1. As professionals, teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities, but they shall not be required to "clock in or clock out" by hours and minutes. Teachers shall indicate their presence for duty by placing a checkmark in the appropriate column of the faculty roster. Any teacher arriving late to work shall sign in and indicate time of arrival and have the right to record the reason for the lateness.
2. The total in school teacher day will not exceed seven hours including a duty free lunch period of a minimum of 45 minutes. The Board will give consideration to reducing the student day within the limitations imposed by transportation schedules and cost. On minimum days, teachers shall be entitled to a 20 minute duty-free lunch period.
3. Teachers shall be required to report for duty in their classrooms or other area designated by the principal at least ten (10) minutes before the opening of the pupils' school day (03/04) and at least 5 minutes (04/05 and 05/06) and not leave sooner than fifteen (15) minutes after the close of the school day. The Board encourages teachers to extend their work day beyond the student day whenever this would benefit their students or further their own professional development. These 15 minutes shall be Teacher Professional time.
(a) Classroom teachers shall, in addition to their lunch period, have daily preparation time of one full period during which they shall not be assigned to any other duties. Other certificated members of the negotiating unit who are not regular classroom teachers shall be provided with preparation time to the same extent as other teachers. Exceptions to this provision may be made only in cases of emergency.
(b) When a substitute cannot be obtained to cover a class from which the regular teacher shall be absent, the Principal may assign a teacher to cover the class during the teacher's preparation time or such other available time as may be voluntarily designated by the teacher. Teachers may voluntarily designate preparation periods, duty free lunch or other available time they would use to provide coverage by notifying the building administrator. Teachers shall be paid $23 (03/04), $24 (04/05), $25 (05/06) for covering a 40-45 minute class period. Payment of teachers for class coverage during preparation time shall be prorated to reflect the length of the class covered.
WORK HOURS AND WORK LOAD. A. 1. The work year shall be 184 days. Employees will be compen- sated for all days worked beyond the 184-day school year. The parties agree that paraprofessional pay shall be annualized and that the rate paid for summer work performed by paraprofession- als shall be set at the discretion of the Board.
WORK HOURS AND WORK LOAD. A. The normal in-school workday for administrators is eight (8) hours, which includes for high school administrators one-half (1/2) hour of scheduled office supervision time between 11:30
a. m. and 1:30 p.m. each day. This work day includes a lunch period.
B. Extraordinary circumstances (examples [not by way of limitation] being after school meetings, workshops, back-to-school meetings) may require an increase in the normal work hours set forth above without the requirement of any extra compensation.
WORK HOURS AND WORK LOAD. 5:1.1 Compensation for services provided which are separate from contractual obligations shall be based on rates approved by the Board of Education, unless covered by other sections of this agreement.
WORK HOURS AND WORK LOAD. 9:1 Teacher Workday
9:1 1 The total in-school regularly scheduled workday for full session teachers based in the elementary schools and the middle school shall consist of no more than seven (7) hours and five (5) minutes. The additional five (5) minutes (non-instructional) shall only be used for monitoring students upon arrival or dismissal. The total in-school regularly scheduled workday for full session teachers based in the Regional Day School shall consist of no more than seven (7) hours.
9:1 2 Teachers in the elementary schools shall have a fifty (50) minute duty free lunch. On the two
WORK HOURS AND WORK LOAD. A. 1. The total in-school workday shall not be more than seven (7) hours, which shall include a duty-free lunch period and an uninterrupted preparatory period(s) of not less than thirty (30) minutes.
WORK HOURS AND WORK LOAD. A. 1. The work year shall be 184 days. Employees will be compen- sated for all days worked beyond the 184-day school year. The parties agree that paraprofessional pay shall be annualized and that the rate paid for summer work performed by paraprofession- als shall be set at the discretion of the Board.
2. The Board shall make every effort to provide notification of em- ployment for the following school year on or before June 30.
3. The Board shall make every effort to provide the Association with a listing of staff reassignments on or before June 30th, sub- ject to change over the summer based on student enrollment. Work Hours and Work Load—continued B. 1. The workweek for paraprofessionals shall not exceed 28.75 hours, con- sisting of a 6.5 hour work day with a duty free unpaid lunch period of 45 minutes/day (5.75 work hours x 5 days per week). The work year shall remain unchanged.
WORK HOURS AND WORK LOAD. A. 1. The work year shall be 184 days. Employees will be compen- sated for all days worked beyond the 184-day school year. The rate paid for summer work performed by paraprofessionals shall be set at the discretion of the Board.
2. The Board shall make every effort to provide notification of em- ployment for the following school year on or before May 15th.
3. The Board shall make every effort to provide the Association with a listing of staff reassignments on or before June 30th, sub- ject to change over the summer based on student enrollment.
4. The District will make every effort to provide Association mem- bers with a half day of professional time during the first staff In- service Day of school to complete professional assignments. Work Hours and Work Load—continued
WORK HOURS AND WORK LOAD. A. 1. The work year shall be 184 days. Employees will be compensated for all days worked beyond the 184-day school year.
2. The Board shall make every effort to provide notification of em- ployment for the following school year on or before June 30.
3. The Board shall make every effort to provide the Association with a listing of staff reassignments on or before September 30th. Work Hours and Work Load—continued
B. 1. Employees assigned to elementary schools shall receive a thirty (30) minute duty free lunch. Employees assigned to the middle schools or high schools shall have a duty free lunch of one period.
C. 1. An employee with a “One-to-One” assignment shall not cover lunch and recess duty in addition to working with their student.