General Project Management Sample Clauses

General Project Management. The Project Management Plan shall describe Proposer’s overall Project management plan and approach to the work (including design, construction, and maintenance), including at least the following: (a) A description of the methods to be used to assure necessary communication and documentation within Proposer’s team, including communication among the sub-organizations and management personnel. (b) A description of how Proposer intends to: (i) provide the experienced personnel, facilities and equipment, and to integrate such resources, to complete each aspect of the Project; (ii) control and coordinate the various Subcontractors; (iii) interface with TxDOT, its consultants and relevant federal, State and local agencies; (iv) interface with applicable railroads and Utility Owners; (v) control Project schedules and minimize Project costs; and
General Project Management. Prepare detailed monthly invoice and supporting documents, track monthly fee/budget, coordination with sub-consultants, and other general project coordination.
General Project Management. Provide general project administration services including contract administration, project accounting, internal quality control, and internal project administration.
General Project Management. The DBT is to provide the following as part of its general project management tasks:
General Project Management. The Project Management Plan shall describe Proposer’s overall Project management plan and approach to the work (including design, construction, and maintenance), including at least the following: (a) A description of the methods to be used to assure necessary communication and documentation within Proposer’s team, including communication among the sub-organizations and management personnel. (b) A description of how Proposer intends to: (i) provide the experienced personnel, facilities and equipment, and to integrate such resources, to complete each aspect of the Project; (ii) control and coordinate the various Subcontractors;
General Project Management. Urban Planning Partners will undertake a variety of general project management tasks throughout the EIR preparation period. Xxxxxxx will provide input on scope, budget, contract negotiation and management, scheduling of the project, and quality assurance for all work conducted. Xxxxx and Xxxxx will collaborate on day-to-day activities associated with the project including regular contact with the City and subconsultants. They will also provide P R O P O S A L F O R S E R V I C E S O C X X X X X 2 0 1 5 L E V E E P R O T E C T I O N P L A N N I N G A N D I M P R O V E M E N T S C I T Y O F F O S T E R C I T Y direction to all team members to ensure an internally consistent, coherent document. Xxxxxxx will review all subconsultant submittals and in-house prepared text, tables, and graphics before these materials were presented to the City as administrative review docu- ments. Xxxxxxx and Xxxxx will be available for consultation on CEQA procedural matters as well as application of the CEQA Guidelines to this project. Other tasks that will be completed as part of general project management include:  Prepare monthly progress reports and invoices showing budgeted and actual costs versus work progress status.  Project coordination other city consultants, City and County of San Mateo, FEMA and other regulatory agencies that would be involved throughout the process.  Notify city staff of any changes in scope or budget as soon as possible and propose actions if necessary to correct these changes.  Maintain communication by being available by phone or e-mail and responding in a timely fashion.  Prepare correspondences and memos, and perform other project management activities necessary to keep the project on schedule.  Complete a database and documentation search to identify all relevant, existing information for the analysis.  Prepare Technical Memorandums based on survey results and data collection for air quality, cultural resources, noise, and traffic.  The consultant shall be prepared to participate in up to one (1) public scoping meeting and up to five (5) public presentations before the Planning Commission and City Council regarding the information, analysis, findings, and recommendations contained in the environmental document including one public meeting/hearing, for adoption of the EIR. Urban Planning Partners will provide support to Xxxxxx & Xxxxxxx in preparation of necessary permit applications and the acquisition of permits, such as USACE and BC...
General Project Management. The CONSULTANT will provide project management and administration, management of subconsultants, liaison with the CITY, scheduling, coordination, quality assurance and quality control, contract administration, filing and recordkeeping, and preparation of monthly invoices with progress reports.
General Project Management. 1.1 Scope, schedule, & budget monitoring 1.2 Design project team meetings.
General Project Management. The CONSULTANT will provide project management services: a) The Project Manager will manage the project, provide administration services, and liaison with the AIRPORT and FAA for up to 12 months. b) The Project Manager will prepare up to 12 monthly invoices with progress reports.
General Project Management. HDR will provide overall project management, project oversight and administration on the project including internal coordination and development of monthly progress reports and invoices. HDR will also conduct calls spaced each two weeks with AAMPO staff to discuss progress and upcoming work. HDR will conduct up to six (6) coordination meetings with the AAMPO Technical Committee as schedule milestones dictate.