EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. Deductible – Nil. 100% reimbursement of eligible charges.
EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. Effective January 1, 2001 the following applies: ▪ Where possible the drug card must be used for all drugs purchased. Paper claims for drugs not purchased through the drug card will be accepted on two months per year (October and April). ▪ Self-Testing Devices (Blood Pressure Kits) may be purchased once every three
EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. The parties have revised the Health and Dental Benefits for Society represented employees, pensioners and eligible dependents brochure dated January 2014 or its electronic equivalent to include any negotiated changes. 47 DENTAL PLAN Effective January 1, 2002 the following applies:  Specific dental codes are replaced with specific categories: basic preventative, minor restorative, major restorative and orthodontics. Effective January 1st of each year of the Collective Agreement, the dentist fees will be paid up to the amounts shown in the current Ontario Dental Association (ODA) Fee Guide. 48 SEMI-PRIVATE HOSPITAL ACCOMMODATION PLAN Coverage under the Semi-Private Hospital Accommodation Plan is unchanged.
EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. 46.1 Effective January 1, 2006, the following applies: a) The new spouse will not be entitled to Health and Dental Benefits. b) Any dependent children of the surviving spouse would be entitled to Health and Dental Benefits. c) These changes will not be applied retroactively. d) It is recognized that an amendment to the pension plan document will be required to enact these changes. 46.2 OPG agrees to offer employees the option of using the Preferred Vision Services (PVS) Plan, subject to its availability. 46.3 OPG agrees to investigate using its purchasing power to negotiate a discounted group rate for employees who wish to purchase out of country travel insurance.
EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. 55.1 Unless otherwise provided, the following amendments to health benefits are effective January 1, 2013. o For erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs, extend provisions of the settlement of June 2008 to December 31, 2014. 55.2 The IESO offers employees the option of using the Preferred Vision Services (PVS) Plan, subject to its availability. 55.3 The IESO agrees to investigate using its purchasing power to negotiate a discounted group rate for employees who wish to purchase out of country travel insurance. 55.4 Drug claims are to be made electronically or by paper. Paper claims will be processed during the months of April and October only.
EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. Effective April 1, 2015, the following change shall apply:
EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. This benefit is designed to ensure against the service expenses resulting from illness or injury which may not be insured under the Basic Provincial Medical or Hospital Plan. Reimbursed at 100% of eligible expenses after $25 deductible per plan member per calendar year. Lifetime maximum is $100,000 per any one accident/illness/injury. Benefit highlights include: • Drugs - charges for drugs, medicines, serums and vaccines obtained by a written prescription; excluding patent or proprietary medicines, anti- obesity treatments and any charges made for the administration of serums, vaccines, or injectable drugs. The Plan will pay for no more than a 90-day supply at any one time unless the group policy terminates, in which case, no more than a 30-day supply will be considered. • Vision care - the following charges recommended or approved by a legally licensed physician, surgeon, ophthalmologist or optometrist: • Eye examinations (including eye refractions) up to a maximum of: • under 19 - one every 12 consecutive months • age 19 and over - one every 24 consecutive months • Vision Wear: frames, lenses and fitting of prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, or reimbursement for laser eye surgery, to a maximum total of $300 in any twenty-four (24) month period for each insured person. Dependents under 19 years of age may utilize the vision wear benefit once every 12 consecutive months. Contacts and eye glasses cannot be purchased within the same two year period. • Paramedical Services - charges for qualified services performed by the following practitioners who are registered in accordance with the laws of the province in which they are practicing: • Chiropractors*, Physiotherapists*, Massage Therapists*, Naturopaths*, Chiropodists or Podiatrists* (non-surgical) • Osteopaths, Registered Clinical Psychologists, Acupuncturists, Speech Therapists, Christian Science Practitioners (if listed in the current Christian Science Journal) • Charges for diagnostic x-rays and laboratory fees ordered by a chiropractor, osteopath, chiropodist or podiatrist The maximum charge for each visit is not to exceed the Schedule of Fees approved by the Association of which the practitioner is a member, and where there is no approved Schedule of Fees, the charge must be reasonable. The maximum amount payable per person per service is not to exceed $500 in any calendar year. • Other expenses (i.e. orthopedic shoes, orthotics, services and supplies, semi- private hospital room accommodation...
EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. 46.1 Effective April 19, 2018, the following applies: • When a married pensioner plan member dies and his or her spouse4 remarries: a) The new spouse will not be entitled to Health and Dental Benefits. b) Any dependent children of the surviving spouse would be entitled to Health and Dental Benefits. c) These changes will not be applied retroactively. d) It is recognized that an amendment to the pension plan document will be required to enact these changes. 46.2 OPG agrees to offer employees the option of using the Preferred Vision Services (PVS) Plan, subject to its availability. 46.3 OPG agrees to investigate using its purchasing power to negotiate a discounted group rate for employees who wish to purchase out of country travel insurance.
EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. Effective April 1, 2009, the following changes apply: Chiropractor charges (including x-rays) in excess of OHIP coverage will be paid on a per visit basis up to $700 maximum per person in any calendar year. Where an eligible person on the basis of a written report or prescription from the attending physician, which may include a chiropractor for items within his/her field of competency, requires an artificial limb or eye, cervical collars, cervical pillow (maximum of 1 per individual per year), braces, catheters, urinary kits, external breast prosthesis following mastectomies (the additional 25% not covered by Assistive Devices Program (ADP), once every 2 years, and up to three brassieres per year), ostomy supplies. Up to $50 per day for a maximum of 120 days in any period of 365 consecutive days, towards semi-private or private room accommodation in a hospital for the chronically ill or a chronic care unit of a general hospital. Excluding Pensioners, the dispensing fee is capped at a maximum of $10 per prescription filled. Effective April 1, 2006, the following changes apply: Chiropractor services covered up to $650 per year, Hearing aid batteries covered up to $100 per year, Orthodontic services covered up to a maximum of $5000 per lifetime, Orthotics covered to a maximum of $450 once every three years. For children under 18, orthotics covered to a maximum of $450 per year, Vision care (eyewear and contact lenses) covered to a maximum of $500 every two years. If vision deteriorates to an extent requiring new prescription eyewear during the two years, additional coverage of $200 (i.e., to a maximum of $700) is provided. Effective January 1, 2004 the following applies: OTC vitamins and minerals shall be covered where prescribed to treat or alleviate symptoms associated with chronic illnesses or conditions Paramedical Services includes coverage for the services of a registered Dietician In the event that vision deteriorates to such an extent that an employee requires a new prescription and they have used their current entitlement, management will allow an additional $200 to be claimed with submission of the old and new prescriptions. Effective January 1, 2001 the following applies:  Where possible the drug card must be used for all drugs purchased. Paper claims for drugs not purchased through the drug card will be accepted on two months per year (October and April).  Self-Testing Devices (Blood Pressure Kits) may be purchased once every three (3) calendar...
EXTENDED HEALTH BENEFITS (EHB. 46.1 Effective January 1, 2004, the amount for vision/eyewear is increased from $400.00 to $550.00 per person. The payment of $550.00 per two (2) year entitlement period may be used towards the cost of Radial Kerototomy/Laser Keratectomy. (a) Over-the-counter “Life Sustaining” products that do not “require a prescription by law” will be covered effective January 1, 2007 if they are on The Company’s Drug Formulary identified as “Life Sustaining”, and medically required for the treatment of an illness, injury or condition. That is, when prescribed by a doctor. The doctor should be asked to write out the information pertaining to over-the-counter products, separate from the drugs “requiring a prescription by law”. Effective January 1, 2006, ESA agrees to a onetime payment up to a maximum of $500.00 to share equally in the cost of home exercise equipment or to join a health club with all appropriate receipts. The purchase must be made during the period of January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006. Effective January 1, 1999, an annual eye examination will be paid for in the year in which the Ontario Health Insurance Plan does not cover an eye examination. Effective January 1, 1999, synvisc injections for treatment of osteoarthritis up to a lifetime maximum of $3,000 per person. Effective January 1, 1999, increase coverage for registered clinical psychologists from $1,500 per person per calendar year to $2,000 per person per calendar year. Effective January 1, 1999, increase coverage for paramedical services (naturopaths; clinical ecologists; homeopaths; acupuncturists; and registered masseurs) from an aggregate maximum of $200 per person per calendar year based on 50% coinsurance to $500 per person per calendar year based on 50% coinsurance. 46.2 Effective January 1, 2001 the following improvements apply: (a) Entitlement to self-testing devices (Blood Pressure Kits) once every three (3) calendar years. (b) Addition of CPAP Machines and associated equipment including headgear, mask, hose and filters to the Respiratory Devices covered by the Plan. (c) Addition of coverage for laser eye surgery with a $3000.00 lifetime maximum. (d) The employer will reimburse 100% of the employee costs for out of country coverage to a maximum of four (4) weeks in a calendar year. The parties will review existing carriers proposals and will jointly select a carrier and a policy. (e) Coverage for chiropractic services increased from $500 to $600 per year. (f) Coverage for paramedical ser...