UNION SECURITY/DUES CHECKOFF. Section 1. The Union shall have the exclusive right to the checkoff and transmittal of Union dues on behalf of each employee. Section 2. A bargaining unit member may consent in writing to the authorization of the deduction of union dues from his/her wages. The University agrees to deduct from the pay of bargaining unit members covered by this agreement the dues, initiation fees and/or uniform assessments of the Local Union having jurisdiction over such employees and agrees to remit to said Local Union all such deductions taken from the each payroll period and remit to the Local Union. Where laws require written authorization by the employee, the same is to be furnished in the form required. No deduction shall be made which is prohibited by applicable law. Section 3. An employee may consent in writing to the authorization of the deduction of an agency service fee from his/her wages and to the designation of the Union as the recipient thereof. Such consent shall be in a form acceptable to the University and shall bear the signature of the employee. An employee may withdraw his/her agency service fee authorization by giving at least sixty (60) days’ notice in writing to the Human Resources Office and the Secretary/Treasurer of the Union. Section 4. The University shall deduct dues or an agency service fee from the pay of employees who request such deduction in accordance with this Article and transmit such funds, in accordance with University policy, to the Treasurer of the Union together with a list of employees whose dues or agency fees are transmitted, provided that the University is satisfied by such evidence that it may require that the Treasurer of the Union has given to the Union a bond in a form approved by the University for the faithful performance of his/her duties, in a sum and with such agency or securities as are satisfactory to the University. Section 5. The University agrees to deduct from the paycheck of all employees covered by this Agreement voluntary contributions to DRIVE. DRIVE shall notify the University of the amount designated by each contributing employee that is to be deducted from his/her paycheck on a weekly basis for all weeks worked. The phrase “weeks worked” excludes any week other than a week in which the employee earned a wage. The University shall transmit to DRIVE Chapter 25, on a monthly basis, in one check, the total amount deducted along with the name of each employee on whose behalf a deduction is made, the employee’s S...
UNION SECURITY/DUES CHECKOFF. ‌ GCTD agrees to notify the TEAMSTERS promptly of all terminations and hires. During the term of this MOU, any employee covered by this MOU desiring to have deductions made for either union dues or an associated agency fee shall sign a proper authorization form, to be prepared and supplied by the TEAMSTERS and employee shall submit the form to the TEAMSTERS. The TEAMSTERS shall notify GCTD when an employee has authorized such a deduction, as well as when an employee has revoked or rescinded such an authorization. GCTD agrees to then deduct the monthly dues amount or agency fee from the first paycheck of each month of those employees who have authorized such deductions. The full amount of monies so deducted by GCTD shall be forwarded to the Union monthly by check together with an alphabetized list showing names and amounts deducted from each employee. The TEAMSTERS agree to indemnify GCTD and make it whole against any claims or action, including but not limited to costs and attorneys’ fees, arising out of the deduction and remittance of the monthly dues and/or agency fees. Further, under no circumstances shall any employee be told by the TEAMSTERS that the excitation of a dues or agency fee deduction authorization is required in order to maintain his or her status as an employee of GCTD.
UNION SECURITY/DUES CHECKOFF. ‌ (a) Union membership shall be required of all salespersons as a condition of continued employment effective on and after the thirty-first (31st) day following the beginning of their employment or the execution date of this Agreement, whichever is the later. For purposes of this Paragraph, Union membership shall not be denied or terminated for any salespersons for reasons other than their failure to tender the periodic dues and initiation fees uniformly required by the Union as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership. The Union agrees to indemnify and save the Company harmless against any and all claims which may arise out of or come into being by reasons of any action taken or not being taken by the Company for the purpose of complying with this Paragraph. (b) The Company agrees, upon receipt of voluntary authorization from salespersons, to deduct from the earnings of such salespersons the initiation fee and regular monthly dues, providing it does not conflict with any state or federal law, and to remit all such monies to the Union. (c) The Company agrees that, whenever additional salespersons are required, or when a current employee leaves the Company’s employ and their route becomes available, it will post the new or vacant position internally for at least fourteen (14) days or until the position is filled. In no event shall this Paragraph be used to discriminate against or in favor of any individual on account of their membership or non-membership in the Union. (d) Prior to hiring any salesperson who has left the employ of any other firm in the industry, the Company may check with the Union as to the honesty of such salesperson.
