PARENTAL LEAVE AND RELATED ENTITLEMENTS. Except as varied by this clause, all other entitlements and requirements relating to parental leave under the Act will apply. All periods of paid parental leave will count as service for the purposes of this Agreement, the Act, and any other statutory entitlement. Periods of unpaid parental leave will not count as service.
(a) An Employee will be entitled to take paid parental leave in accordance with this subclause if:
(i) they have an entitlement to and take parental leave under the Act; and
(ii) they will be the primary person responsible for the care of the child from the child’s date of birth (being birth-related leave under the Act) or, in the case of adoption (being adoption-related leave under the Act) from the child’s date of placement with the Employee.
(b) Paid parental leave will be paid for 14 weeks at the rate of pay the Employee would have received, if the Employee had not taken parental leave. For example, where an Employee is on flexible working arrangements at the time of taking parental leave, the rate of pay will be at the rate at the time of taking the leave, i.e. the FTE or hours of the temporary arrangement rather than the permanent FTE or hours of the Employee. If the period of parental leave granted to the Employee is for less than 14 weeks then the period of paid parental leave will be for such lesser period.
(c) For Teachers and General Employees not required to work 48 weeks per year (ie. paid an averaged rate of pay in accordance with subclause 22.2), this period will be inclusive of non-term weeks falling within the 14 weeks, other than where an Employee works up until the last day of a term in which case the parental leave will be deemed to commence from the first day of the following school term. For the purpose of this subclause, ‘Non-Term Weeks’ will not include a period of four weeks of annual leave to which the employee is entitled, and which is generally taken in first four weeks of the summer vacation period.
(d) The Employee may elect to be paid during the period of paid leave in paragraph 38.1(b) either in accordance with the usual Employer payment schedule or as a lump sum payment in advance.
(e) A maximum period of 14 weeks will be counted as service where payment is made in accordance with paragraph 38.1(b).
(f) Where an Employee applies for a lump sum payment in advance under paragraph 38.1(d), the Employee will give the Employer at least one months notice of intentio...
PARENTAL LEAVE AND RELATED ENTITLEMENTS. Employees shall be entitled to Parental Leave and Related Entitlements in accordance with the NES.
PARENTAL LEAVE AND RELATED ENTITLEMENTS. 7.4.1 Parental Leave will be as per the provisions of the Fair Work Xxx 0000 (the Act).
7.4.2 As per s 75(3) of the Act, an employee may request Anglicare SQ to agree to a first extension of unpaid Parental Leave, by giving Anglicare SQ written notice of the extension at least 4 weeks prior to their original period of Parental Leave ending. The notice must specify the new end date for the leave, which must not exceed a period of 12 months, less any periods specified in s 75(2) of the Act, commencing immediately following the end of the original Parental Leave period.
PARENTAL LEAVE AND RELATED ENTITLEMENTS. Unpaid Parental Leave Employees are entitled to unpaid parental leave in accordance with the NES. Paid Parental Leave Throughout this clause:
25.1 Initial Primary Care Giver
(a) Principals are entitled to 14 weeks paid parental leave, paid at the rate of pay the Employee would have otherwise been paid in circumstances where they have an entitlement to take parental leave under the Fair Work Act and they will be the primary caregiver responsible for the care of a child from the date of the child’s birth or in the case of adoption from the date of placement with the Principal.
(b) This period of paid parental leave with be exclusive of student vacation periods.
25.2 Not Initial Primary Care Giver
(a) Where the Principal is not the Primary Care Giver as at the date of the birth or placement of the Child, they will be entited to two weeks paid parental leave as at the Date of Birth of the Chilld or placement of the Child as the case may be.
(b) Principals are entitled to 12 weeks paid parental leave, paid at the rate of pay the Employee would have otherwise been paid in circumstances where they have an entitlement to take parental leave under the Fair Work Act and they become the primary caregiver responsible for the care of a child subsequent to the date of the child’s birth or in the case of adoption after the date of placement with the Principal in the first twelve months of the Child’s life.
(c) This period of paid parental leave with be inclusive of student vacation periods.
(d) The terms of parental leave will be in accordance with the CSBB leave guideline.
9.9.1 A team member may take unpaid parental leave for:
(a) the birth of a Child; or
(b) the placement of an Adopted Child with the team member for adoption; where the team member has or will have responsibility for the care of the Child or Adopted Child, the entitlement to unpaid parental leave, including on a shared basis, is as follows: Period of continuous service Maximum entitlement Full-‐time and part-‐time 6 months 26 weeks Full-‐time and part-‐time 12 months 104 weeks Eligible casual 12 months 104 weeks
9.9.2 If each parent is taking parental leave at separate times the combined leave cannot exceed the maximum entitlement in subclause 9.
9.1. The combined leave must be taken in a single continuous period.
9.9.3 Parents who are part of an Employee Couple can take up to 8 weeks unpaid parental leave at the same time (concurrent leave). This leave can be taken in separate periods. Each period must be at least 2 weeks (unless otherwise agreed). Such leave is deducted from the team member’s parental leave entitlement.
9.9.4 Regardless of the team member’s length of continuous service, the team member may take 2 days unpaid pre-‐ adoption leave to attend any interviews or examinations required for the adoption of an Adopted Child (or more by agreement). However, Coles may require the team member to take any paid leave entitlement before accessing unpaid leave under this clause.
9.9.5 At least 10 weeks before the expected birth of a Child or placement of a Child, a team member must provide the following, where relevant, when taking parental leave:
PARENTAL LEAVE AND RELATED ENTITLEMENTS. Parental Leave and related entitlements are in accordance with the NES.
PARENTAL LEAVE AND RELATED ENTITLEMENTS. Parental Leave and Related Entitlements are as provided in Division 5 Part 2-2 of the Fair Work Act 2009.
PARENTAL LEAVE AND RELATED ENTITLEMENTS. Except as stated in this section, all other entitlements and requirements relating to parental leave under the Act will apply. All periods of paid parental leave will count as service for the purposes of this Agreement, the Act, and any other statutory entitlement. Periods of unpaid parental leave will not count as service.
PARENTAL LEAVE AND RELATED ENTITLEMENTS. 47.1 Parental leave is provided for in the NES. This clause contains additional provisions. In addition to the provisions contained below in this clause, employees are entitled to the Federal Government’s provision of Paid Parental Leave.
47.2 The parental leave entitlements in this clause are summarised in the table below. Paid Leave Unpaid Leave Superannuation Total More than 12 months continuous service 16 weeks 36 weeks Yes – 52 weeks 52 weeks Less than 12 months continuous service 0 weeks 52 weeks No 52 weeks More than 12 months continuous service 4 weeks 48 weeks No 52 weeks More than 12 months continuous service and takes over primary caregiver role within first 78 weeks 16 weeks less any paid leave taken as a non- primary caregiver 52 weeks less any leave taken as a non-primary caregiver Yes – 12 weeks 12 weeks Less than 12 months continuous service 0 weeks 52 weeks No 52 weeks An employee who is pregnant 36 hours 0 Yes – 36 hours 36 hours An employee who has a partner who is pregnant 7.6 hours 0 Yes – 7.6 hours 7.6 hours An employee who is adopting 15.2 hours 0 Yes – 15.2 hours 15.2 hours