Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays. A part-time employee, required to work on a recognized statutory holiday for which the employee is eligible, shall be paid 2 times the employee's regular rate of pay for each hour worked.
Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays. An employee who works on a Statutory Holiday shall choose either to be paid at the rate of double time plus a day off with pay at the regular rate for her/his regular hours of work, as defined in Article 28 (Hours of Work), or to receive an equivalent time off with pay or equivalent pay (i.e. regular time plus 2 days off with pay or triple time pay).
Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays. Employees who are required to work on a statutory holiday, as defined in Article 13.01.01, shall be paid in accordance with Article 12.02.
Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays. 7.05.01 An employee who commences work on a recognized statutory holiday for which the employee is eligible shall receive 2 times their regular rate of pay until the employee concludes working in addition to the provisions of Part I, 9.01.
7.05.02 An employee required to work on a recognized statutory holiday for which they are eligible and which is also one of their off days shall receive the statutory holiday premium and not the off day premium.
7.05.03 The provisions specified in Part I, 7.03.02 and 7.03.03 shall be applicable in this section.
7.05.04 The premium rates of pay specified in this section shall be paid only to those employees who work the statutory holiday in accordance with the provisions of Part I, 9.01.01 and 9.01.
Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays a) An employee required to work on a recognized statutory holiday, for which he is eligible, shall receive two (2) times his regular rate of pay for each hour worked.
b) Provisions specified in 6.03 b) and 6.03 h) shall be applicable in this section.
Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays. 8.06.01 A member required to work or be involved in department approved training on a statutory holiday, specified in this Agreement for which he is eligible, shall be paid at two (2) times his regular hourly rate of pay for each hour worked. Time in lieu as defined in 8.02.11 shall not apply on statutory holidays.
8.06.02 The premium rates of pay specified in this article shall apply to the Statutory Holidays specified in this Agreement and shall be paid only to those members who work on the actual calendar day established as the Holiday by legislation.
Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays. 6.03.01 A temporary member or a member who works shifts other than the ten (10) and fourteen (14) hour shifts and who is required to work on a statutory holiday specified in this Agreement for which they are eligible, shall be paid two (2) times their regular rate of pay for each hour worked.
6.03.02 A member who works ten (10) and fourteen (14) hour shifts which average forty- two (42) hours per week and who is required to work on a statutory holiday specified in this Agreement for which they are eligible shall be paid two (2) times their regular rate of pay for each hour worked in addition to the provisions of Part I Article 8.01 of this Agreement.
6.03.03 The premium rates of pay specified in this clause shall apply to the statutory holidays specified in this Agreement and shall be paid only to those members who work on the actual calendar day established as the holiday by legislation.
6.03.04 Statutory holiday pay for Lead Training Officers will be based on eleven point zero eight (11.08) hours per day and paid in accordance with the current collective agreement.
Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays. The premium rates of pay specified in the Main Agreement shall be paid only to those employees who work on the actual calendar day as outlined in Clause An employee who commences his shift before and during the statutory holiday shall be paid the premium rate for only those actual hours which fall during the statutory holiday.
Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays. 6.05.01 An employee required to work on a recognized statutory holiday for which he is eligible shall be paid two (2) times his regular rate of pay for each hour worked.
6.05.02 The provision for the minimum call -out time specified in clause 6.02.03 and the overtime continuance provision specified in clause 6.02.04 shall be applicable in this section.
6.05.03 The provisions in this section of the Agreement shall supersede the provisions of the sections of this Agreement covering overtime and off day premium. * 6.06 TEMPORARY CHANGE OF DUTIES (See Letter of Understanding Overtime Requirements - Roadway Maintenance Section)
6.06.01 On each occasion an employee is appointed to relieve for two (2) hours or more in a supervisory position having a higher regular rate of pay than that which he regularly holds, he shall be paid the regular rate of pay established for the higher position for the whole of the relief period. In instances where multiple rates have been assigned to the position to be relieved, the relieving employee shall receive a rate of pay within the assigned range of said position which allows for a minimum of the next higher rate above his regular rate of pay of his staff - formed position, as outlined in Appendix I - Schedule of Wages.
6.06.02 All employees shall be assigned to a position which has assigned to it a regular rate of pay according to the classification of such position. When an employee works two (2) or more hours per shift at work other than that which corresponds to the classification of his assigned position, he shall be paid the regular rate of pay of the classification of the work performed for the time he is engaged in such work. However, when an employee works in a specific higher classification for six (6) or more hours of an eight (8) hour shift, he shall receive the higher rate of pay for the entire eight (8) hour shift.
6.06.03 Overtime work shall be compensated at the employee's regular rate of pay unless the employee has been compensated for his full shift at a higher classification and continues in such classification for the duration of the overtime work, or where the employee works two (2) hours or more at work of a higher classification.
Pay for Work on Statutory Holidays. All employees shall be entitled to eleven (11) Statutory Holidays. Full Time employees receive their regular hours, for the hours they would have worked had it not been a Statutory Holiday. This amount will be paid in the current pay period the hours were earned. If the Statutory Holiday falls on the employee’s day off they will be paid the daily average of their weekly bid hours. Example: 5 day, 36hr bid week = 7.2hr daily average. Non Full Time employees will be paid in the amount equal to four point four percent (4.4%) of the gross earning of the employee, paid on every pay period. In addition, any operator who works on the Statutory Holiday will be paid at one and one half (1 ½) times the regular rate of pay for all hours worked.