UNION SECURITY/DUES CHECKOFF. It shall be a condition of employment that all employees of the Company covered by this Agreement shall remain members in good standing, and all persons hereinafter employed under this Agreement shall on the seventh (7th) calendar day following the beginning of their employment become and thereafter remain members in good standing in the Union. The Company, upon written request of the Union, shall discharge any employee, within three (3) working days after receipt of such notice, who fails to tender the periodic dues, assessments and initiation fees uniformly required by the Union as a condition acquiring or retaining membership in the Union. If the Union has notified the Company in writing prior to the expiration of the three (3) days that the employee has paid the amounts owing, the discharge shall not take place. The Company agrees to deduct and forward to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union, upon receipt of a voluntary written authorization, the working dues from the pay of each union member. The amount to be deducted shall be the amount specified by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union.
UNION SECURITY/DUES CHECKOFF. ‌ 2.1 All salespersons shall be required to become members of the Union at the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of execution of this Agreement or the date of their employment, whichever is later, and shall be required to maintain their membership in good standing as a condition of employment. For the purposes of this section, an employee shall be considered to have maintained their membership in good standing by tendering payment of any uniformly required fees or dues. The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any and all claims which may arise out of or come into being by reason of any action taken or not taken by the Company for the purpose of complying with this paragraph. 2.2 There shall be no discrimination, interference, coercion, or restraint by the Company or any of its agents against any members of the Union or discharge of any salespersons because of membership therein or the carrying on of usual Union activities. 2.3 The Company agrees, upon receipt of voluntary authorization from salespersons, to deduct from the earnings of such salespersons the initiation fee, assessment, and regular monthly dues, providing it does not conflict with any state or federal law, and to remit all such monies to the Union.
UNION SECURITY/DUES CHECKOFF. Section 1. All employees covered by this agreement shall be free to become and remain members of the Union in good standing. Section 2. The Union shall have the exclusive right to the check-off and transmittal of dues in behalf of each employee in the unit in accord with the Mayor’s Executive Order No. 98, dated May 15, 1969, entitled “Regulations Regulating the Checkoff of Union Dues” and in accord with the Mayor’s Executive Order No. 107, dated December 29, 1986, entitled “Regulations Governing Procedures for Orderly Payroll Checkoff of Union Dues” and any executive orders which amend or supersede said Executive Orders. Section 3. An employee may consent in writing to the authorization of the deduction of dues from the employee’s wages and to the designation of the Union as the recipient thereof. Such consent, if given, shall be in a proper form, acceptable to the City, which bears the signature of the employee. Section 4. The parties agree to an agency shop to the extent permitted by applicable law, the provisions of such to be negotiated and contained in a supplemental agreement which will become part of this Agreement when and if agreed to.
UNION SECURITY/DUES CHECKOFF. Section 1Current Employees and New Hires. All employees covered by this agreement shall become members of the Union or pay an agency fee to the Union, and remain in good standing during the term of this agreement. All new employees covered by this agreement shall, as a condition of employment, become members of the Union or pay an agency fee to the Union immediately after their probationary period of employment, and remain in good standing during the term of this agreement. New employees will be considered “at will” until they have completed their probationary period. Upon receipt of a signed authorization form, the Company shall deduct from the employee's pay check on a semi-monthly basis dues/fees payable to the Union.
UNION SECURITY/DUES CHECKOFF. The Union shall have the exclusive right to the checkoff and transmittal of Union dues, and/or voluntary agency fee, on behalf of each employee.


