Field Observation Sample Clauses
Field Observation. PART-TIME
A. Engineer will provide a Resident Project Representative at the construction site on a part- time basis from the Engineer’s office of not more than eight (8) hours per regular weekday, not including legal holidays (for up to 420 hours) as deemed necessary by the Engineer, to assist the Contractor with interpretation of the Drawings and Specifications, to observe in general if the Contractor’s work is in conformity with the Final Design Documents, and to monitor the Contractor’s progress as related to the Construction Contract date of completion.
B. Through standard, reasonable means, Engineer will become generally familiar with observable completed work. If the Engineer observes completed work that is inconsistent with the construction documents, that information shall be communicated to the contractor and Owner to address. Engineer shall not supervise, direct, control, or have charge or authority over any contractor’s work, nor shall the Engineer have authority over or be responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction selected or used by any contractor, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, for security or safety at the site, nor for any failure of any contractor to comply with laws and regulations applicable to such contractor’s furnishing and performing of its work. Engineer neither guarantees the performance of any contractor nor assumes responsibility for any contractor’s failure to furnish and perform the work in accordance with the contract documents, which contractor is solely responsible for its errors, omissions, and failure to carry out the work. Engineer shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of any contractor, subcontractor, or supplier, or of any of their agents or employees or any other person, (except Engineer’s own agents, employees, and consultants) at the site or otherwise furnishing or performing any work; or for any decision made regarding the contract documents, or any application, interpretation, or clarification, of the contract documents, other than those made by the Engineer.
C. Part-Time Field Observation provides that the Resident Project Representative will make intermittent site visits to observe the progress and quality of Contractor’s executed Work. Part-Time Field Observation does not guarantee the Engineer will observe or comment on work completed by the contractor at times the Resident Project Representative is not present on site. Such v...
Field Observation. ▪ Conduct a field walk with civil, electrical, and mechanical engineers to verify and better understand existing conditions of all buildings and site. ▪ Identify the condition of all portable classrooms to determine if continued use is viable, and if so, for how long.
Field Observation. 1. Consultant shall monitor the quality of the construction and compliance with the Contract Documents. Consultant services shall include field inspection/observation, and confirmation that materials and equipment are handled, stored and installed properly and meet the requirements of the Contract Documents.
2. Consultant shall advise ISD of any deviations, defects or deficiencies that Consultant observes during construction of the Project, and shall make recommendations to ISD about acceptable corrective actions.
3. Consultant shall prepare detailed daily inspection reports including photographic documentation of the Project site prior to and during construction.
4. Consultant shall perform special inspections as required by the Contract Documents. Inspections may include, but are not limited to, electrical installations, cathodic protection, concrete, rebar, concrete anchors, soils testing, and environmental compliance.
Field Observation. Field Observation of the construction in progress. All work shall be subject to field observation by the District and its representatives. The District shall at all times have access to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress, and the Developer shall provide proper facilities for such access and field observation. The Developer shall make tests of the work at the Developer’s expense upon the District’s request. Whenever work must be specially tested or inspected for compliance with public regulations, or with the plans and specifications, the Developer shall give the District reasonable notice of the readiness of the work for such test or inspection. The District shall make inspections within one business day of notification by the Developer. Work shall not be covered up without the consent of the District, and if it should be covered without such consent, it must be uncovered for inspection at the Developer’s expense. Such inspections and tests shall not relieve the Developer of any of its responsibilities under this Agreement.
Field Observation. The ENGINEER will conduct up to one (1) site visit to visually document the existing conditions.
