Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation.
1. Each GSRP bargaining unit member can be evaluated annually and may be evaluated more frequently if the need arises. The staff evaluation program shall aim at the early identification of specific areas in which the bargaining unit member needs help, so that appropriate assistance may be provided or arranged for. The evaluation of the performance of each bargaining unit member shall be the responsibility of the immediate supervisor or other designated Administrator.
2. Each bargaining unit member shall be given a copy of the evaluation tool prior to any formal evaluation or observation. Bargaining unit members shall also receive a copy of the written evaluation at the time of the personal conference following the evaluation. In the event a bargaining unit member disagrees with any evaluation, the bargaining unit member may put his/her objections in writing and shall have them attached to the evaluation report for the personnel file.
3. If a bargaining unit member, after receiving suggestions for improvement and reasonable degree of assistance to correct any deficiencies, fails to correct the deficiencies or perform his/her assignments in a satisfactory manner, then non-renewal or dismissal procedures may be invoked. However, if any deficiency previously noted in earlier evaluations fails to appear in subsequent evaluations, then the bargaining unit member shall consider sufficient improvement/correction was made.
4. The performance of probationary bargaining unit members shall be observed no less than one times each year with a written evaluation each year of the probationary period. The number of observations will be increased in the event that performance concerns are identified in the initial observation. In the event that additional observations are deemed necessary, the staff member will be notified in writing of the concerns necessitating the additional observations and an appropriate performance improvement plan will be implemented.
a. In the event that the supervisor is unable to complete the one (1) observation, the staff member’s performance will be deemed “effective”.
5. A bargaining unit member shall review and sign all evaluation materials that are to be included in the personnel files. Such signing does not necessarily indicate agreement, and the bargaining unit member may submit any written statement in regard to such materials.
6. The content of any evaluation is not subject to arbitration.
Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation. A. New employees hired into the bargaining unit shall serve a probationary period of ninety (90) working days.
1. In the event that the bargaining unit member's work is less than satisfactory as a result of a written evaluation of his job performance, the probationary period may be extended for an additional thirty (30) calendar days.
2. Should the probationary period be extended, the Employer shall provide written notice to the bargaining unit member together with the reasons therefore. The Association President shall be notified of any such action by the Employer.
B. Non-probationary bargaining unit members will be evaluated at least once every other year by their immediate supervisor. In the event the employee receives an overall "unsatisfactory" or "needs improvement" rating, the employee will be reevaluated within a period not to exceed twelve (12) months.
C. All evaluations shall be in writing with a copy provided to the bargaining unit member.
1. A conference will be held within ten (10) calendar days after each evaluation to discuss the contents of the evaluation.
2. The bargaining unit member shall sign the evaluation. His signature shall not be interpreted to mean that he necessarily agrees with the content of the evaluation but that he has reviewed it.
3. A bargaining unit member may submit additional comments to be attached to the file copy of the written evaluation if he chooses.
4. All written evaluations shall be placed in the bargaining unit member's personnel file.
D. All probationary bargaining unit members shall be evaluated upon completion of the probationary period.
E. Should a bargaining unit member not be continued in employment, the Employer will advise the unit member of the reasons therefore in writing. The Association President will be notified of any such action by the Employer.
Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation. 5-1 The parties agree to comply with any and all NRS applying to or pertaining to the area of bargaining unit member evaluation.
Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation. A. New employees hired into the bargaining unit shall serve a probationary period of ninety
Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation. 10.01 Evaluation of certified/licensed teaching staff using Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES). The evaluation of teachers, who spend fifty percent (50%) or more of his/her time providing content-related student instruction, shall be in accordance with this procedure, which align with the Standards for the Teaching Profession set forth in state law. The definitions prescribed in the Ohio Revised Code 3319, Ohio Administrative Code and ODE Model Policies, pertaining to this procedure shall be incorporated unless otherwise provided herein. Evaluation of certified/licensed counseling staff using the Ohio School Counselor Evaluation System (OSCES). The evaluation of school counselors shall be in accordance with this procedure, which aligns with the Standards for the Ohio School Counselors. The definitions prescribed in the Ohio Revised Code 3319.113, Ohio Administrative Code and ODE Model Policies, pertaining to this procedure shall be incorporated unless otherwise provided herein.