  • UNION SECURITY AND DUES CHECK-OFF 3.1 It shall be a condition of employment that all employees of the Employer covered by this Agreement who are members of the Union in good standing on the effective date of this Agreement shall remain members in good standing. It shall also be a condition of employment that all employees covered by this Agreement and hired on or after January 1, 2004 shall, on the thirtieth (30th) calendar day following the beginning of such employment become and remain a member in good standing in the Union. 3.1.1 Should bona fide religious convictions of an employee dictate he/she may not join a Union, he/she shall be required to pay an amount equivalent to the Union initiation fee and monthly dues to a non-religious charity mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Union. If such employee pursuant to this Section requests the Union to use the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure on his/her behalf, the Union is authorized to charge the employee for the reasonable cost of using such procedure. 3.1.2 In the event an employee fails to apply for or maintain his/her membership in the Union as required in Sections 3.1 or 3. 1.1 of this Agreement, the Union may give the Employer notice of this fact and fourteen (14) calendar days following receipt of such notice, the service of such employee shall be suspended without pay by the Employer. 3.2 When the Employer hires a new employee covered in the bargaining unit, the Employer shall, within seven (7) calendar days of the date of employment, notify the Union in writing giving the name, social security number, hire date, address and classification of the employee hired. The Union agrees to defend and hold the Employer harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits, orders or judgments arising from the administration and effects of this Section. 3.3 When provided a "voluntary check-off" authorization form furnished by the Union and signed by the employee, the Employer agrees to deduct from that employee's pay, the Union's applicable dues and/or service fees, as prescribed in the "voluntary check-off" form. The full amount of monies so deducted from the employee shall be promptly forwarded to the Union by check along with an alphabetized list showing names and amounts deducted from each employee. The Union agrees to defend and hold the Employer harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits, orders or judgments arising from the administration and effects of this Article. 3.4 Work of the Bargaining Unit shall only be performed by members of the Bargaining Unit, who are in good standing with the local Union, except under emergency conditions or such work is incidental or de minimis.

  • UNION SECURITY AND CHECK-OFF 5.01 All present seniority employees who are currently members of the Union will be required to continue to be members of the Union as a condition of employment for the duration of this Agreement. 5.02 Present probationary employees and newly hired employees upon completion of their probationary period, shall become members of the Union, and will be required to continue to be members of the Union as a condition of employment for the duration of this Agreement. 5.03 The Company will deduct from the pay of each employee, including new hirees, the monthly dues and other assessments authorized by the constitution of the Union. The initiation fee shall be taken off the following pay period after the employee has completed his probationary period. This deduction will be shown on a separate column on the Union dues list prescribed in 5.04. The Union dues shall be taken off the following pay period after an employee has worked 40 hours in any one calendar month. Union dues shall be calculated on the basis of the average of an employee’s total earnings as defined in the constitution and by-laws of the national and local Union for the previous calendar month. The Company shall deduct from each employee’s regular supplemental unemployment benefits the monthly dues and other assessments as authorized by the constitution of the Union. The Union will notify the Company, in writing, two (2) weeks in advance of the relevant month of any changes in monthly dues deductions to be made. The Company agrees to include on an employee’s T4 slip for income tax purposes the total Union dues paid for the year, excluding any initiation fees. 5.04 A list of the total number of employees, along with all sums deducted as above shall be remitted by the Company to the financial secretary of the local Union by the 15th of the month following the month in which the deductions were made. This list will contain employee names, payroll numbers, addresses and telephone numbers, along with the amount of such deductions and the reason, if any, why no deductions were made from certain employees. This list will also indicate any employee whose employment is terminated, transferred out of the bargaining unit, on layoff, leave of absence, or died. The Company will also provide the financial secretary with the monthly alphabetical employee list. The Company will reimburse any employee any dues that have been deducted in error as long as a claim has been submitted to the Company before the last day of the calendar month in which the deduction was made. 5.05 The Union shall indemnify and save the Company harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability that arise out of or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the Company for the purpose of complying with any of the provisions of this article, or in reliance on any lists, notice or assessment furnished under such provisions.

