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WAGES AND HOURS OF WORK. 11.01 Wages shall be paid in accordance with the rates set forth in Schedule “D” of this Agreement. 11.02 The normal work week shall be forty (40) hours (Monday to Friday, inclusive) and the normal work day consists of eight (8) hours. Management, however, may increase or decrease the hours of work for a normal work day, but if the change extends beyond fifteen (15) working days per year, it shall be subject to the concurrence of the employees concerned. However, it is agreed that the Company will not reduce the days of work per week without the concurrence of the employees concerned. While this paragraph defines the normal hours of work, it shall not be construed and interpreted as a guarantee by the Company to the Union of a specified number of hours of work per day or days of work per week. 11.03 Time and one-half the regular rate will be paid for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day. Time and one-half the regular rate will be paid for all hours worked on Saturdays and holidays. Double time will be paid for all hours worked in excess of twelve (12) hours in any one work day and for time worked on Sundays. 11.04 Employees called out for emergency work that is not continuous with their regular work periods shall be allowed a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the rate of time and one-half; and, if required to work in excess of four (4) hours, time and one-half on a minute basis to the nearest quarter hour. 11.05 When an employee is called in to work overtime and has not had nine (9) hours unbroken free time since the completion of their regular working period, such an employee shall not be required to continue working into the next regular day, except in case of extreme emergency. 11.06 No employee will be asked to take time off to compensate for accumulated overtime. (a) The Union recognizes the need of the Company for maximum production during peak periods and will endeavour to ensure the Company has sufficient employees to meet any necessary overtime requirement in order that production commitments will be met and maintained. If any employee has a reasonable excuse for not working overtime when requested to do so, they shall not be subject to any disciplinary action by the Company. The Company will maintain in each department an overtime roster ensuring each employee their fair share of overtime employment that must be met. The overtime roster shall be kept up to date by the Company and posted on the Plant bulletin board. (b) Overtime wo...
WAGES AND HOURS OF WORK. 5.1 A normal workday for an employee shall consist of a maximum of eight (8) consecutive hours, exclusive of lunch break, and a workweek for an employee shall consist of five (5) consecutive work days. 5.2 Wages for the 2023-24 school year shall be paid in accordance with the negotiated Wage and Classification Schedule for the hours worked in a day. In addition to the referenced wages, all employees who are employed by the District during FY 2023-24 shall receive a one time payment of one thousand dollars ($1000), prorated for employees working less than 1.0
WAGES AND HOURS OF WORK. (a) Payment of wages shall be made bi-weekly, except that when a statutory holiday falls on a regular payday, payment of wages shall be made prior to the holiday. (b) The workday for reporters shall constitute seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours and the work week shall be thirty-seven and one-half (37 1/2) hours within five (5) consecutive days, Monday to Friday. Both parties agree that a reporter may be required to work a Tuesday-to- Saturday shift at straight time rates of pay. The workweek shall be scheduled no later than three (3) days prior to the commencement of the weekly schedule. The schedule may be changed by mutual agreement between the Department Head and the employee, accounting for the requirements of the paper and the employees' prior commitments on their days off. Employees shall be paid overtime on the following basis: overtime is hereby defined as the time worked in excess of the number of hours established for a regular work day or work week. Overtime shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half (1 ½) for the first hour of each day and double-time thereafter the wage applicable to the same work when performed during non-overtime hours. Minimum of fifteen (15) minutes' pay shall be paid for any overtime worked. Overtime shall be computed in fifteen (15) minute units with any fraction of fifteen
WAGES AND HOURS OF WORK. A. A normal workday for employees shall consist of a maximum of eight (8) hours and a normal workweek for employees shall consist of a maximum of five (5) normal workdays. Employees may be scheduled to work a four (4) day, ten (10) hour work week, provided that the employee and his/her supervisor agree upon such schedule. Any variation from an employee's established work schedule shall be approved by the District and an explanation of any schedule change initiated by the District shall be given to the affected employee before the effective date of the change. B. Wages shall be paid in accordance with the negotiated Job Classification for the appropriate year. Please refer to the appendix section for classification and wage information. Upon mutual agreement between the employee and the building administrator, the number of contracted days, as stated in Appendix A, for non-instructional related staff may be adjusted, i.e.: either increased or reduced to meet needs of the building administrator. It is understood that final approval must come from the central office. Placement On the Wage Scale: Each newly hired employee shall be placed at his/her experience level commensurate with previous years of relevant work experience based on his/her submitted employment application up to a maximum of five (5) years. C. A full-time employee scheduled to work eight (8) hour days shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a workweek. A less than .80 FTE part-time employee directed to perform work in excess of eight hours per day shall be compensated at the rate of one and one- half (1 ½) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of eight
WAGES AND HOURS OF WORK. A. Wages 1. Unit members shall receive an increase of three and three quarters percent (3.75%) of their 2013-2014 hourly wage for year one of this Agreement: three and three quarters percent (3.75%) of their 2014-2015 hourly wage for year two of the Agreement: and three and three quarters percent (3.75%) of their 2015-2016 hourly wage for year three of this Agreement. 2. For the purpose of setting an hourly rate for new employees, a Base Hourly Wage Schedule will be established based on the beginning hourly rate for each job classification. (Appendix B). This will be a suggested schedule for new employees with no prior experience. The District reserves the right to establish hourly rates for new employees. 3. Bus Drivers will be paid their normal hourly rate for extra trips. B. Work Week 1. The normal work week for twelve (12) month employees shall be forty (40) hours with an additional one-half (1/2) hour unpaid lunch per day. The District retains the right to adjust the starting and ending times and the length of the workday at its discretion. 2. The normal work week for full-time ten (10) month employees shall be thirty (30) hours with an additional one-half (1/2) hour unpaid lunch per day. The District retains the right to adjust the starting and ending times and the length of the workday at its discretion 3. Part-time employees shall work the hours as assigned by the District.