10.02 District administrators who are credentialed shall be responsible for evaluation of the performance of teachers/school counselors. The evaluator shall also be credentialed by the Ohio Department of Education to administer the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES)/Ohio School Counselor Evaluation System (OSCES) so long as such credentialing exists. If a teacher/school counselor is being evaluated by someone other than his/her building principal or immediate supervisor, the teacher/school counselor will be notified of their intended credentialed evaluator no later than Sept 15 or within thirty (30) days of employment if employed after the start of the school year. However, bargaining unit members shall not serve as credentialed evaluators. Where a teacher/school counselor is under a continuing contract or under consideration for renewal/non-renewal or under an improvement plan, a District administrator will serve as the Credentialed Evaluator. The Credentialed Evaluator assigned to the teacher/school counselor shall complete all components of the Teacher/School Counselor Performance component except in the case of extenuating circumstances.
10.03 All teachers/school counselors shall be evaluated based on the components of the Full Evaluation Cycle as set forth below unless the teacher qualifies for a Less-Frequent Evaluation Cycle as outlined in 10.04. The formal evaluation cycle for teachers shall consist of a professional growth/improvement plan, a pre-observation conferenc...
Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation. 1. Purpose
a. To improve instruction
b. To help the member to achieve greater effectiveness in performing assigned duties.
c. To provide a written record of a member’s performance to be used:
1. As evidence of a member’s performance.
2. In advancement of position and awarding of continued employment.
3. As reference material for recommendation to other systems.
4. As written documentation in cases of nonrenewal, termination, discipline or inclusion into the PAR (Peer Assistance Review) and/or placement on an Improvement Plan through OTES (Ohio Teacher Evaluation System).
Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation. A. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a bargaining unit member will be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the bargaining unit member. The Millbury Teachers’ Association and the Millbury School Committee agree to implement the Educator Evaluation Plan for the Millbury Public Schools, as developed by the Labor/Management Committee, becoming effective September 2012 and proceeding forward in subsequent years. Bargaining unit members will be given a copy of any evaluation report prepared by their superiors and will have the right to discuss such report with their superiors.
B. 1. Bargaining unit members will have the right, upon request, to review the contents of their personnel file. A bargaining unit member may request a representative of the Association to accompany him/her during such review.
Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation. Section 24.1. All evaluations shall be carried out in a constructive and professional manner. Personnel evaluation is the ongoing process of defining goals and of identifying, gathering and using information as part of a process of professional growth. Evaluation policy should focus on practical professional growth and the purposes of evaluation are to provide information for improving performance and to provide a record of facts and assessments for personnel decisions. The process ends in an evaluation report written by the evaluator. Central to the process is the dialogue which comes from the bargaining unit member and evaluator working together to improve instruction.
Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation. The Board and Association agree to make changes to OTES via MOU to be in compliance with Ohio law and the revised teacher evaluation procedure once the parties are aware of the changes that need to be made.
Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation. A. Any employee hired after July 1, 2013 into the bargaining unit shall serve a probationary period of ninety (90) working days.
1. Should the probationary period be extended, the Employer shall provide written notice to the bargaining unit member together with the reasons therefore. The Association President shall be notified of any such action by the Employer.
B. The employer will evaluate unit members on an annual basis. Bargaining unit members will be consulted with during the development of the evaluation tool.
C. All evaluations shall be in writing with a copy provided to the bargaining unit member.
1. At the employee’s request a conference will be held within ten (10) working days after each evaluation to discuss the contents of the evaluation.
2. The bargaining unit member shall sign the evaluation. This signature shall not be interpreted to mean that the employee necessarily agrees with the content of the evaluation but that the bargaining unit member has reviewed it.
3. Within 10 business days a bargaining unit member may submit additional comments to be attached to the file copy of the written evaluation if she/he chooses.
4. All written evaluations shall be placed in the bargaining unit member's personnel file.
D. Should a bargaining unit member not be continued in employment, the Association President will be notified of any such action by the Employer.