  • UNION SECURITY 7.01 The Employer shall deduct monthly from the pay due to each employee who is covered by this Agreement a sum equal to the monthly Union dues of each such employee. Where an employee has no earnings during the first payroll period, the deduction shall be made in the next payroll period where the employee has earnings, within that month. The Union shall notify the employer in writing of the amount of such dues from time to time. The Employer will send to the Union its cheque for the dues so deducted in the month following the month in which the dues are deducted. When arrears or adjustments are submitted retroactively, the dues month and an explanation will accompany any such dues. 7.02 The Employer shall provide the Union with a list showing the first and last names and Social Insurance Numbers of all employees from whom deductions have been made. The report will identify the name of the facility and the month from which the dues are remitted. The Employer will also identify job classification (where the bargaining unit includes classifications, employees paid less than RNs) and status (i.e. full-time, part-time) of the employees, all terminations, newly hired employees (including start date, where the existing system allows for the information without cost), and employees on Leaves of Absence. On a quarterly basis, the Home will also provide the members’ current addresses and phone numbers, shown on the Employer’s personnel records. The Employer will endeavour to provide information in electronic format if the Employer has the technology. The Union may forward any questions with respect to individual employees in writing (or e-mail) to the Administrator (or designate). The employer will respond to such requests with any information it has which is readily available, within two weeks. 7.03 The Employer shall provide each employee with a T4 Supplementary slip showing the dues deducted in the previous year for income tax purposes where such information is or becomes readily available through the employer's payroll system. 7.04 The Union shall indemnify and save the Employer harmless with respect to dues so deducted and remitted.

  • ASSOCIATION SECURITY 5.01 The Hospital will deduct from each nurse covered by this Agreement an amount equal to the regular monthly Association dues designated by the Association. The deduction period for a part-time nurse may be extended where the nurse does not receive any pay in a particular month. Where a nurse has no dues deducted during the payroll period from which dues are normally deducted, that deduction shall be made in the next payroll period provided the nurse has earnings in the next payroll period. If the failure to deduct dues results from an error by the Hospital, then, as soon as the error is called to its attention by the union, the Hospital shall make the deduction in the manner agreed to by the parties. If there is no agreement, the Hospital shall make the deduction in the manner prescribed by the union. 5.02 Such dues shall be deducted monthly and in the case of newly employed nurses, such deductions shall commence in the month following their date of hire. 5.03 The amount of the regular monthly dues shall be those authorized by the Association and the Vice-President, Finance of the Association shall notify the Hospital of any changes therein and such notification shall be the Hospital's conclusive authority to make the deduction specified. In the case of any local dues levies, notification will be made by the local treasurer and such notification shall be the Hospital’s conclusive authority to make the deduction specified. 5.04 In consideration of the deducting and forwarding of Association dues by the Hospital, the Association agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Hospital against any claims or liabilities arising or resulting from the operation of this Article. 5.05 The amounts so deducted shall be remitted monthly to the Vice-President, Finance of the Association, no later than the end of the month following the month in which the dues were deducted. In remitting such dues, the Hospital shall provide a list of nurses from whom deductions were made, their work site (if the bargaining unit covers more than one site) and the nurses’ social insurance numbers, amount of dues deducted and, where feasible, the Hospital shall also provide the job classification, and status of the nurses. The list shall also include deletions and additions from the preceding month highlighting new hires, resignations, terminations, new unpaid leave of absence of greater than one (1) month and returns from leaves of absence. A copy of this list will be sent concurrently to the local Association. Where the parties agree, the Hospital may also provide the information in an electronic format or on a computer disk. If the central parties are able to agree on a template for dues related information, it will be distributed and jointly recommended to the Hospitals. 5.06 The Hospital agrees that an officer of the Association or Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable period during regular working hours to interview newly hired nurses during their probationary period. During such interview, membership forms may be provided to the nurse. These interviews shall be scheduled in advance as determined by local negotiation and may be arranged collectively or individually by the Hospital. NOTE: The list provided for in Article 5.05 shall include any other information that is currently provided to ONA. Additionally, the Hospital will provide each nurse with a T-4 Supplementary Slip showing the dues deducted in the previous year for income tax purposes where such information is or becomes readily available through the Hospital's payroll system.

  • Collateral Management Fee Borrower shall pay Lender as additional interest a monthly collateral management fee (the "COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT Fee") equal to 0.083% of the daily average amount of the balances under the Revolving Facility outstanding during the preceding month. The Collateral Management Fee shall be payable monthly in arrears on the first day of each successive calendar month (starting with the month in which the Closing Date occurs).