WAGES AND HOURS OF WORKSection 6.1 The sole purpose of this Article is to provide a basis for the computation and payment of straight time, overtime and other premium wages. Section 6.2 Regular rate" of pay is defined as the straight time rate of pay per hour within the pay grade assigned to the employee's regular job classification as provided in the Classification and Rate Schedule attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement as Exhibit "B". Section 6.3 Hiring rate" of pay is defined as twenty-five cents ($0.25) less the "regular rate: of pay as set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto and shall apply to probationary employees. (a) The normal work week and pay week for all employees except boiler plant operators shall consist of forty (40) hours in five (5) consecutive days Monday through Friday. The normal hours of each workday, depending upon your classification (except boiler plant operators during the heating season) will be as follows: Day Shift 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Evening Shift 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Night Shift 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. The Union expressly understands that certain adjustments in work schedules and shifts may be necessary to insure a staff that will meet the needs of the University. It is further understood that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a guarantee by the University of hours worked per day, per week, or per year. (b) In the event of a snowstorm for which the Pennsylvania State Police issue a travel advisory warning for a time period commencing within one (1) hour prior to the beginning of an employee's scheduled shift as established by the University, an employee who reports to work within one (1) hour subsequent to the beginning of his scheduled shift will be paid as if he/she reported to work at the beginning of his scheduled shift provided that the employee notifies his supervisor, the Security Office, the Department of Operation and Maintenance or the University's switchboard at least one-half hour before the start of his scheduled shift that he/she will be late. (c) Essential Personnel are employees identified by the University and have agreed to the responsibilities as defined below. Essential Personnel are expected to report to the University during extenuating circumstances, e.g. weather emergencies, natural disaster or catastrophe event. These persons exhibit particular skill levels and abilities that require their reporting to work. They will be designated by their Supervisor(s) for demonstrating skills, physical capabilities,...
WAGES AND HOURS OF WORK. (a) The hours of work for Shipkeepers shall be any eight (8) hours in a spread of eighteen (18) hours from 06:00 hours to 24:00 hours, seven (7) days a week. (b) Shipkeepers responsible for one vessel will be paid a monthly wage of $4,120.00, Shipkeepers responsible for two vessels will be paid a monthly wage of $5,665.00. The monthly rate will be pro-rated for partial months. The wage rates shall be increased by the same percentage as Article 19, Schedule of Wages. Shipkeepers must live onboard the ship. (c) All overtime must be pre-approved by the vessel’s Ship Manager and will be paid at the applicable Overtime Rate.
WAGES AND HOURS OF WORK. 10.01 Job classifications and the wage rates applicable thereto shall be as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part hereof. Any new classifications or job rates established by OHEDI during this Agreement shall be notified to the Union forthwith and the Union shall be entitled to discuss them, in an attempt to resolve the issues, with OHEDI within thirty days of notification. If so discussed and agreed upon they shall be incorporated in and become part of this Agreement. If not so agreed upon, they shall be instituted as proposed by OHEDI and shall be subject to negotiation at the next negotiations for a renewal of the Agreement. a) The regular and normal work week for the Line Group, Stockkeeper, Metering, Protection & Control Group, Meter Reading Section, Inspectors, and Engineering Technologists (40 hours) but excluding shift workers, shall consist of forty hours, eight hours per day, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30
WAGES AND HOURS OF WORK. 3.1. Wages & Wage Increases
WAGES AND HOURS OF WORK. (a) The hourly base wage rates for all employees shall be as follows: Start Rate $10.27 After Probationary Period $10.59 After 1 Year $11.34 After 2 Years $12.25 After 3 Years $13.43 After 4 Years $14.77 (Top Rate) Start Rate $9.42 After Probationary Period $9.71 After 1 Year $10.21 After 2 Years $10.65 After 3 Years $11.17 After 4 Years $12.65 (Top Rate) (b) All full time employees who are on time and at work everyday of the work week or have paid time off shall receive an additional $0.30 per hour. (c) Any employee required to work in excess of 40 hours in any payroll week, shall be paid time and one-half for all such overtime. The payroll week shall begin at 12:01 A.M. on Sunday and end at 12 midnight the following Saturday. The Company will determine the pay day, which shall be bi-weekly. (d) No employee shall have their base hourly rate reduced as a result of the ratification of this contract. (e) All part-time employees who report for work as scheduled will be guaranteed a minimum of three (3) hours should the Company release them prior to the end of the third hour.