Personal Leave Hours Sample Clauses
Personal Leave Hours. 110 Personal leave with pay is granted to regular employees with the approval of their supervisors for attending to personal matters. Leave is given during each fiscal year in accordance with the following schedule: Employed Hours 7/1 - 12/31 24 1/1 - 3/31 12 4/1 - 5/31 6 6/1 - 6/30 0 -111 An employee terminating prior to January 1 shall only be eligible for one-half of the annual personal leave accrual, to be adjusted on the employee's final payroll check. -112 No carry-over of unused personal leave day credit from one fiscal year to another shall be allowed. -113 Supervisory approval should be sought a minimum of one (1) working day prior to the desired time off. It is understood that the use of personal leave is of a private nature. -114 The personal leave days or fractions thereof, credited to each full-time, regular employee shall be utilized and charged to him/her in increments of not less than one (1) full hour.
Personal Leave Hours. 107 - Personal leave with pay is granted to regular employees with the approval of their supervisors for attending to personal matters. Leave is given during each fiscal year in accordance with the following schedule: Employed Hours 7/1 - 12/31 24 1/1 - 3/31 12 4/1 - 5/31 6 6/1 - 6/30 0 108 - The personal leave hours credited to each employee shall be utilized and charged in increments of not less than one (1) full hour. 109 - No carry-over of unused personal leave hours credit from one fiscal year to another shall be allowed, nor any payoff upon termination of employment.
Personal Leave Hours. All full-time and part-time nurses shall be granted twenty-four (24) hours (prorated for part-time nurses) of personal leave per year without pay upon request; providing such leave does not jeopardize hospital service.
Personal Leave Hours. Employees shall be granted up to twenty-four (24) hours of personal leave per contract year for absence from work for the purpose of attending to or caring for personal matters (e.g., routine medical, dental appointments for dependents). Personal leave may be used in half-hour (30 minute) increments and may be scheduled as needed by the employee with prior approval of the supervisor. Personal leave cannot be carried over into the next contract year and will not be paid upon change in employment status.
10.3.1 New employees hired between July 1 and December 31 will be granted up to twenty-four (24) hours of personal leave on their date of hire. New employees hired between January 1 and April 30 will be granted up to twelve (12) hours of personal leave on their date of hire.
10.3.2 On July 1 of each year, employees who are regularly scheduled to work at least twenty (20) hours per week but less than forty (40) hours per week will be granted a total of personal leave hours proportionate to the time actually worked (e.g., an employee who works thirty (30) hours per week will be granted eighteen (18) hours of personal leave). Employees who regularly work less than twenty (20) hours will not qualify for personal leave hours.
Personal Leave Hours. 1. Compensated time off by use of personal leave shall be in the number of hours equal to the employee’s scheduled daily hours of work on the date that the personal leave is used.
a. Subject to the provisions described above, one (1) personal leave day shall be credited to each unit employee’s account, effective January 1st of each calendar year.
b. In addition, in recognition of the implementation of the 4/11.43 patrol work schedule for patrol (see Article Seven), unit employees who are not assigned to the 4/11.43 patrol work schedule will receive one (1) additional day of personal leave (for a total of two (2) days) each calendar year.
3. The personal leave day credited shall be available for use only up to and including December 31st of each year. If not used, it shall be lost without payment of any compensation.
4. Payroll shall credit this personal leave in an account separate and distinct from “holiday leave” and the employee’s payroll check shall show this separate accounting.
Personal Leave Hours. (A) Personnel who work a forty (40) hour work week schedule, in lieu of President’s Day, their Birthday, Columbus Day and Veteran’s Day, shall be entitled to thirty- two (32) hours of personal leave time, plus an additional eight (8) hours personal leave time, for a total of forty (40) hours of personal leave hours. In addition to these forty (40) hours of personal leave, each employee shall also earn personal leave hours for each holiday that occurs on an employee’s day off, the employee shall be credited with eight (8) hours of personal leave time for each holiday that occurs on the employee’s day off. Total personal leave hours for each employee shall be computed by the Fire Chief prior to January 1st of the coming year.
