UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION a. The Agency recognizes and agrees to deal with the accredited Union stewards and representatives of the Union in all matters relating to grievances and the interpretation of this Agreement. b. A written list of officers of the Union and the Union stewards with the specific areas they represent, shall be furnished to the Agency immediately after their designation and the Union shall notify the Agency promptly in writing of any changes of such Union officers or stewards. c. The number of Union stewards shall be no more than one for each thirty (30) employees or fraction thereof in that Unit. The locations of stewards shall be subject to mutual agreement between the parties. Any change in the number of stewards shall be made by written consent of both parties. d. Upon request of an aggrieved employee, a xxxxxxx for the aggrieved employee, or a representative of the Union, may investigate the specified grievance and assist in its presentation. Reasonable time shall be allowed during working hours without loss of time or pay, subject to prior notification and approval of the appointing authority, through Step 2 of the grievance procedure only. e. Upon notification of the Human Resources Chief or designee, a representative of the Union who will be representing the employee in the grievance and arbitration procedure, may visit the Agency at any time mutually agreeable to both parties for the purpose of preparing the case for arbitration. f. A representative of the Agency, at its option, may accompany the parties. In addition, the representatives and the Union President, or his/her designated representative, may privately interview employees, one at a time, in possession of facts relevant to the grievance. The interviews shall be held at a place provided by the Agency, for a reasonable period of time and without loss of compensation during regularly scheduled hours. No overtime shall be incurred as a result of this Section. g. During any such visits, representatives shall not in any way interfere with the orderly and efficient operation of the Agency. h. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article and the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure on all matters relating to grievances and the interpretation of this Agreement, the Agency shall deal with only the accredited Union stewards and those Union officers elected by the general membership of the Union. Further, the provisions of subsection (e), above, shall apply to only such persons (including a paid full-tim...
UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION. 6.1 The Union shall have the right to appoint two (2) Stewards as it deems necessary. 6.2 The Employer recognizes and shall deal with all the accredited Stewards and other Union Representatives in all matters relating to grievances and the interpretation of the Agreement. 6.3 A written list of Stewards and their alternates (such lists to outline the area to be represented by Stewards) shall be furnished to the Employer immediately after their designation and the Union shall notify the Employer promptly of any changes of such Union Stewards and their alternates. 6.4 The appropriate Stewards shall be granted reasonable time off during working hours to investigate and settle grievances, upon advance notice and approval by the Chief of Police through the appropriate chain of command, without loss of pay. Such time off shall be arranged in a manner which causes the least disruption of, or interference with the operations of the Employer, its Officers and supervisory personnel. Approval for such time off shall not be unreasonably withheld. 6.5 Stewards shall be entitled to a leave of two (2) days each calendar year, with pay for Xxxxxxx Training and Education. The Union must notify the Employer at least two (2) weeks in advance thereof. The Xxxxxxx must, upon returning from the leave, present to the respective Division Commander written evidence from the Union that the Xxxxxxx has used the leave for the purpose for which the leave was intended. A maximum of two (2) Stewards may attend Xxxxxxx Training and Education at one time. 6.6 Union Stewards, without loss of pay, during working hours, shall be allowed to attend negotiating meetings.
UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION. 6.1 The Public Employer recognizes and shall deal with the appropriate Union stewards and the Union Business Manager or his designee in all matters relating to grievances and interpretations of this Agreement. 6.2 The employees covered by this Agreement will be represented by stewards in the following divisions. The total number of stewards in the bargaining unit is not to exceed three (3) in number, with one designated as chief xxxxxxx. Streets - Water and Sewer 6.3 A written list of the Union stewards shall be furnished to the Department Head and Town Manager prior to the effective date of their assuming duties of office. The Union shall notify the Department Head and Town Manager promptly of any changes of such Union stewards. No Union xxxxxxx will be granted time off from his job to perform any grievance work unless the above has been complied with. 6.4 Except as provided in Section 3.2 of this Agreement, the Union Business Manager as designated by Section 1.2 will, with proper authorization which will not be unduly withheld, be admitted to the property of the Public Employer. An official as designated and provided above shall be able to talk with the employees before or after regular working hours or during lunch hours on Public Employer property in accessible areas so designated by the Public Employer.
UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION. ‌ 6.1 The City recognizes and shall deal with all accredited Union Stewards and any other officer listed in Article 1.2 of this Agreement in all matters relating to grievances and interpretation of this Agreement. 6.2 The employees covered by this Agreement shall be represented by Five (5) area stewards who represent their department/division, five (5) alternate stewards to act as a xxxxxxx only if the normal xxxxxxx is off work and one (1)
UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION. 3 Section 5.1. The County recognizes and shall deal with all the accredited union stewards, the 4 union business manager, and any other officer or union xxxxxxx identified in the list provided to the 5 County pursuant to Article 1 of this agreement in all matters relating to grievances and interpretation
UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION. Section 1. The City recognizes and shall deal with the designated Union Xxxxxxx, appropriate Union Chapter Chairpersons, Local President, and representatives of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, whether local union representative, district council representatives or international representatives. Section 2. Union staff representatives shall be admitted to the buildings and grounds of the City during working hours for the purpose of assisting in the adjustment of grievances, and the conducting of other Union business, except Union solicitation or any Union activities which would disrupt the normal work schedule. Any Union meetings with all employees assigned to the particular area called by the Union Representative or Chapter Chairperson may be held on City property during work hours upon prior request to and approval of the Division Director, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 3. A written list of Union Stewards and Chapter Officers shall be furnished to the City Human Resources Director within ten (10) days after their designation and the Union shall notify the City Human Resources Director and the Division Director within five (5) days of such Union Stewards designation or changes thereof. Section 4. The appropriate Union Xxxxxxx within the area and/or appropriate Chapter Chairperson shall be granted reasonable time off, without loss of pay, during working hours to investigate grievances, and settle complaints, upon giving notice and receiving approval of the supervisor, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Once a grievance has been filed at Step 1, the Union Xxxxxxx, and the aggrieved employee will be granted reasonable time off without loss of pay during working hours for each step in the grievance procedure. Section 5. If an employee has to come in when he is not scheduled to work in order to attend a grievance meeting, or arbitration hearing, he shall be paid for such time or receive equivalent time off at his option.
UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION. 3.1 The State recognizes and shall deal with the accredited Union Officers and Shop Stewards in all matters relating to grievances or applications and interpretation of this Agreement. 3.2 A written list of the Official Representatives of the Union shall be furnished to the State immediately after their designation and the Union shall notify the State promptly of any changes of such Union Representatives. 3.3 A written list of all Union Stewards outlining the area to be represented will be furnished to the State immediately after their designation and the Union shall notify the State promptly of any changes of such Union Representatives.
UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION. 6.1 The Public Employer recognizes and shall deal with all the accredited union stewards, the union Business Manager, and any other officer listed in Section 1.2 of this agreement in all matters relating to grievances and interpretation of the agreement. (A) Employees covered by this agreement will be represented by Stewards so designated by the Union in the following locations. LOCATION NUMBER OF STEWARDS Westside R&B 1 Eastside R&B 1 Facilities Maintenance 1 Custodial 1
UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION. 6.1 The City recognizes and shall deal with all of the designated Union Stewards, and any other officer listed in Article 1.2 of this Agreement, in all matters relating to grievances and interpretation of this Agreement. 6.2 Employees covered by this Agreement will be represented by 7 Stewards to be designated by the Union. 6.3 A written list of the Union Stewards, alternates, and their work locations shall be furnished to the City prior to the effective date of their assuming duties of office. The Union shall notify the City promptly of any changes of Union Stewards or work locations. No Union Xxxxxxx will be granted time off from his job to perform any grievance work unless the above provisions have been met. 6.4 There shall be no deduction of pay from either a grievant or a Union Officer or Xxxxxxx when they are directly involved with management during working hours. 6.5 One employee may be designated by the Business Manager as a Chief Xxxxxxx. The Chief Xxxxxxx shall have the authority to speak for and in behalf of the Union in matters involving interpretation of this Agreement, and shall have the authority to handle grievances up to and including Step 3 as outlined in the grievance procedure. It is expressly understood that no more than one Union Xxxxxxx representing the grievant shall be present at the Step 1 or Step 2 hearings unless agreed upon by both parties. Further, the Chief Union Xxxxxxx and one Union Xxxxxxx may be present at the Step 3 hearing.
UNION STEWARDS AND UNION REPRESENTATION. Section 6.1 Recognition of Union Stewards.