CLASSIFICATIONS & WAGES. 27.01 The employer agrees to pay and the union agrees to accept for the duration of this Agreement the wages set out in Schedule “ A “. 27.02 The employer will discuss with the union the rate of pay for any new or changed job prior to the rate being implemented. If the parties fail to agree on the rate of pay they shall implement the rate proposed by the employer and the union shall have the right to grieve whether or not the rate is appropriate.
CLASSIFICATIONS & WAGES. Retirement Credit shall be based upon the actual hours paid in each pay period. PTO hours shall be determined by averaging the hours of the first ten (10) days of school. A second audit shall be taken during the first 10 days of the second semester.
CLASSIFICATIONS & WAGES. 27.1 Classifications A. 40-hour work week classifications in effect: 11 Fire Administrative Services Associate 11 Fire Payroll Specialist 23 Fire Logistics Technician 23 Fire Dispatcher 24 Fire Lead Dispatcher 27 Fire Mechanic 28 Fire Lead Mechanic 29 Fire Training Specialist 29 Fire Training Multimedia Video Producer 30 Fire Inspector 30 Fire Investigator B. 56-hour (Xxxxx Schedule) classifications: 25 Firefighter 27 Fire Apparatus Engineer 29 Fire Captain 31 Senior Fire Captain 31 Safety Officer 27.2 Wages
CLASSIFICATIONS & WAGES. See Appendix A for journeyman wages and Appendixes B1 – B3 for apprentice and pre-apprentice wages. (a) STRAIGHT TIME - All work performed within a normal work day as defined above shall be paid at straight-time rates. (b) TIME AND ONE-HALF - One-and-one-half (1-1/2) times the straight-time rate of pay shall be paid for all hours worked outside the normal work day through the twelfth (12th) hour worked, providing such overtime hours commence within two (2) hours after the close of that particular normal work day. (c) DOUBLE TIME - Two (2) times the straight-time rate of pay shall be paid for: (i) all hours worked on Saturdays; (ii) all hours worked on Sundays; (iii) all hours worked on the following holidays: New Year’s Day* Memorial Day Independence Day* Labor Day** Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve*** Christmas Day * If the holiday falls on Saturday, Friday will be the designated day off. If the holiday falls on Sunday, Monday will be the designated day off. ** No work shall be performed on Labor Day except in cases of emergency, and then only after permission is granted by the Business Manager of the Union. ***When Christmas Eve falls on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, both Friday and Monday will be the designated days off for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. (iv) all hours worked between midnight and 6:00 a.m.; (v) all hours worked beyond the twelfth (12th) consecutive hour; (vi) all overtime hours worked if such overtime work begins more than two (2) hours after the close of that work day. (d) EMERGENCY WORK AT TIME AND ONE-HALF: One- and-one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay shall be paid for all work performed outside the normal work day if such work is necessitated by immediate attention because of wind, flood, or other natural disasters or because of emergency caused by fire or electrical accident which results in potential danger to life or property. (e) No Employer or any of his employees covered under this Agreement, or the bargaining agent for such employees, shall give or accept directly or indirectly any rebate of wages. Any Employer found violating this provision shall be subject to having his agreement terminated. (f) Overtime will not be paid without completion of a full shift unless an acceptable reason for an absence during the regular shift hours has been relayed to the person in charge. (g) In case of any grievance with reference to wage and fringe payments, the Business Manager of the Union and the Chapter M...
CLASSIFICATIONS & WAGES. See Appendix A for journeyman wages and Appendix B for apprentice wages. (a) STRAIGHT TIME - All work performed within a normal work day as defined above shall be paid at straight-time rates. (b) TIME AND ONE-HALF - One-and-one-half (1-1/2) times the straight-time rate of pay shall be paid for all hours worked outside the normal work day through the twelfth (12th) hour worked, providing such overtime hours commence within two (2) hours after the close of that particular normal work day. (c) DOUBLE TIME - Two (2) times the straight- time rate of pay shall be paid for: i) all hours worked on Saturdays; ii) all hours worked on Sundays;