  • UNION DUES CHECK-OFF On a weekly basis the Employer agrees to deduct uniform dues and initiation fees from the paycheck of those covered employees whose individual written unrevoked authorizations are on file with the Employer and to transmit the amounts so deducted to the Union monthly. Said deduction authorizations shall be in such form as to conform with Section 302(c) of the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947.

  • Dues Checkoff The Employer agrees to deduct from the pay of all employees covered by this Agreement the initiation fees, dues and/or uniform assessments of the Local Union having jurisdiction over such employees. The Local Union will electronically provide the Employer a weekly amount to be deducted from each employee. The Local Union will individually specify the weekly amount to be deducted for initiation fees, union dues and/or assessments. For initiation fees and assessments, the Local Union will notify the Employer the number of weeks these deductions are to be taken from the employee. Notification of deductions to be made by the Employer for the benefit of the Local Union must be received at least one (1) month prior to the date the deduction is to be made. The obligation of the Local Union to provide this information shall be satisfied by the transmission of a computer file in mutually agreeable format. The Employer shall make no deductions that are not listed on the Local Union’s monthly or weekly checkoff statement in those locations which send a checkoff statement to the Employer. In the event the Employer improperly deducts too much dues money, the amount improperly withheld shall be remitted to the involved employee(s) on the second (2nd) scheduled workday following notification to the Employer. The Local Union(s) shall return any overpayment(s) to the Employer within one (1) week following written notification from the Employer. The Employer will provide a remittance to the Local Union within fifteen (15) days following the check date the deduction was taken. With each remittance, the Employer shall submit a report listing all employees alphabetically with their social security number and job classification. For those employees who had no deduction for the week, the Employer will provide a reason. In the event the Local Union does not want to receive a weekly remittance, the Employer will provide a monthly remittance by the fifteenth (15th) day of the following month. However, if this option is chosen, the Employer will still make weekly deductions as described above. Where law requires written authorization by the employee, the same is to be furnished in the form required. No deduction shall be made which is prohibited by applicable law. The Employer agrees to deduct from the paycheck of all employees covered by this Agreement voluntary contributions to DRIVE. DRIVE shall notify the Employer of the amounts designated by each contributing employee that are to be deducted from his/her paycheck on a weekly basis for all weeks worked. The phrase "weeks worked" excludes any week other than a week in which the employee earned a wage. The Employer shall transmit to DRIVE National Headquarters on a monthly basis, in one (1) check, the total amount deducted along with the name of each employee on whose behalf a deduction is made, the employee's Social Security number and the amount deducted from that employee's paycheck. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters shall reimburse the Employer annually for the Employer's actual cost for the expenses incurred in administering the weekly payroll deduction plan. The Employer agrees to deduct certain specific amounts each week from the wages of those employees who shall have given the Employer written notice to make such deductions. The Employer will remit amounts deducted to the applicable credit union once each week. The amount so deducted shall be remitted to the applicable credit union once each month or weekly. The Employer shall not make deductions and shall not be responsible for remittance to the credit union for any deductions for those weeks during which the employee's earnings shall be less than the amount authorized for deductions.

