EMPLOYEE'S FILE Sample Clauses

EMPLOYEE'S FILE. All notices of disciplinary action which are intended to form part of an employee's employment record shall be withdrawn from the employee's personnel file after a period of eighteen (18) calendar months from date of issue.
EMPLOYEE'S FILE. No performance evaluation, Record of Counseling, or corrective action notification, or any record of formal or informal counseling, shall be considered to be part of an employee’s official record unless the employee has been offered or given a copy and has been afforded the opportunity to sign the document or to add the employee’s written disagreement to it. Upon prior request, employees shall have access to their personnel files. Nothing will be placed in an employee’s file without knowledge of the employee. Employees shall have the right to attach written comments to items in their file and these comments shall become part of the official record. Employees may obtain one (1) copy of any item(s) in their file. Employees who request in writing to be notified by the Personnel Administrator when anyone other than a County or PHT employee has received access to their file shall be so informed.
EMPLOYEE'S FILE. The employer agrees not to introduce as evidence in a hearing related to disciplinary action any document from the file of an unlicensed employee, the existence of which the unlicensed employee was not aware at the time of filing within a reasonable period thereafter. Upon written request of an unlicensed employee, notice of disciplinary action which has been placed on the personal file of the unlicensed employee shall be destroyed after two years have elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken provided that no further disciplinary action has been recorded during this period. ⚫ ⚫ 📬 * , ..
EMPLOYEE'S FILE. The employer agrees not to introduce as evidence in a hearing related to disciplinary sanctions any document from the file of an unlicensed employee, the existence of which the unlicensed employee was not aware at the time of filing or within a reasonable period thereafter. Upon written request of an unlicensed employee, of disciplinary sanctions which has been placed on the personal file of the unlicensed employee shall be destroyed after two (2) years have elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken provided that no further disciplinary action has been recorded during this period. Upon written request of an unlicensed employee, the personal file of that employee shall be made available once per year for examination in the presence of an authorized representative of the employer. This paragraph also applies when an unlicensed employee is off ship on leaves of absence due to the following: Sickness; Accident at work; While laid off by the Company, if the unlicensed employee has been given Notice For any leave of absence authorized by the Company. Retroactivity will be paid on all wages, premiums, statutory holidays, contributions to the of Canada Hiring Hall Trust Fund, the Seafarers’ Medical Plan, and Seafarers’ Pension Plan, overtime and for all hours worked starting June wherever necessary. This payment shall be paid within thirty (30) days following notice of ratification. RECREATION FACILITIES
EMPLOYEE'S FILE. The employer agrees not to introduce as evidence in a hearing related to disciplinary action any document from the file of an unlicensed employee, the existence of which the unlicensed employee was not aware at the time of filing or within a reasonable period thereafter. Upon written request of an unlicensed employee, notice of disciplinary action which has been placed on the personal file of the unlicensed employee shall be destroyed after two (2) years have elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken provided that no further disciplinary action has been recorded during this period. Upon written request of an unlicensed employee, the personal file of that employee shall be made available once per year for examinationin the presence of an authorized representative of the employer. This paragraph also applies when an unlicensed employee is off ship on leaves of absence due to the following: Sickness; Accident at work; While laid off by the Company, if the unlicensed employee has been given Notice of Intent, or; For any leave of absence authorizedby the Company.
EMPLOYEE'S FILE. No record of discipline or caution will be placed in an employee's file unless a copy of such record is given to the employee at the time of the disciplinary or cautionary action. Copies of such letters or memoranda will be delivered to the designated Union Representative. All such records will be removed from each employee’s files on the three year anniversary of such discipline or caution.
EMPLOYEE'S FILE. (a) If anything is placed on an employee's file(s) the employee shall have the right to a copy of it and the right to reply in writing and such reply shall become part of the employee's record. No adverse comment, warning, record of discipline or negative criticism will be placed on an employee's file without the employee being provided with a copy in a timely manner and the Employer agrees not to use against an employee anything from the employee's file of which the employee was not made aware and provided a copy in a timely manner following the event giving rise to the comment, warning, record of discipline or criticism. (b) Any act of meritorious conduct by an employee will be recorded on the employee's file and a copy will be given to the employee. (c) An employee shall have the right to make an appointment to see her/his complete file within a reasonable time of the request, including all files wherever kept, during business hours without loss of pay and shall be permitted to respond in writing to anything in the file whether or not she/he has previously responded and such response shall become part of the employee's file. The employee, at her/his discretion, may be accompanied by a Union representative and shall be entitled to a copy of any information contained in the file at the Employer's expense. The employee shall not remove anything from the file. (d) Any record of discipline shall be removed from an employee's file(s), and shall not be used against her/him any time after twenty-four (24) months of discipline free work from the date the discipline was imposed. This shall also apply to files which existed, prior to the signing of this collective agreement, on bargaining unit members. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the record of an employee with respect to sexual assault or sexual harassment may be used against that employee at any time for other incidents of a similar nature.
EMPLOYEE'S FILE a. Employee suspensions will be taken from the employee’s file after eighteen (18) months from the date of incident provided there are no further disciplinary incidents. Twelve (12) months for verbal and written warnings. b. In the presence of management, employees shall be granted access to their personal files with twenty-four (24) hours advance notice.
EMPLOYEE'S FILE. (a) If a letter of warning is placed on an employee’s file, the employee shall have the right to copy the letter within a reasonable time of the event that lead to the warning or the Employer’s knowledge of the event and allowing a reasonable time for an investigation. The employee has the right to reply in writing and such reply shall become part of the employee’s record. No warning will be placed on an employee’s file prior to the employee being provided with a copy. (b) An act of outstanding meritorious conduct by an employee will be acknowledged by management and recorded on the employee’s file and a copy given to the employee. (c) An employee shall have the right, upon reasonable notice to see his/her complete file, during business hours. (d) If an investigation is conducted on an employee’s activities, which may result in discipline in any form, including denial of transfer or promotion, the employee shall be notified of the result of the investigation within thirty (30) calendar days of the completion of the investigation.
EMPLOYEE'S FILE. The employer agrees not to introduce as evidence in a hearing related to action any document the file of an employee, the existence of which the employee was not at the time of filing or within a reasonable period thereafter. Upon request of an employee, notice of disciplinary action which has been placed on the of the unlicensed employee shall be destroyed after two (2)years have elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken provided that no disciplinary action has been recorded during this period. Upon written request of an employee, the personal file of that employee shall be made available once per year for examination in the presence of an authorised representative of the employer. This paragraph also applies when an employee is offship on leaves of absence due to the following: Accident at work; While laid off by the Company or; For any leave of absence authorized by the Company. Employees who are laid off, due to shortage of work, shall retain rights to the Company for up to twelve (12) months the date of lay off. Should they not be during this time, they shall be severed and the Company shall pay each employee five (5) days basic pay for each full year of service. Employees who appear on the Company Seniority List who are displaced due to automation, mechanization, permanent reduction in the number of employees or the sale or of a company vessel shall be entitled to bump other employees on other vessels who have less seniorityprovided they are qualified. Should there be no opportunity to exercise their rights of seniority as set out above, Employees shall exercise their bumping rights within seven (7) calendar days of being advised that their position has been terminated. Upon mutual consent between the Company and the Union this time limit may be extended. Should an employee be offered a permanent placement within the twelve (12) month period prescribed and the that employee will be considered to have and no severance pay shall be forthcoming. DURATION OF This agreement shall become effective on January and continue in force until December inclusive and thereafter year to year unless or until either party serves written notice OR the other party to the contrary at least one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to December or one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to December of any subsequentyear. Signed at _- LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING Committee A Company Occupational and Labour-Management Committee is established to promote and healthy working co...