(B) Personnel who work the fifty-three (53) schedule shall have 232 hours of personal leave available for use every year on January 1st.
(C) The personal leave hours shall be taken using a four (4) hour minimum, with two
Personal Leave Hours. Effective January 1st of each year, full-time seniority employees shall be entitled to a maximum of sixty (60) hours of personal leave time during the following twelve (12) month period, with pay to be computed at the employee's then current straight-time hourly rate, exclusive of premium of any sort whatsoever as of the day such personal leave day is taken. Each newly hired member of the bargaining unit who successfully completes his probationary period will, on his first anniversary date of hire, be given personal time on a pro rated basis for the remainder of such calendar year to be taken before the end of that calendar year. Except in cases of family emergency precluding notification, an employee will notify the Employer at least 72 hours prior to the day the employee wishes to take a personal leave day. The Employer shall only be obligated to allow one employee per platoon off on a personal leave day at any one time. If two or more employees make request for the same personal leave day, the employee whose request was first received by the Employer shall be granted the personal leave day. If two or more requests are received by the Employer within a 24-hour period, the employee with the most classification seniority will be granted the personal leave day. If an employee is denied a personal leave day request and the employee feels that such request has been improperly denied, the employee, if the Grievance Procedure as defined in Article 6 of this Agreement would not operate quickly enough to address such concern, may in addition to filing a grievance, immediately make such request in person to the Employer to reconsider such denial. Personal leave days shall not accumulate from one yearly period to another. Employees will be paid up to a maximum of sixty (60) hours of unused personal leave time. Such payment shall be at the employee’s regular hourly rate of pay as of December 31st. Payment shall be paid on or before the first pay in February of the following year.
Personal Leave Hours. 121 Personal leave with pay is granted to regular employees with the approval of their supervisors for attending to personal matters. Leave is given during each fiscal year in accordance with the following schedule: 7/1 - 12/31 24 1/1 - 3/31 12 4/1 - 5/31 6 6/1 - 6/30 0 -122 An employee terminating prior to January 1 shall only be eligible for one-half of the annual personal leave accrual, less personal leave time already used, to be adjusted on the employee’s final payroll check. -123 No carry-over of unused personal leave day credit from one fiscal year to another shall be allowed. -124 Supervisory approval should be sought a minimum of one (1) working day prior to the desired time off. It is understood that the use of personal leave is of a private nature and may be granted where it is not possible for the employee to provide one (1) working day prior notice. -125 The personal leave days or fractions thereof, credited to each full-time, regular employee shall be utilized in increments of 1/10th of an hour. Personal leave is not intended to be used to cover routine late arrivals to work or routine early departures.
Personal Leave Hours. Employees with a status of .8 FTE or more may request up to forty (40) hours of unpaid leave and employees with a status of less than .8 FTE may have up to twenty (20) unpaid leave of absence hours to be requested at the employee’s discretion. An employee shall not be eligible to apply for personal leave if the employee’s PTO accrual exceeds two hundred (200) hours. This time must be scheduled in advance and will be granted, if possible, after PTO time has been approved for other employees. All time off must be approved in advance, shall not adversely affect the staffing of the Hospital, and must be in accordance with the contractual provisions providing for paid leave (PTO), personal leave days or an approved leave of absence.
Personal Leave Hours. (A) Starting January 1, 2017, each officer will receive three days of personal leave time to be used in accordance with Section 3-615 of the A.O.M.
(B) Personal Leave earned on or before December 31, 2016 will no longer expire at the end of the calendar year. Personal leave may be banked, accumulated, and held over for use in following years. Personal Leave days earned on or after January 1, 2017 will expire at the end of the calendar year.
(C) Personal Leave shall have no cash value, and will not be compensable in any way upon separation from the Agency.