be taken.
43:09 Where the Employer determines when the time off is to be taken under 43:08, the employee will receive forty-eight (48) hours notice of the time off and the following conditions shall apply:
(a) the minimum period of time off will be five (5) days provided the employee has sufficient banked time available. In order to meet the five (5) day requirement, time off in lieu of overtime may be combined with holiday and/or vacation time and /or reduced work week days.
(b) where the employee has less than five (5) days banked, then these days may be scheduled by the Employer.
43:10 Nothing in 43:09 restricts the Employer and employee from agreeing to alternative arrangements.
OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY LEAVE. A bargaining unit employee shall be compensated for work performed in excess of a standard workweek by overtime payment or compensatory leave. Before working the approved overtime, the employee shall make a choice of whether to receive monetary compensation or compensatory leave, if compensatory time is offered by the employee’s supervisor. The offer of compensatory time shall be at the sole discretion of the supervisor. The bargaining unit employee shall notify his or her supervisor of their decision concerning the method of compensation in writing. Failure to provide written notice of the method of compensation shall result in the employee receiving monetary compensation for overtime worked. If the employee chooses to receive monetary payment for overtime, the University shall assure that the employee receives monetary payment for overtime in accordance with this section. The University shall assure that the employee earns compensatory leave and overtime compensation at the rate of 1½ times for each hour worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a work week. A bargaining unit employee may have a maximum balance of eighty (80) hours of compensatory time. Once an employee reaches eighty (80) hours of accrued compensatory leave, hours worked in excess of the standard work week shall be compensated with monetary overtime payments. Requests for the use of earned compensatory leave shall be consistent with the procedures used to request other forms of accumulated leave, e.g., annual and personal leave. Such compensatory leave requests shall not be unreasonably denied by the supervisor. On December 31 of each calendar year, the University may provide bargaining unit employees with monetary payments for unused compensatory leave. Upon separation from the University, the employee shall be paid for the unused compensatory leave.
OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY LEAVE. 30.01 This article shall apply to all overtime worked by employees.
30.02 The existing provisions on overtime will apply to all overtime credits earned up to forty (40) hours per fiscal year (e.g. twenty [20] hours overtime worked at one and one-half times [1½ x] equals thirty [30] overtime credits).
30.03 For any overtime credits earned beyond forty (40) hours in the fiscal year, the following provisions of this article will apply:
30.04 All overtime worked by employees shall be banked.
30.05 The Employer shall consult with the employee in an effort to reach an agreement on whether the employee will be granted pay or time off in lieu for banked overtime.
30.06 Where an agreement is not reached, the Employer shall determine whether pay or time off will be granted.
30.07 Where banked time is to be taken, the Employer shall consult with the employee in an effort to reach an agreement on when the time off is to be taken.
30.08 Where an agreement is not reached, the Employer shall determine when the time off is to be taken.
30.09 Where the Employer determines when the time off is to be taken under 30.08, the employee will receive forty-eight (48) hours’ notice of the time off and the following conditions shall apply:
(a) the minimum period of time off will be five (5) days provided the employee has sufficient banked time available. In order to meet the five (5) day requirement, time off in lieu of overtime may be combined with holiday and/or vacation time and/or reduced workweek days;
(b) where the employee has less than five (5) days banked, then these days may be scheduled by the Employer.
30.10 Nothing in 30.09 restricts the Employer and employee from agreeing to alternative arrangements.
OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY LEAVE. Compensatory leave for staff may be approved if the Executive Director determines that a significant amount of time beyond the normal work week is required to carry out their duties. In unusual circumstances, the Executive Director may approve overtime pay for support staff in lieu of compensatory leave for time beyond the normal work week at a rate of 150% of regular pay for the first ten hours, and at a rate of 200% of regular pay thereafter.
OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY LEAVE. Under State law, Title I, Section 3100 of the California Government Code, all government employees are declared Disaster Service Workers and subject to such disaster service activities as may be assigned to them by their superiors or by law. An employee who is required to work in excess of employee’s regular working hours during any one work day or who is required to attend a meeting not held during regular working hours (e.g., Fire Board meeting), shall be compensated by overtime pay at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's straight rate of pay or by compensatory time off at the rate of one and one-half times the hours worked. All work in excess of regular working hours shall be subject to prior approval of the Fire Chief or designee.
55:01 The parties recognize the desirability of providing employees who work overtime the option of being compensated by pay or time off in lieu.
55:02 The Employer may require employees to work overtime.
55:03 Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that all overtime work is distributed equitably amongst employees who are able to perform the required duties.
55:04 An employee who is required to work on the employee’s regular work day will receive compensation at one and one-half times (1½x) for all overtime worked.
55:05 An employee who is required to work on the employee’s day of rest will receive compensation at double time (2x) for all time worked.
(a) An employee, if called out or scheduled to work additional hours, shall receive for the work a minimum payment equivalent to three (3) hours at the applicable overtime rate provided that the period of overtime worked by the employee is not contiguous to the employee’s scheduled working hours. A meal break shall not be regarded as affecting contiguity.
(b) An employee shall receive one (1) hour of pay at the applicable overtime rate if the employee was scheduled to work additional hours that are contiguous to the employee’s scheduled working hours and the additional hours of work are cancelled by the Employer with less than a full shift’s notice.
55:07 At the employee’s option and subject to the conditions herein, overtime shall be compensated by paying the employee for all the time worked at the applicable rate or by granting the employee equivalent time off in lieu thereof. A maximum of thirty-six and one-quarter (36 ¼ ) straight time hours may be banked at any time at the applicable overtime rate (e.g. one (1) overtime hour worked at the rate of one and one-half times (1.5x) the basic hourly rate shall be banked as one and one-half (1.5) straight time hours). Banked overtime that is not used or scheduled to be used prior to March 15 will be paid out.
55:08 All time off in lieu thereof shall be granted at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the Employer. In the absence of an agreement regarding the time for any banked hours to be taken as time off, banked overtime will be paid out.
OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY LEAVE based on hours worked only and shall exclude any travel time. However, pay or compensatory leave shall not be less than three (3) hours at the rate of time and one-half. For each additional call that occurs within the original three (3) hour time period, but after the employee has left the City, the employee shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours of pay at time and one half. On weekends or holidays, should the standby employee be on a call between the hours of 8:00
OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY LEAVE. Ol This Article shall apply to all overtime worked by employees including overtime worked at premium rates; ie. time and one-half (11/2x) and double time (2x) and at straight time rates as provided in the Compensatory Leave Articles for employees not eligible for premium overtime. Where the term “overtime” is used in this Article it refers to both overtime and compensatory leave.
OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY LEAVE. An employee who is required to work in excess of the regular working hours during any one work day, or who is required to attend a meeting not held during regular working hours (e.g., Planning Commission meeting), shall be compensated by overtime pay at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's straight rate of pay (e.g. base pay plus any applicable additional pay in Section 7.2), or by compensatory time off at the rate of one and one-half times the hours worked. The decision to grant overtime or compensatory leave shall be made by the department head with due Police/Fire Dispatch Specialist and Police/Fire Dispatchers may accumulate compensatory leave up to a maximum of 120 hours. Compensatory time accumulation must be used before November 15, or pay will take place by separate check on December 10 or the first working day thereafter. A maximum of 40 hours of compensatory time may be carried over to the succeeding year. Employees must notify Payroll in writing on or before November 1 regarding any hours to be carried over. Absent any written notice from the employee to the contrary, payment for accrued compensatory time shall take place as specified in this section.