  • Aviation Security 1. In accordance with their rights and obligations under international law, the Parties reaffirm that their obligation to each other to protect the security of civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference forms an integral part of this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of their rights and obligations under international law, the Parties shall in particular act in conformity with the provisions of the Convention on Offenses and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, done at Tokyo September 14, 1963, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, done at The Hague December 16, 1970, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, done at Montreal September 23, 1971, and the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, done at Montreal February 24, 1988. 2. The Parties shall provide upon request all necessary assistance to each other to prevent acts of unlawful seizure of civil aircraft and other unlawful acts against the safety of such aircraft, of their passengers and crew, and of airports and air navigation facilities, and to address any other threat to the security of civil air navigation. 3. The Parties shall, in their mutual relations, act in conformity with the aviation security standards and appropriate recommended practices established by the International Civil Aviation Organization and designated as Annexes to the Convention; they shall require that operators of aircraft of their registry, operators of aircraft who have their principal place of business or permanent residence in their territory, and the operators of airports in their territory act in conformity with such aviation security provisions. 4. Each Party agrees to observe the security provisions required by the other Party for entry into, for departure from, and while within the territory of that other Party and to take adequate measures to protect aircraft and to inspect passengers, crew, and their baggage and carry-on items, as well as cargo and aircraft stores, prior to and during boarding or loading. Each Party shall also give positive consideration to any request from the other Party for special security measures to meet a particular threat. 5. When an incident or threat of an incident of unlawful seizure of aircraft or other unlawful acts against the safety of passengers, crew, aircraft, airports or air navigation facilities occurs, the Parties shall assist each other by facilitating communications and other appropriate measures intended to terminate rapidly and safely such incident or threat. 6. When a Party has reasonable grounds to believe that the other Party has departed from the aviation security provisions of this Article, the aeronautical authorities of that Party may request immediate consultations with the aeronautical authorities of the other Party. Failure to reach a satisfactory agreement within 15 days from the date of such request shall constitute grounds to withhold, revoke, limit, or impose conditions on the operating authorization and technical permissions of an airline or airlines of that Party. When required by an emergency, a Party may take interim action prior to the expiry of 15 days.

  • UNION SECURITY AND DUES DEDUCTION Section 1 The Employer agrees to notify all new employees covered by this Agreement that the Union is the sole exclusive bargaining representative. It shall be a condition of employment that all employees of the Employer covered by this Agreement who are members of the Union in good standing on the effective date of this Agreement or on the date upon which this Agreement is signed, whichever is later, shall remain members in good standing and those who are not members on the effective date of this Agreement or the date upon which this Agreement is signed, whichever is later, shall on the sixty-first (61st) day following the effective date of this Agreement or the date upon which this Agreement is signed, whichever is later, become and remain members in good standing in the Union, or they shall pay service fees in accordance with the by-laws of the Union for the duration of the Agreement and any extensions thereof. It shall also be a condition of employment that all employees covered by this Agreement and hired on or after its effective date or the date upon which this Agreement is signed, whichever is later, shall on the sixty-first (61st) day following the beginning of such employment become and remain members in good standing in the Union or shall pay a service fee as stated above; and in the event an employee covered by the Agreement shall refuse and fail to become a Union member or to pay the service fee, the Employer shall terminate said employee’s employment, subject to conditions specified in Section 4 of this Article. A. The Union will furnish the School district with deduction authorization cards signed in triplicate by the employee involved as or before each employee completes his/her probationary period. These cards will authorize the Board to make the necessary deductions each month on each employee following completion of his/her probationary period in accordance with the requirements of the National Labor Relations Act of 1947 and amendments thereto. B. A form comparable to the authorization for dues check-off shall be available for signature by employees who elect to have their equivalent service fees deducted, rather than membership dues. C. Upon signed authorization of the employee, the Employer agrees to make all authorized deductions on the first pay period of each month and shall pay same to the Secretary-Treasurer of the MEA prior to the end of the month. D. The Union will furnish the Employer with a check-off list in alphabetical order in duplicate each month, indication thereon the amount due for each employee. One copy of this list shall be returned with the stipulated amount to the Union prior to the end of the month. Section 3 The Union agrees to indemnify and save the Board of Education, including such individual school board members and the administration, harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of action by the Board of Education for the purpose of complying with this Article. Section 4 The Union shall notify the Employer and the employee by certified mail of any employee who is thirty (30) working days in arrears in the payment of membership dues or service fees. In the event the employee fails to pay either membership dues or service fees pursuant to the employee’s prior election, said employee shall be discharged by the Employer within thirty (30) working days of said notice. However, no employee will be terminated during the pendency of any appeal relative to the level of service fees. Section 5 Non-bargaining unit employees will not perform bargaining unit work that would deprive bargaining unit employees of their regularly scheduled work day.

  • Investment Banking Services Except as described in the Registration Statement, the Statutory Prospectus and the Prospectus, during the period beginning 180 days prior to the initial confidential submission of the Registration Statement and ending on the Effective Date, no Member and/or any person associated or affiliated with a Member has provided any investment banking, financial advisory and/or consulting services to the Company.