SENIORITY & SERVICE. (a) Seniority and service will be based on last date of hire for full-time employees and will accrue on the basis of hours paid for part-time employees.
(b) One year of full time service and seniority shall be equivalent to (fifteen hundred hours, 1500 hours) paid hours of part-time service and seniority.
(c) Casual employees will accrue seniority and service on the same basis as regular part-time employees. Casual employees will be treated as regular part-time for all other purposes under the collective agreement except that they will have no bumping rights and except as may be modified elsewhere in the Collective Agreement.
(d) Seniority shall be a factor used in determining lay-off and recall rights, job posting, vacation preference and other non-compensation matters. Seniority will be determined by the most recently posted seniority list.
(e) Service is used to determine pay level (i.e. salary progression), sick leave credits, vacation pay, statutory holiday entitlement and any other compensation issues.
(f) Seniority shall be interchangeable from full-time to part-time and vice- versa, subject to the conditions as set forth in this Collective Agreement.
SENIORITY & SERVICE. Service for all Employees, for the purpose of the Plan, shall mean completed years of service with the Employer as of January 1st in any year, and shall commence from the date of their employment with the Employer and shall be based on full years of service in any year.
SENIORITY & SERVICE. (a) 1820 hours equals one (1) full year of seniority. The full-time nurse will be credited a maximum of 1820 hours each calendar year. Partial years will be pro-rated.
(b) Part-time nurses will be credited with service and seniority for all paid hours.
(c) When a part-time nurse converts to full-time status, his/her seniority hours shall be capped at 1820 hours per calendar year.
SENIORITY & SERVICE. Seniority means length of continuous service. Continuity of service shall be considered broken as set out in Clause (1605). In addition, continuity of service shall be considered broken and employment terminated:
SENIORITY & SERVICE. 11.01 (a) Fundamentally, rules respecting seniority are designed to give employees an equitable measure of security based on length of service with the Hospital since the date he was last hired into this Bargaining Unit. Seniority will be based upon the time the employee spends within the Bargaining Unit and any time spent outside the Bargaining Unit will not count towards seniority in the Bargaining Unit. Seniority will not mean all time spent with the Hospital only the time spent in the Bargaining Unit where the Collective Agreement is in force.
SENIORITY & SERVICE. 7.01 Service is the ranking of employees in accordance with their accumulated hours of work in the bargaining unit with the Employer from the employee's last date of hire calculated on the basis of one (1) month equals 156.25 hours and 1875 hours worked equals one (1) year for the purpose of wage progression.
7.02 The Employer shall maintain seniority lists and make copies available to the Union every six (6) months. If there is a concern, it should be raised by the last day of the month in which the list is posted.
7.03 An employee's seniority rights once acquired shall cease to exist and the employee shall be deemed to be terminated if an employee:
a. voluntarily quits the employ of the Employer;
b. is discharged and such discharge is not reversed through the grievance procedure;
c. utilizes a leave of absence for purposes other than those for which the leave was granted, or engages in gainful employment elsewhere while on leave of absence, or who fails to report for duty on the first (1st) day following the expiration of a leave of absence, unless the employee has obtained permission from the Employer in writing or provides a reasonable explanation satisfactory to the Employer;
d. is laid off for a continuous period of more than twelve (12) months, or fails to report for work when recalled.
e. has been absent for two (2) consecutive working days without having notified the Employer, in which case the employee shall be deemed to have quit without notice, unless a reason satisfactory to the Employer is given;
f. retires;
g. is off work due to illness for a period of twenty-four (24) months and twenty-four (24) months in case of a compensable workplace injury (i.e. WSIB) and there is no reasonable likelihood the employee will return to work within the foreseeable future;
SENIORITY & SERVICE. Service for all employees for the purpose of this Plan, shall mean completed years of service with the employer as of their employment anniversary date, and shall commence from the date of their employment with the Employer, and shall be based on full years of service in any year.
11.01 For the purposes of this Agreement, seniority is defined as the amount of time credited to an employee for working in the bargaining unit as a regular Full Time or regular Part Time Employee. Service is defined as the period of time an employee has been continuously employed by the Company. Net Credited Service is defined as the period of continuous service since an employee was last placed on the Company payroll, plus any credit for other service which has been bridged in accordance with Articles 11.09 and 11.10 of this Agreement.
SENIORITY & SERVICE. Seniority Defined
16.01 Seniority means length of continuous service. Seniority for part-time employees will be based on the concept that a part time employee earns one week of seniority for each week in which he or she is scheduled to work. When two or more employees commence work in the same seniority group on the same day, the procedure for establishing their relative seniority shall be based upon a coin- flip.
SENIORITY & SERVICE. Service for all employees, for the purpose of the plan, shall mean a completed year of service with the Employer as of January 1 in any year; however, new employees will be allowed a pro-rated formula based upon the first day of the month of employment with the Employer.