Planning and Preparation Time Sample Clauses

Planning and Preparation Time. 1. Planning and preparation time is time during the work day for instructional planning and preparation for the individual member's professional assignment. The member and the Department Director shall determine and schedule the amount of time necessary for prep time. NWRESD will annually review with all Administrators the contractual requirements associated with prep time. Labor-Management committee will include prep time as an agenda item at least two times per school- year for review of any concerns raised by members. 2. Members, either individually for those with unique assignments, or in groups of members with like assignments, will meet with direct supervisor to establish appropriate preparation time. The administration will initiate and schedule the meetings required in this paragraph. The meetings will take place by the end of September of each year and also after a schedule change or reassignment. Any member who is not able to resolve to his/her satisfaction the scheduling of preparation time may appeal the matter to the Chief Human Resources Officer, who will meet with the supervisor and employee to hear and resolve the matter. Unless the member and supervisor agree to a different schedule, a full-time member will have a minimum of 300 minutes per five-day week of prep time during the regular eight-hour day. Reasonable efforts will be made to schedule prep time in blocks of at least thirty (30) minutes. 3. Scheduled preparation time will, except in unusual or emergency situations, not be scheduled by the supervisor for meetings or other duties, except with the member's agreement. A member may make a request to the supervisor for release time or other assistance if the member feels that IEP/IFSP preparation or required meetings are unreasonably infringing on preparation time or causing excessive meetings outside the workday. 4. If a member believes that the workload assigned is unreasonable or unmanageable, or cannot be accomplished during the work day, the member may request a meeting with the supervisor to try to resolve the issue. If resolution is not reached through this meeting, the member may request a meeting with the Chief Human Resources Officer. The member has the right to Association representation for these meetings.
Planning and Preparation Time. ‌ A. Every teacher at the secondary schools shall be granted per day planning and preparation time equal to a class period. B. Every teacher at the elementary schools shall be guaranteed planning and preparation time equaling two hundred (200) minutes per week. Provided however, if any elementary art, elementary music, or physical education teacher is absent and no substitute is assigned, the regular classroom teacher shall provide such instruction and that teacher’s allocated planning and preparation time for that day be reduced by that amount of time. When requested or required by the building principal, the teacher whose planning and preparation time is reduced shall be paid in accordance with Article 10. C. No teacher shall be required to attend student assemblies or other similar functions that are held during his/her planning and preparation times. D. Planning and preparation time shall not be interrupted by any meetings other than cooperative planning meetings. However, planning and preparation time may be used for parent conferences and meetings with principals on an infrequent basis determined by necessity. E. No planning period shall be less than 25 continuous minutes and there shall be at least one planning period per day.
Planning and Preparation Time. The remaining time will be preparation time. “An Employee’s preparation time” is Employee-directed planning time that may include preparing the classroom or the class lesson, collaborating with other Employees, and doing directly related follow-up activities, such as grading, corrections, classroom configuration, etc. At least forty (40) continuous minutes of preparation/planning time will be scheduled daily during the regular student day.
Planning and Preparation Time. 1. Pre-K through 5 Teachers. Insofar as practicable and provided there are enough special subject teachers employed by the Board, the Board will attempt to schedule one (1) planning period per day for full-time pre-K-5 teachers. Said pre- K-5 teachers shall use for their planning period the periods during which their classes receive instruction from music, art, foreign language, or physical education special subject teachers, unless from time to time they are asked by the special subject teachers to stay in the classroom to assist them. Such planning periods at the pre-K-5 level, including common planning time, shall be used for preparation time and other instructional responsibilities. It is understood that reasonable administrative requests/needs to meet will be honored. Regular classroom teachers at elementary grades 2-5 shall be released from two (2) periods of foreign language instruction each full week, thereby providing an additional fifty (50) minutes of planning time per week. First grade classroom teachers shall have an additional forty-five (45) minutes of planning time each full week, and during such additional planning time, instruction shall be provided by a certified teacher.