CLASSIFICATIONS & WAGES. Working Xxxxxxx will receive 15% above the Power Line Technician Classification. Crew complement will be determined on a project basis. Crew Lead will have an additional 5% above the employees existing base rate. They will be determined and appointed by the working Xxxxxxx or Project Manager. The crew leads will be appointed when two (2) or more employees to a maximum of five (5) are working without direct supervision on a site. This also applies to pole crews. General increases to all classifications are as follows: • 2.5% effective on signing • 2.5% effective September 28, 2014 • 2.5% effective October 4, 2015 • 2.5% effective October 2, 2016 PLT / Line Person 36.40 37.31 38.24 39.20 40.18 Utility Electrician 36.40 37.31 38.24 39.20 40.18 Working Xxxxxxx (+15% of PLT) 41.86 42.91 43.98 45.08 42.61 1st 6 months 55% of Line Person Rate 20.02 20.52 21.03 21.56 22.10 2nd 6 months 60% of Line Person Rate 21.84 22.39 22.95 23.52 24.11 3rd 6 months 65% of Line Person Rate 23.66 24.25 24.86 25.48 26.12 4th 6 months 70% of Line Person Rate 25.48 26.12 26.77 27.44 28.13 5th 6 months 80% of Line Person Rate 29.12 29.85 30.59 31.36 32.14 6th 6 months 85% of Line Person Rate 30.94 31.37 32.51 33.32 34.15 7th 6 months 90% of Line Person Rate 32.76 33.58 34.42 35.28 36.16 8th 6 months 95% of Line Person Rate 34.58 35.44 36.33 37.24 38.17 Sept. 28, Oct. 4, Oct. 2, Previous Signing 2014 2015 2016 CLASSIFICATION 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Previous Signing Sept. 28, 2014 Oct. 4, 2015 Oct. 2, 2016 Senior Pole Hand/Digger Operator-Grounds Person 28.18 28.88 29.60 30.34 31.10 Grounds Person - Truck Driver 25.77 26.41 27.07 27.75 28.44 Grounds Person 22.28 22.84 23.41 24.00 24.60 Ground Person Learner 19.90 20.40 20.91 21.43 21.97 Mechanic / Operator 34.21 35.07 35.95 36.85 37.77 Mechanic Welder 31.13 31.91 32.71 33.53 34.37 Mechanic Helper 20.90 21.42 21.96 22.51 23.07 Equipment Operator A 33.21 34.04 34.89 35.76 36.65 Equipment Operator B 30.62 31.39 32.17 32.97 33.79 Equipment Operator C 29.42 30.16 30.91 31.68 32.47 Equipment Operator D 28.00 28.70 29.42 30.16 30.91 Blaster-Compressor Operator 22.28 22.84 23.41 24.00 24.60 Mixer Operator 22.28 22.84 23.41 24.00 24.60 Instrument Person 25.45 26.09 26.74 27.41 28.10 Rod Person/Chain Person 22.28 22.84 23.41 24.00 24.60 Utility Person 17.93 18.38 18.84 19.31 19.79 Traffic Control Person 11.54 11.83 12.13 12.43 12.74 Arborist 25.73 26.37 27.03 27.71 28.40 Apprentice Arborist 17.69 18.13 18.58 19.04 19.52 Communications Installer 20.5...
CLASSIFICATIONS & WAGES. Working Xxxxxxx will receive 15% above the Power Line Technician Classification. Crew complement will be determined on a project basis. Crew Lead will have an additional 5% above the employees existing base rate. They will be determined and appointed by the working Xxxxxxx or Project Manager. The crew leads will be appointed when two (2) or more employees to a maximum of five (5) are working without direct supervision on a site. This also applies to pole crews. The revised November 22, 2018 to September 28, 2019 wage package shall apply to all work tendered after November 22, 2018. All work tendered prior to November 22, 2018 shall be worked to completion pursuant to the previous collective agreement. For greater certainty, the previous collective agreement is the agreement in effect from January 31, 2014 to September 30, 2017. CLASSIFICATION Previous November 22, 2018 to September 28, 2019 PLT / Line Person $40.18 $41.80 Utility Electrician $40.18 $41.80 Working Xxxxxxx (+15% of PLT) $46.21 $48.07 1st 6 months 55% of Line Person Rate $22.10 $22.99 2nd 6 months 60% of Line Person Rate $24.11 $25.08 3rd 6 months 65% of Line Person Rate $26.12 $27.17 4th 6 months 70% of Line Person Rate $28.13 $29.26 5th 6 months 80% of Line Person Rate $32.14 $33.44 6th 6 months 85% of Line Person Rate $34.15 $35.53 7th 6 months 90% of Line Person Rate $36.16 $37.62 8th 6 months 95% of Line Person Rate $38.17 $39.71 Previous November 22, 2018 to September 28, 2019 Senior Pole Hand/Digger Operator-Grounds Person $31.10 $32.36 Grounds Person - Truck Driver $28.44 $29.59 Grounds Person $24.60 $25.59 Ground Person Learner $21.97 $22.86 Mechanic / Operator $37.77 $39.30 Mechanic Welder $34.37 $35.76 Mechanic Helper $23.07 $24.00 Equipment Operator A $36.65 $38.13 Equipment Operator B $33.79 $35.16 Equipment Operator C $32.47 $33.78 Equipment Operator D $30.91 $32.16 Blaster-Compressor Operator $24.60 $25.59 Mixer Operator $24.60 $25.59 Instrument Person $28.10 $29.24 Rod Person/Chain Person $24.60 $25.59 Utility Person $19.79 $20.59 Traffic Control Person $12.74 $13.25 Arborist $28.40 $29.55 Apprentice Arborist $19.52 $20.31 Communications Installer $22.67 $23.59 Utility Tree Trimmer $23.15 $24.09 All regular employees working within the jurisdiction of the Union shall be classified under one of the classifications and receive pay for that classification as provided in this Agreement. The rate and conditions for any new classification within the scope of this Agreement, created ...
CLASSIFICATIONS & WAGES. 20.01 Wage schedules applicable to bargaining unit employees are as set forth in Schedule A. 20.02 An employee, who works an afternoon or night shift, shall receive a one dollar ($1.00) premium per hour in addition to their regular rate of pay for all hours worked on such shift. Shift premiums shall not be used to calculate overtime pay. 20.03 Pay shall be direct deposited into employees’ bank accounts weekly in accordance with the Employer’s pay practice.