(i) An employee who is absent from work because of personal illness or injury and who has not attained seniority at the time his/her absence commences shall be paid his/her full salary throughout the first five (5) working days of such absence commencing with the date of the absence;
(ii) Effective for absences commencing on or after December 1, 1976, an employee who is absent from work because of personal illness or injury who has attained seniority at the time his/her absence commences shall be paid his/her full salary throughout the first twenty-one (21) working days of such absence commencing with the date of the absence, and 50% of his/her full salary throughout the ensuing forty-two (42) working days of such absence;
(iii) In order to qualify for any payment under (i) and (ii) above, an employee may be required to furnish to the company satisfactory proof of such illness or injury.
SICK LEAVE PAYMENTS. A. As an incentive to conserve sick leave and to promote the appropriate use of sick leave days, the District agrees that a member who is age fifty-five (55) or older and who has completed at least fifteen (15) years of service with the District and who retires directly into or under the New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System and who is eligible to receive a pension there from shall receive upon retirement compensation for earned but unused sick leave at a rate of $40.00 per day to a maximum of two-hundred-forty (240) days.
B. Members who retire pursuant to this Section shall have the option, instead of receiving the actual funds through the retirement stipend, to have applied on their behalf any or all of such sum available to cover the member’s contribution for health insurance (on a monthly basis) during the member’s retirement. This will offset the member’s obligation to pay for same on a dollar-for-dollar basis until such retirement stipend funds have been exhausted.
SICK LEAVE PAYMENTS. 28.4.1. An employee who has completed at least ten (10) years of continuous service and who retires directly into or under the New York State Employees’ Retirement System and who is eligible to receive a pension therefrom, shall receive compensation for all earned but unused sick leave up to a maximum of seventy-five (75) days. The required minimum period of service set forth above shall be waived in the event the employee is granted and receives a New York State Employees Retirement System accidental disability retirement. All remaining unused but accrued sick leave up to the maximum set forth in Article 18, Sick Leave Eligibility and Accumulation, shall be applied to the provisions of Article 41 (J) Unused Sick Leave Plan of the State Retirement System.
28.4.2. An employee who has completed at least ten (10) years of continuous service and whose employment is terminated by reason of resignation, death or layoff shall receive compensation for earned but unused sick leave in accordance with the following schedule: After 10 years 20 days After 11 years 22 days After 12 years 24 days After 13 years 26 days After 14 years After 15 years 28 days 30 days After 16 years After 17 years After 18 years 32 days 34 days 36 days 21 After 19 years 38 days After 20 years 40 days After 21 years 42 days After 22 years 44 days After 23 years 46 days After 24 years 48 days After 25 years 50 days After 26 years 52 days After 27 years 54 days After 28 years 56 days After 29 years 58 days After 30 years 60 days
(i) An employee who is absent from work because of personal illness or injury and who has not attained seniority at the time his/her absence commences shall be paid his/her full salary for five (5) working days of such absence commencing with the sixth day of the absence.
(ii) An employee who is absent from work because of personal illness or injury who has attained seniority at the time his/her absence commences shall be paid his/her full salary for twenty-one (21) working days of such absence commencing with the sixth day of the absence, and 50% of his/her full salary throughout the ensuing forty-two (42) working days of such absence;
(iii) In order to qualify for any payment under (i) and (ii) above, an employee may be required to furnish to the company satisfactory proof of such illness or injury. Certification from a licensed Nurse Practitioner will be accepted to satisfy proof of such illness or injury, pursuant to the following provisions:
1. The licensed Nurse Practitioner must be practicing within the scope and qualifications of his/her license; and
2. If the sick leave for illness or injury exceeds the lesser of the guidelines employed by the Insurance Company or four
SICK LEAVE PAYMENTS. Sick leave payments shall be made to eligible employees (to the extent of their accumulated credits) on the basis of not to exceed eight (8) hours per day, or forty (40) hours per week, at the regular straight time hourly rate of the employee at the time the necessary absence occurs. Sick leave may not be used in amounts of less than one-half day.
SICK LEAVE PAYMENTS. Sick leave payments shall be made to employees (not to exceed their accumulated sick leave) for the following leaves:
(a) Leaves for serious illness of a member of an employee’s immediate family shall be available for a period of not to exceed one (1) regularly scheduled working day at any one (1) time, unless his/her immediate supervisor grants him/her additional time off from work.
(b) Leaves for dental and medical appointments that could not be made for times other than during regular duty hours, provided the employee notifies his/her immediate supervisor one week in advance, except in emergencies.
(c) Leaves for the purpose of attending the funeral of a relative other than a member of the employee’s immediate family shall be available for a period of not to exceed five (5) days per calendar year, provided the employee furnishes proof of death if requested.
(d) An eligible employee may on a once-a-year basis elect to convert up to a maximum of ten (10) sick leave days into a year-end bonus at the rate of $20 per day. To be eligible for such a bonus, an employee must maintain a balance of at least fifteen (15) accrued sick leave days in his/her account after the conversion of the sick days. Requests for bonus payments shall be given to the Employer in writing and be signed by the employee no later than December 1 each calendar year. Payment of the bonus shall be made during December.
SICK LEAVE PAYMENTS. An employee who is absent from work because of personal illness or injury and who has not seniority at the time hisher absence commences shall be paid full salary throughout the first working days of such absence commencing with the date of the absence; Effective for absences commencing on or after December I, an employee who is absent from work because of personal illness or injury who has attained seniority at the time absence commences shall be paid full salary throughout the first working days of such absence commencing with the date of the absence, and of hisher full salary throughout the ensuing working days of such absence: In order to qualify for any payment under and above, an employee may be required to furnish to the company satisfactory proof of such illness or injury. More than one illness the same or a related cause shall as a single illness, unless the employee recovers sufficiently between illnesses to to work for at least calendar days and all absences from work from a single illness shall be accumulat- ed for the purpose of sick leave payments so that an employ. shall not be entitled to payment hereunder for a single illness for a longer of time than that set out above. An employee who is entitled to Workers’ Compensation Benefits, or disability benefits provided under any Unemployment Compensation Law, and is also eligible for sick leave pay shall be entitled to a total bene- fit no greater than hisher full monthly salary at date of disability. If the combined amount of sick leave payments and the benefits is eligible for under Workers’ Compensation Law and the disability benefits is eligible for under any Unemployment Compensation Law is in excess of full monthly salary at date of disability, shall turn over to the company or the company may withhold an amount equal The company will provide for all employees to be covered by disability policy, providing bene- fits in accordance with the of such insurance policy upon expiration of the period during which an employee is entitled to full pay under section An employee absent from work because of per- xxxxx illness or injury, where such absence prior to June shall continue to be subject to the terms of Article of the prior Collective Agreement until the employee has to work.
(i) An employee who is absent from work because of personal illness or injury and who has not attained seniority at the time his/her absence commences shall be paid his/her full salary for five (5) working days of such absence commencing with the sixth day of the absence.
(ii) An employee who is absent from work because of personal illness or injury who has attained seniority at the time his/her absence commences shall be paid his/her full salary for twenty one (21) working days of such absence commencing with the sixth day of the absence, and 50% of his/her full salary throughout the ensuing forty two (42) working days of such absence;
(iii) In order to qualify for any payment under (i) and (ii) above, an employee may be required to furnish to the company satisfactory proof of such illness or injury. Certification from a licensed Nurse Practitioner will be accepted to satisfy proof of such illness or injury, pursuant to the following provisions:
1. The licensed Nurse Practitioner must be practicing within the scope and qualifications of his/her license; and
2. If the sick leave for illness or injury exceeds the lesser of the guidelines employed by the Insurance Company or four (4) weeks, ongoing certification must be provided by a licensed physician; and
3. A licensed Nurse Practitioner cannot provide disability certification to substantiate any Extended Disability Benefits claims.
(iv) The 5 day waiting period provided for in section 15.01(a)(ii) and (iii) will be waived when an employee is admitted to hospital.
SICK LEAVE PAYMENTS. (e) A layoff moving allowance will be payable in a lump sum. Any layoff moving allowance payable under this section 13.06 will be paid by the company subject to the terms and conditions specified in section 6.05(g)(i)(3) of the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan.
(f) The amount received under the provisions of this section 13.06 will be deducted from any Separation Payment that the employee subsequently becomes eligible to receive under the Separation Payment Plan.
(g) Only one layoff moving allowance will be paid where more than one member of a family living in the same residence are relocated pursuant to section 13.06(a).
SICK LEAVE PAYMENTS. As of January current full time employees will have the choice of staying with their current sick leave plan or moving to the new “El” carve out plan as outlined below. Any part time employee who posts into a permanent full time position, shall be enrolled in this new plan.