Start-Up Meeting. (a) Within 10 Business Days of the date of this Project Agreement, Project Co and the Design Team shall attend a start-up meeting (the “Start-Up Meeting”) with Contracting Authority to set out the design development process in greater detail.
(b) The agenda for the Start-Up Meeting shall include the following:
(i) Project Co’s plan to develop a successful partnership with Contracting Authority for the purpose of supporting Contracting Authority in achieving its vision, mission and core values;
(ii) Project Co’s plan to ensure that the Works are completed in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Project Agreement;
(iii) Project Co’s process to ensure optimum design quality;
(iv) Project Co’s approach to a fully integrated interior design process that includes every element of interior finishes, furniture, fixtures, Equipment, Existing Equipment, occupant signage and wayfinding;
(v) a proposed schedule of Works Submittals which is consistent with the Works Schedule and which provides for a progressive and orderly flow of Works Submittals from Project Co to the Contracting Authority Representative to allow sufficient time for review of each Works Submittal by the Contracting Authority Design Team, taking into account both the resources available to the Contracting Authority Design Team to conduct such review and whether delay in the review of the subject matter of the Works Submittal will have a material impact on Project Co’s ability to progress future anticipated Works Submittals and the Works in accordance with the Works Schedule;
(vi) Project Co’s approach to timing, construction, adjustment and user feedback on required mock-ups; and
(vii) a communication process that includes an electronic data room and the use of a computerized document tracking system that has the capacity to report, on request, the status of all design and construction documentation.
Start-Up Meeting. (a) Within 10 Business Days of the date of this Project Agreement, Project Co and the Design Team shall attend a start up meeting (the "Start-Up Meeting") with NHS to set out the design development process in greater detail.
(b) The agenda for the Start-Up Meeting shall include the following:
(i) Project Co's plan to develop a successful long-term partnership with NHS for the purpose of supporting NHS in achieving its vision, mission and core values;
(ii) Project Co's plan to ensure that the Works are completed in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Project Agreement;
(iii) Project Co's process to ensure optimum design quality;
(iv) Project Co's approach to a fully integrated interior design process that includes every element of interior finishes, furniture, fixtures, equipment, occupant signage and wayfinding;
(v) a proposed schedule of Works Submittals which is consistent with the Works Schedule and which provides for a progressive and orderly flow of Works Submittals from Project Co to the NHS Representative to allow sufficient time for review of each Works Submittal by the NHS Representative, taking into account both the resources available to the NHS Representative to conduct such review and whether delay in the review of the subject matter of the Works Submittal will have a material impact on Project Co's ability to progress future anticipated Works Submittals and the Works in accordance with the Works Schedule;
(vi) Project Co's approach to timing, construction, adjustment and user feedback on required mock-ups; and
(vii) a communication process that includes an electronic data room and the use of a computerized document tracking system that has the capacity to report, on request, the status of all design and construction documentation.
Start-Up Meeting. (a) Within 10 Business Days of the date of this Project Agreement, Project Co and the Design Team shall attend a start up meeting (the "Start-Up Meeting") with IO to set out the design development process in greater detail.
(b) The agenda for the Start-Up Meeting shall include the following:
(i) Project Co's plan to develop a successful long-term partnership with IO and the MCSCS for the purpose of supporting IO and the MCSCS in achieving its vision, mission and core values;
(ii) Project Co's plan to ensure that the Works are completed in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Project Agreement;
(iii) Project Co's process to ensure optimum design quality;
(iv) Project Co's approach to a fully integrated interior design process that includes every element of interior finishes, furniture, fixtures, equipment, occupant signage and wayfinding;
(v) a proposed schedule of Works Submittals which is consistent with the Works Schedule and which provides for a progressive and orderly flow of Works Submittals from Project Co to the IO Representative to allow sufficient time for review of each Works Submittal by the IO Representative, taking into account both the resources available to the IO Representative to conduct such review and whether delay in the review of the subject matter of the Works Submittal will have a material impact on Project Co's ability to progress future anticipated Works Submittals and the Works in accordance with the Works Schedule;
(vi) Project Co's approach to timing, construction, adjustment and user feedback on required mock-ups; and
(vii) a communication process that includes an electronic data room and the use of a computerized document tracking system that has the capacity to report, on request, the status of all design and construction documentation, and that takes into account the document security protocol described in Section 50.5(h).
Start-Up Meeting. 28.2.1 Prior to the commencement of this Agreement, the Council Representative and the Care Home Provider Representative shall attend a Start-Up Meeting.
28.2.2 The Start-Up Meeting shall take place at the Council’s premises unless otherwise agreed between the Parties.
Start-Up Meeting. 1 Within 5 working days after notification by Metro Regional
Start-Up Meeting. 1.1. A start up meeting will be held at which time the following will be addressed:
Start-Up Meeting. Contractor Group will attend a start-up HSE meeting immediately prior to the start of the On-Site Work. Multiple meetings may be required if the On-Site Work is started in phases. Contractor is required to spend sufficient time to thoroughly cover the objectives of the meeting. Senior management from Contractor and a representative of Company must participate in the meeting to demonstrate Contractor and Company commitment and expectations for HSE performance during the On-Site Work. The Contractor Personnel that must be in attendance will be dictated by Company based on the organization of Contractor Personnel as identified in the HSE Project Specific Plan. During the meeting the following objectives will be completed by the Contractor: · outline work scope and purpose of the meeting; · re-iterate the Company and Contractor commitment to HSE; · advise Contractor Personnel of HSE goals and objectives for the Work; · confirm HSE plan to be implemented and confirm that roles and responsibilities have been clearly defined and understood by Contractor Personnel; · confirm competence, review training matrix and the minimum training requirements for workers who are exposed to workplace hazards as set out in the HSE Project Specific Plan; · review process to be utilized to supervise execution of On-Site Work and supervision of workers, including short service workers; · confirm scope and review schedule of HSE activities (e.g. inspections, emergency drills, safety meetings); · confirm compliance with both conditions of permits issued by any Authority and all Applicable Laws;
Start-Up Meeting. Key members of the Urban Planning Partners team, including BASELINE, will meet with City staff to discuss expectations regarding the tasks to be undertaken as part of the environmental documentation effort. We will prepare and circulate an agenda for this meeting. Topics for discussion at this meeting will include: Team composition and respective roles of consultants and City staff. Coordination with the city and county of San Mateo, FEMA, and other applicable regulatory agencies and other stakeholders. The City’s desired approach to involving various City departments during preparation of the EIR and review of the administrative and screencheck drafts (or portions thereof). When and how frequently we should hold standing meetings. Current project plans. Approach to assessing construction-period impacts given the limited amount of detail currently available regarding the construction. . Potential project alternatives. Project schedule. TABLE 1 SCOPE OF WORK OUTLINE PHASE 1. PROJECT INITIATION TASK 1A: PROJECT INITIATION TASK 1. Start-Up Meeting 4. Site Visit/Field Survey 2. Data Gathering and Evaluation 5. Project Description 3. Base Map Preparation TASK 1B: SCOPING MEETING TASK 1C: REVIEW OF NOP COMMENTS/WORK PROGRAM REFINEMENT PHASE 2. DRAFT EIR TASK 2A: SETTING, IMPACTS, AND MITIGATION MEASURES 1. Aesthetics 7. Land Use and Planning Policy 2. Air Quality 8 Hydrology & Water Quality 3. Biological Resources 9. Geology & Soils 4. Cultural Resources 10. Noise & Vibration 5. Greenhouse Gas Emissions 11. Recreation 6. Hazards and Hazardous Materials 12. Traffic & Transportation TASK 2B: ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS TASK 2C: CEQA-REQUIRED ASSESSMENT CONCLUSIONS TASK 2D: STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM AND FINDINGS TASK 2E: PREPARE DRAFT EIR 1. Administrative Draft EIR 3. Public Review Draft EIR 2. Screencheck Draft EIR and NOA TASK 2F: DRAFT EIR HEARINGS PHASE 3. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS DOCUMENT/FINAL EIR TASK 3A: RESPONSE TO COMMENTS DOCUMENT 1. Administrative Final EIR 3. Final EIR 2. Screencheck Final EIR TASK 3B: FINAL EIR CERTIFICATION HEARINGS PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND MEETINGS STAFF AND PROJECT TEAM MEETINGS ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD GENERAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT REGULATORY PERMITTING ASSISTANCE P R O P O S A L F O R S E R V I C E S O C X X X X X 2 0 1 5 L E V E E P R O T E C T I O N P L A N N I N G A N D I M P R O V E M E N T S C I T Y O F F O S T E R C I T Y Existing data and analyses that may be relevant to...
Start-Up Meeting of the framework agreement