Planning and Preparation Time. A. Each teacher shall receive a minimum of 200 minutes per week for a planning period. B. In order to maintain a fully operational school, every effort shall be made to obtain a qualified substitute teacher to replace staff members who are absent. To facilitate this goal when a substitute is needed, but cannot be obtained, each Principal shall poll available teachers to determine a list of volunteers to fill in for absent teachers. At the secondary level or middle school level, if no teacher volunteers, staff members scheduled for conference or planning time during the period for which a substitute is needed may be assigned by the Principal on an alphabetically rotating basis so that each available teacher will take his/her turn. Each teacher who volunteers or is assigned and who, as a result, forfeits his/her preparation period on that day, shall be paid at the rate of $20.00 per period taught. At the elementary level, each teacher who volunteers or is assigned by the Principal to fill in for an absent teacher shall be paid at the rate equal to $20.00 for each period taught. A period shall be defined as at least forty (40) minutes. At the elementary level, when the specialty teacher is unavailable due to absence from school or other assignment, (that results in the loss of regularly scheduled planning time), the classroom teacher will be: 1. Provided an equivalent amount of time (to the teacher’s and Principal’s satisfaction); or 2. Compensated at the rate of $20 per occurrence. Teachers so substituting will fill out all necessary forms, approved and signed by the building Principal, and will receive their pay on the normal two (2) week schedule. Teachers volunteering to cover for other teachers who have personal obligations are not covered by this agreement.
Planning and Preparation Time. No teacher shall be required to teach more than 180 minutes or four (4) consecutive periods without a relief period unless he/she has agreed to it. The administration shall make every reasonable effort to provide full-time teachers with a planning period in the morning and a planning period in the afternoon of each school day.
Planning and Preparation Time. 10:6.1 Each employee shall receive a minimum of two hundred twenty-five (225) minutes per week of planning and preparation time within the student day. Such time should be in increments of 45 consecutive minutes. In the event of an abbreviated student day or emergencies (as defined in this agreement), every attempt will be made to equitably distribute planning time within that day. 10:6.1.1 Throughout the school year, employees and building administrators shall use the Interest- Based Decision Process to discuss the feasibility of restructuring employees’ duties and responsibilities so that planning time might increase. 10:6.2 Employees shall not lose their planning and preparation, except in an emergency as defined in the Definitions section of this collaborative agreement. 10:6.3 Employees shall not normally be required to collect money for community drives, student pictures, or student insurance. This provision does not apply to collection of envelopes without regard to content. Employees shall be responsible for collecting and transmitting money to be used for educational purposes such as field trips and fund-raising activities. All money collected should be deposited in accordance with District and State of Delaware regulations. 10:6.4 Within the confines of the total school program, the building principal shall attempt to assign employees on District-designated teaching teams to the same planning and preparation time. In addition, the building principal at his/her discretion shall make reasonable effort in scheduling planning and preparation time to accommodate unique program or teaching needs. 10:6.5 With respect to teaching preparation, when a departmentalized schedule is used, the building principal shall make reasonable effort in meeting program needs, to limit the number of preparations so as not to be unduly burdensome to the teacher. 10:6.6 When an employee is assigned to more than one (1) building reasonable effort shall be made to limit the number of buildings so as not to be unduly burdensome to teachers while still meeting program needs of the District. 10:6.7 All teachers shall maintain up-to-date lesson plans. No teacher shall be required to submit daily or weekly lesson plans, but such plans that shall be made available to the administrator upon request. In the event a teacher is absent, instructional plans for three (3) days in advance must be available for substitute teachers. 10:6.8 A teacher shall have four (4) full workdays to turn...
Planning and Preparation Time. Each full-time Employee shall have four hundred (400) minutes of preparation and team planning time per five-day work week, as follows: A. Team Planning and Preparation Time Each Employee will participate in team preparation/planning and other professional meetings, including but not limited to leadership teams, targeted intensive teams, parent conferences, grade teams and other professional responsibilities, to be scheduled by the administration. Full-time Employees shall be scheduled for not more than eighty (80) minutes of team preparation/planning over a five-day work week.
Planning and Preparation Time. Section 44.1 Except as otherwise authorized by Article 23, each high school teacher shall be allotted one (1) period per day for planning and preparation time. Each elementary teacher shall be allotted a minimum of forty (40) minutes per school day or two hundred (200) minutes per school week for planning and preparation time. Section 44.2 Planning and preparation periods for all teachers shall be scheduled during the teacher’s regular duty day/week. Section 44.3 The provision of planning and preparation time shall not increase the scheduled school day, Article 38.
Planning and Preparation Time. Elementary preparation time includes an additional 50 minutes of planning time per week (total of 300 minutes) for a full-time teacher. The additional time will be used to support planning and preparation for instruction, including at least one weekly meeting to collaborate and co-plan for instruction. The meetings may be rescheduled at the discretion of the assigned team with approval by the building principal.