LIGHT DUTY POLICY. A. Light duty is granted only on a temporary basis at the sole discretion of the General Manager and the Department Manager. It will be granted based upon the needs of and benefit to the District, and the ability of the employee to perform the essential functions of a position which is authorized by the District and is available.
B. Light duty will be granted for a maximum of twenty-six (26) weeks in any two (2) year period for all injuries, both industrial and non-industrial.
LIGHT DUTY POLICY. Any employee disabled as a result of a work related injury may be offered a transitional work assignment or a temporary light duty work assignment if such work is available at the time.
LIGHT DUTY POLICY. The Company and Union hereby agree to utilize a light duty policy for injuries and sicknesses that occur on and off the job. All light duty assignments will occur under the following conditions:
1. Any task or duty assigned shall be within accordance of the treating physicians’ restrictions and/or limitations. In no case shall an assignment be made that could further injure the employee while reporting in a light duty capacity.
2. There must be a reasonable expectation that the employee will return to full duty with no restrictions. Progressive, continued improvement must be scheduled with a targeted recovery date specified by the treating physician. There does not exist a permanent light duty opportunity for employees that may be released with permanent restrictions that may affect their ability to perform their essential job functions.
3. In no case shall any one incident of a qualifying light duty instance, exceed a period of 365 days, unless the parties agree to mutually extend the deadline due to extenuating circumstances. It is expected that scenarios under this prerequisite will be limited in number and will be handled on a case by case basis.
4. All employees must obtain prior authorization and approval of management before reporting in on light duty status. For those employees restricted due to a compensable work place injury, light duty assignments shall be made by management, upon determining that the opportunity for such an assignment exists. For those employees on personal sick leave, the limitations and restrictions placed upon the employee by their treating physician shall be adhered to, and a light duty assignment will be utilized if the employee so agrees and there is sufficient work available. The employee’s option to utilize light duty assignments is only available for personal sick leave cases. All work assignments under this light duty language shall be made by management and, should questions arise concerning such application, the Xxxxxxx and Manager will meet and discuss in an attempt to clarify the matter.
LIGHT DUTY POLICY. The Northampton Public Schools Custodians’ Association agrees, through reference, a light duty policy. (Attached)
LIGHT DUTY POLICY. There is no light duty policy, and all employees must be able to perform fully the duties outlined.
LIGHT DUTY POLICY. A. Any employee disabled as a result of a work related injury may be offered a transitional work assignment or a temporary light duty work assignment if such work is available at the time.
B. The specific duties assigned any such employee shall depend upon the following factors:
1) Restrictions established by a physician selected by the District or approved by a physician of the District’s choice.
2) The qualifications, skills, and abilities of the employee.
3) The work requirements of the District at the time.
C. The duration of the transitional work assignment or the light duty work assignment shall be determined by the District in light of the nature of the injury, the prognosis of the physicians involved and the continuing availability of appropriate work. The number of hours and/or shift of the assignment may be changed in the discretion of the District. Assignments will be reviewed from time to time to assess their duration. In no event will an employee be in light duty status on a permanent basis.
D. The District shall designate a manager to monitor and supervise the transitional work program.
E. The objective of the program shall be to return the employee to his regular assignment at the earliest possible time with due regard for the safety of the employee. before the start of the employee’s regular shift, and if said request is justified. The one (1) day without the five day notice is available to employees who are employed forty (40) hours per week, twelve (12) months per year.
2) It is understood that personal leave will not be used for vacation days in themselves or to extend vacations and holidays.
3) For employees hired prior to July 1, 1987, the following procedure shall remain in effect for crediting unused personal days:
a) In the event that an employee does not use the allowed personal days during the 2008-09 work year (July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009) one day will be credited to that employee’s personal leave account for the 2009-10 work year (July 1 through June 30) for a maximum of four (4) days. For the 2009-10 work year one (1) day of unused personal leave may be credited to the employee’s personal leave account. For the 2010-11 work year, one (1) day of unused personal leave may be credited to the employee’s personal leave account. Only three (3) days may be used at one time. Any additional days not used shall be credited to the employee’s accumulated sick leave as of the beginning of the
4) For employees hired after July 1, 1987...
LIGHT DUTY POLICY. The purpose of this policy is to provide a procedure for identifying Firefighters who, although unable to perform full firefighting duties, are capable of performing meaningful work within the scope of a Firefighter’s function. Among the purposes of this policy is to provide to Firefighters the opportunity to contribute to the Fire Department through productive activity. This policy is not intended to be and is not a substitute for the provisions of M.G.L. c. 41, §111F. If there arises a conflict, the provisions of c. 41, §111F shall prevail. This policy shall apply to employees who have been injured while on duty within the meaning of c. 41, §111F and employees who are on sick leave benefits for non-work- related illness or injury. The policy shall not apply during the first three (3) months of such illness or injury.
LIGHT DUTY POLICY a. In the event an employee is unable to perform his/her duties as a result of an injury, he/she shall not be assigned to "light or limited" duty until authorized to do so by the City physician. In the event the employee disagrees with the opinion of the City physician to either return the employee to work on a "light or limited" duty basis, or not to return on a "light or limited" duty basis, he/she shall have the right to have an examination by another physician of the employee's choice. In the event that the two (2) physicians' opinions are in conflict, a third opinion shall be obtained by a physician mutually acceptable to both parties. The third opinion shall be binding. Costs of all examinations shall be borne by the City, only in connection with injuries incurred on the job. In cases where the employee is directed to a City physician, costs of such examination shall be borne by the City.
b. When an employee is prescribed physical/occupational therapy for an industrial injury, the therapy shall be provided on release time (IOD) to the extent practicable. It is anticipated that each therapy appointment will take no longer than two
LIGHT DUTY POLICY. The County will endeavor to bring employees with temporary work-related injuries or illnesses back on the job as soon as possible The County may recognize a special obligation arising out of the employment relationship and create a temporary light duty position for an employee when s/he has been injured while performing work for the Department and, as a consequence, is unable to perform his/her regular job duties. The County will not treat an employee with a disability less favorably than an individual without a disability or screen out an individual on the basis of disability in granting such requests for light duty. The County will grant such request, at its sole discretion, and on a case-by case basis in consideration of the medical report submitted by the workers compensation physician, the recommendation of the insuring entity and Departmental staffing needs and requirements. The County reserves the right to grant, refuse or terminate a light duty assignment at any time without cause unless it is in conflict with the mandates of the ADA, FMLA or NJFLA or other state or federal leave laws where applicable. The employee and/or the Third Party Administrator (hereafter “TPA”) are obligated to inform the County of the employee’s medical progress and the County shall have the right to review same periodically. Light duty assignments may be in any department and not just the employee’s normal department. Employees on light duty will receive their regular salaries. If light duty is approved, the employee or TPA must keep the County Administrator, Director of Personnel and Department Head informed of the medical progress. If at the end of light duty period the employee is not able to return to work without restrictions the employee should contact the Department of Personnel to discuss his or her options under state or federal law. This policy does not affect an employee’s rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Contagious or Life Threatening Illnesses Policy or other Federal or State law.
LIGHT DUTY POLICY. It is the policy of Lumberton Township that all municipal employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their employment with the Township and are thereafter unable to perform their regular duties shall report to the Township Administrator’s discretion in any other departments which he/she might assign them to, consistent with their particular skill, training and ability, so long as said work does not aggravate the injury or illness or unreasonably interfere with its treatment, it being the expressed intention of the parties that municipal employees who are unable to work at one particular position because of job-related injury or illness may be utilized in other municipal jobs while recovering from said injury or illness.