Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: Applicants/Recipients are provided an Orientation. Non-exempt applicants are placed in up front Applicant Job Search/JRT. An OTDA Specialist assists in providing these services. Support services are provided on a case by case basis. Referrals are made to appropriate agencies to assist with barriers to include physical, mental health, and chemical dependency. Referrals are made to DCAP to help with SSI/SSDI applications. Counseling is provided to address any needs of the client to increase their employability, such as training, referral to activities to strengthen Job Readiness, Job Fair information and/or referral. Follow up and monitoring progress by the Employment Counselors are key to success and ensuring that clients needs are met.
Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: Addressing the unique needs and circumstances of individuals is crucial when implementing strategies for the need for TA and one size fits all solutions may not be effective. Locally we have- ¿ Invested in education and training programs that equip individuals with the skills and qualifications needed for better job opportunities ¿ Provide job placement services, resume building, interview coaching, and networking opportunities to help individuals find stable employment ¿ Provide Childcare Support by offering affordable or subsidized childcare services to enable parents to work or attend job training programs or schooling ¿ Financial Empowerment Center-Financial Literacy Education to teach budgeting and financial management skills to help individuals make informed decisions and manage their finances more effectively ¿ Access to Healthcare-Ensure access to affordable healthcare, which can reduce medical-related financial burdens ¿ Mental Health and Counseling Services-to address mental health issues, addiction, or other barriers to employment through counseling and support programs ¿ Tax Credits-encourage work by educating on tax credits or incentives for low-income individuals and families ¿ Aftercare Program-Case Management-Provide personalized case management services to assess individual needs and connect them with appropriate resources, this would include long term planning, developing individualized plans with specific goals and milestone to encourage self-sufficiency over time ¿ Community partnerships -collaborate with local organizations, employers, and community resources to create a comprehensive support system ¿ Supportive Services- ¿ Background checks ¿ Assistance with legal issues in collaboration with community organizations ¿ Bonding for convicted felons through DOL ¿ Assistance with Child Support ¿ One time only assistance payments for: rent, energy, transportation, car insurance or repairs, tools, etc. to avoid ongoing assistance. ¿ Continually monitoring our caseload of disabled individuals for medical documentation that will support for an application and award for SSI/SSD.
Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: Broome County connects clients to job search activities and employment opportunities. Broome County emphasizes the importance of employment and the benefits that are associated with employment (transitional childcare, EITC, SNAP benefits, etc.). When appropriate, job search is mandated for employable clients. Nonrecurring diversion payments are issued based on following the TA Sourcebook Chapter 31, Section E. to reduce the need for Temporary Assistance.
Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: Diversion services are intended to provide short-term assistance to enable an applicant to avoid having to become a recipient of ongoing Temporary Assistance. With the objective of promoting independence and self-sufficiency, the district explores, with persons seeking Temporary Assistance, available alternatives, mostly by looking at the person's access to available programs and community resources. The district also provides, in accordance with applicable law and regulations, emergency assistance, including "one-shot deals," to meet a nonrecurring need that may make ongoing Temporary Assistance unnecessary. For example, the district may issue grants to pay rental or utility arrears. The district will continue to look to the development of other diversion strategies and services designed to xxxxxx and promote the independence and self-sufficiency of individuals and families.
Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: For each individual, the development and utilization of an employment plan which is tailored to the individual and outlines barriers to and goals for financial stability. Also, the Self Sufficiency Review program requires temporarily unemployable individuals to follow up with health and treatment plans in order to become employable.
Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: MCDSS espouses a WorkFirst philosphy, from initial contact through eligibility the benefits of work are discussed. During this process Supportive Services such as: Background checks Assistance with legal issues through the Judicial Process Commission, Xxxxxxx for convicted felons through DOL Financial literacy information EITC Outreach CASH referrals Assistance with child support Direct job matching through our career center and employment contracts Access to computers and internet daily in our onsite Career Center Basic computer training daily in our onsite Career Center Immediate referrals and access to interview attire through MOU with vendors that offer such services Referrals to WIC Employers interviewing on site Resumes reviewed typed and copied MCDSS offers one time only assistance payments for: rent, energy, transportation, car insurance or repairs, tools, etc. to avoid ongoing assistance. Monroe County contracts for an aftercare program for individuals closed off of assistance for excess income. Monroe County has an MOU with City of Rochester to provide on site Financial Counseling through their Financial Empowerment Center model. This MOU will allow individuals we serve to access services related to budgeting, savings, and credit repair free of charge. MCDSS is continually monitoring our caseload of disabled individuals for solid medical documentation that could give a strong foundation for an application and award for SSI/SSD.
Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: Niagara County provides supportive services to divert applicants from needing Temporary Assistance. These supportive services are provided on a case-by-case basis and are only approved for individuals who are either already employed or have a promise of employment. Verification of employment (current pay stub) or a statement on the company's letterhead indicating a promise of employment (with an expected start date) is required for the individual to be considered for these services.
Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: Supportive services and diversion payments are offered for individuals that may be employed and in need of transportation assistance or other supports to maintain their employment. This is done at initial application, at orientation and at any time during the application process. Referrals to other agencies are also made during this time to assist individuals in self-sufficiency.
Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: The Department provides information regarding subsidized housing, subsidized daycare, income disregards, child support, earned income tax credits, WIC, and supportive services are discussed at Orientation/Job Search and at Recertification.
Strategies for Reducing the Need for XX x. Described below are the district’s strategies for reducing the need for TA: The TA/Employment workers assess the need for items listed below to divert an individual from ongoing assistance: Car purchase and repairs through the contracted Employment Related Transportationn Service provider or DCDCFS - for individuals who are verified to be working and do not live and work within two miles of public transportation routes or timetable or need a car to perform the job function (i.e. CNA). Individual applying for purchase of a car must work his/her scheduled hours for two full weeks prior to us purchasing the car. We will pay for alternate transportation for this time period if necessary. Car value must be at or below NADA average retail book value and the vehicle being purchased must be inspected by an independent certified mechanic. Rent and security to allow an individual to locate near a verified job. Bus passes, train fare, taxi fare for transportation to a job until first paycheck is received. Childcare to allow an individual to accept a verified job immediately. Tools or clothing to allow an individual to begin a verified job