Field Observation. Consultant’s Construction Inspector is experienced and diversified with inspection in various disciplines and will perform the work as follows:
Field Observation. The project manager’s and project engineer’s role during construction includes the following: Log in, review, and approve contractor submittals; Review shop drawings as required in the project manual; Review and recommendation of contractor’s pay requests, verifying work completed; Initiate any necessary correspondence with contractor regarding coordination of field and change orders; Respond to requests for information; Review interpretation, and clarification of specifications General correspondence with Xxxxxxxxx, SEH’s resident project representative (RPR), contractor and CDPHE; and Prepare punch list of remaining work items to be completed by the contractor prior to release of retainage. Once a week, a meeting will be held at the site involving, at a minimum, the contractor representative, and the SEH RPR. The purpose of the meetings will be to discuss the project schedule, any problems that might result in changes, and strategies for performing project tasks. Xxxxxxxxx staff and the CDPHE will be updated weekly and at other major milestone events of construction details. Additional meetings will be held as needed to ensure construction conforms to standards established in project plans and specifications. Any additional pay requests made by the contractor will be reviewed in the field for accuracy, discussed with the project manager, and approved following discussions with Xxxxxxxxx staff. SEH will submit weekly summary status reports to Xxxxxxxxx County regarding progress of the project. Additionally, construction meetings will be conducted weekly throughout the construction process to address concerns and document changes in scope as they are encountered. SEH will provide full-time inspection of all landfill construction activities that are required by the CDPHE Solid Waste Management Rules. The SEH RPR will ensure that the contractor is completing the project in accordance with approved project plans and specifications. SEH will provide the services of the project manager and engineer to overview the CQA process. Field activities of SEH personnel will include the following: Detailed daily inspection, progress reports, and field notes; CQA on liner construction methodology, and leachate collection system, clay liner placement, and leachate drainage layer Verification of clay materials (depth and conformance to specifications); Photographs to document construction; Observe and document the installation of the granular d...
Field Observation. An important aspect of signal timing is field observation of traffic conditions in order to better understand signal timing issues such as queuing problems, lost times, early or late release times, pedestrian demands, and phase operation. A field review will be conducted during each of the study periods by the staff who will be developing the signal models. Field review will consist of driving each corridor to observe general traffic flow conditions and standing along the corridor to review intersection operations to understand queuing and split demand issues. Field review will include reviewing the major traffic generators in the study area and to obtain an overall knowledge of the traffic conditions. A traffic engineer can rarely develop an effective model without a comprehensive field review. Additional field information will be collected to assist with the signal timing study. This information includes: • Existing lane geometry and physical roadway features • Saturation flow rates for typical movements • Initial lost times for typical intersections • Queue lengths at key intersection and along the corridors • Locations and movements with un-even lane distribution • Travel speeds between intersections and along the corridors • Other roadway conditions, such as on-street parking locations, bus stop locations, and truck traffic
Field Observation. The LGMA audit checklist includes a visual farm inspection element. This section of the audit includes an auditor assessment of proper water and soil amendments used on the farm and employee hygiene and hand washing. The auditor also surveys the ranch for any sources of fecal contamination. There are 29 checkpoints for Field Observation in the LGMA audit. 33 0 0 23 0 7 0 7 0 112 90 160 161 189 191 Flagrant Major Deviations Minor Deviations Minor Infractions 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 In 2013/14 seven Major Deviations were cited in the area of Field Observations. Of the seven Major Deviations assessed, four were issued for animal feces and droppings near leafy green fields and water distribution systems. In all cases, there was no direct contamination of product and the auditor verified that all material was removed by the handler. In all cases, personnel responsible for conducting environmental assessments were retrained. In one case, the grower opted not to grow leafy greens on a field with significant wild and domestic animal activity. fl In the other instances, one citation was issued for insufficient traceback: data was not correctly transferred from field tags to log sheets at the cooler. The error was corrected and all personnel involved in the process were retrained. The other two citations were assessed for not following SOP’s for testing of pH and chlorine in the field and a field sanitary unit not being cleaned and properly stocked. In these instances, the xxxxxxx was immediately retrained on procedures and the unit was pulled out of service until properly cleaned and stocked by the sanitation company. I have audited the accompanying financial statements of the enterprise activities of California Leafy Green Products Handler Marketing Agreement (LGMA) as of and for the year ended March 31, 2014, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Organization’s basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the LGMA’s management. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statement based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Controller General of the United States. Those standards require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable a...
Field Observation. Consultant will provide the field structural observation services by a registered civil or structural engineer required by Chapter 17, Section 1704.5 of the 2013 CBC specifically described below. Contractor and/or CM will provide all special inspection services required by the California Building Code (CBC). Information Provided by City/CM: Consultant Deliverables: